PolicyViolationWhen someonedoes somethingcompletelyagainst thegame'sunwritten rules. WhistleblowerWhen someoneraises a concernor pointssomething outthat others mightmiss. FCPA(ForeignCorruptPractices Act)ViolationFor whensomeoneblatantly cheatsor bends therules (all ingood fun!). MaterialBreachWhen someonemakes a bigmistake orviolation in thegame (in a funny,non-serious way). RedFlagWhen somethingsuspicioushappens, and aplayer needs towatch out forpotential trouble. ConflictofInterestWhen a playerseems to havea "hiddenagenda" or isclearly biasedin a move. BestPracticesWhen a playeruses the mostefficient oroptimal strategyto win a round. RegulatoryApprovalCall this when amove ordecision is fullyin line with therules or gameguidelines. Cross-bordercompliancerefers to theadherence to laws,regulations, andstandards that applywhen businesses orindividuals operateacross differentcountries or regions.AuditFindingsWhen someonecatches a smallmistake or errorthat couldimpact thegame. SanctionsWhen someoneimposes apenalty orrestriction onanother player. EscalationFor when someonemakes a bold, dramaticmove, or "raises thestakes.""Compliance Override!"– When someoneignores the standardrules (in a fun way)and goes off-script. AuditWhen a playerreviews the movesor actions thathave taken placeto ensureeverything is inorder. ComplianceCheckCall this whenplayers double-check theirmoves toensure they’rewithin the rules. EscalationProtocolCall this whensomeone tries to takecontrol of the game,or dramaticallyincreases the stakes.  DataIntegrityCall this whenplayers stick tothe facts or playfair withoutcheating.PenaltiesFor whensomeone incurs aminor penalty ormisstep in thegame (again, in ahumorouscontext). Consentdecreeis a legal agreementbetween two or moreparties, typically betweena government agencyand an organization, thatresolves a legal disputewithout the organizationadmitting guilt or liability. RiskAssessmentCall this whenplayersassess therisk of a moveor decision. DueDiligenceFor whensomeone carefullychecks or verifiessomething beforemaking a decision. KYC (KnowYourCompliance)For whensomeone asksfor clarificationor verificationbefore takingaction. Non-DisclosureAgreementFor whensomeonemakes a secretmove or doesn'treveal theirstrategy. ComplianceVictoryWhen a playersuccessfullyadheres to allthe game rulesand wins. AuditTrailPerfect forwhen someoneis keepingdetailed notesor tracking theirmoves. Liabilityrefers to the legalresponsibility forone's actions oromissions that causeharm, damage, orinjury to anotherparty.  RiskMitigationWhen a playermakes a smartmove to reducetheir chances oflosing. Third-PartyRiskFor when anotherplayer (or team)causes anunexpectedcomplication orchallenge. DataPrivacyCall this whensomeone keepssomethingconfidential or followsproper procedures forinformation sharing.  ComplianceTrainingFor whensomeoneexplains therules orstrategy in adetailed way. ConfidentialInformationCall this when aplayer revealssomething theyshouldn’t (in thespirit of fun, ofcourse). PolicyViolationWhen someonedoes somethingcompletelyagainst thegame'sunwritten rules. WhistleblowerWhen someoneraises a concernor pointssomething outthat others mightmiss. FCPA(ForeignCorruptPractices Act)ViolationFor whensomeoneblatantly cheatsor bends therules (all ingood fun!). MaterialBreachWhen someonemakes a bigmistake orviolation in thegame (in a funny,non-serious way). RedFlagWhen somethingsuspicioushappens, and aplayer needs towatch out forpotential trouble. ConflictofInterestWhen a playerseems to havea "hiddenagenda" or isclearly biasedin a move. BestPracticesWhen a playeruses the mostefficient oroptimal strategyto win a round. RegulatoryApprovalCall this when amove ordecision is fullyin line with therules or gameguidelines. Cross-bordercompliancerefers to theadherence to laws,regulations, andstandards that applywhen businesses orindividuals operateacross differentcountries or regions.AuditFindingsWhen someonecatches a smallmistake or errorthat couldimpact thegame. SanctionsWhen someoneimposes apenalty orrestriction onanother player. EscalationFor when someonemakes a bold, dramaticmove, or "raises thestakes.""Compliance Override!"– When someoneignores the standardrules (in a fun way)and goes off-script. AuditWhen a playerreviews the movesor actions thathave taken placeto ensureeverything is inorder. ComplianceCheckCall this whenplayers double-check theirmoves toensure they’rewithin the rules. EscalationProtocolCall this whensomeone tries to takecontrol of the game,or dramaticallyincreases the stakes.  DataIntegrityCall this whenplayers stick tothe facts or playfair withoutcheating.PenaltiesFor whensomeone incurs aminor penalty ormisstep in thegame (again, in ahumorouscontext). Consentdecreeis a legal agreementbetween two or moreparties, typically betweena government agencyand an organization, thatresolves a legal disputewithout the organizationadmitting guilt or liability. RiskAssessmentCall this whenplayersassess therisk of a moveor decision. DueDiligenceFor whensomeone carefullychecks or verifiessomething beforemaking a decision. KYC (KnowYourCompliance)For whensomeone asksfor clarificationor verificationbefore takingaction. Non-DisclosureAgreementFor whensomeonemakes a secretmove or doesn'treveal theirstrategy. ComplianceVictoryWhen a playersuccessfullyadheres to allthe game rulesand wins. AuditTrailPerfect forwhen someoneis keepingdetailed notesor tracking theirmoves. Liabilityrefers to the legalresponsibility forone's actions oromissions that causeharm, damage, orinjury to anotherparty.  RiskMitigationWhen a playermakes a smartmove to reducetheir chances oflosing. Third-PartyRiskFor when anotherplayer (or team)causes anunexpectedcomplication orchallenge. DataPrivacyCall this whensomeone keepssomethingconfidential or followsproper procedures forinformation sharing.  ComplianceTrainingFor whensomeoneexplains therules orstrategy in adetailed way. ConfidentialInformationCall this when aplayer revealssomething theyshouldn’t (in thespirit of fun, ofcourse). 


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. When someone does something completely against the game's unwritten rules.
    Policy Violation
  2. When someone raises a concern or points something out that others might miss.
  3. For when someone blatantly cheats or bends the rules (all in good fun!).
    FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) Violation
  4. When someone makes a big mistake or violation in the game (in a funny, non-serious way).
    Material Breach
  5. When something suspicious happens, and a player needs to watch out for potential trouble.
    Red Flag
  6. When a player seems to have a "hidden agenda" or is clearly biased in a move.
    Conflict of Interest
  7. When a player uses the most efficient or optimal strategy to win a round.
    Best Practices
  8. Call this when a move or decision is fully in line with the rules or game guidelines.
    Regulatory Approval
  9. refers to the adherence to laws, regulations, and standards that apply when businesses or individuals operate across different countries or regions.
    Cross-border compliance
  10. When someone catches a small mistake or error that could impact the game.
    Audit Findings
  11. When someone imposes a penalty or restriction on another player.
  12. For when someone makes a bold, dramatic move, or "raises the stakes." "Compliance Override!" – When someone ignores the standard rules (in a fun way) and goes off-script.
  13. When a player reviews the moves or actions that have taken place to ensure everything is in order.
  14. Call this when players double-check their moves to ensure they’re within the rules.
    Compliance Check
  15. Call this when someone tries to take control of the game, or dramatically increases the stakes.
    Escalation Protocol
  16. Call this when players stick to the facts or play fair without cheating.
    Data Integrity
  17. For when someone incurs a minor penalty or misstep in the game (again, in a humorous context).
  18. is a legal agreement between two or more parties, typically between a government agency and an organization, that resolves a legal dispute without the organization admitting guilt or liability.
    Consent decree
  19. Call this when players assess the risk of a move or decision.
    Risk Assessment
  20. For when someone carefully checks or verifies something before making a decision.
    Due Diligence
  21. For when someone asks for clarification or verification before taking action.
    KYC (Know Your Compliance)
  22. For when someone makes a secret move or doesn't reveal their strategy.
    Non-Disclosure Agreement
  23. When a player successfully adheres to all the game rules and wins.
    Compliance Victory
  24. Perfect for when someone is keeping detailed notes or tracking their moves.
    Audit Trail
  25. refers to the legal responsibility for one's actions or omissions that cause harm, damage, or injury to another party.
  26. When a player makes a smart move to reduce their chances of losing.
    Risk Mitigation
  27. For when another player (or team) causes an unexpected complication or challenge.
    Third-Party Risk
  28. Call this when someone keeps something confidential or follows proper procedures for information sharing.
    Data Privacy
  29. For when someone explains the rules or strategy in a detailed way.
    Compliance Training
  30. Call this when a player reveals something they shouldn’t (in the spirit of fun, of course).
    Confidential Information