FREEWill haveanothergrandchildcomeFebruary!Visited ahedgehogcafe inTokyo, JapanHiked a6000 yearold glacierin CanadaSurvived a14 hr car tripw/ a 4 yr oldand 9 monoldMet 'TheGeneral'from AnimalPlanets"Tanked"Traveledthrough 7states & 2countries in 2weeks (51 hrson the road)Got to tour achocolatefactory whilein thebahamas!FREEBiked 412miles with afastest speedof 41 MPHFoundmyself hikingand campingin snowFound outsnapping turtlesfed Pirates Bootywill become yourswimming buddiesfor the week!Went deepsea fishingoff the coastof MauiFREEWatched twocardinalshatch andhang out for aweekFREEWill haveanothergrandchildcomeFebruary!Visited ahedgehogcafe inTokyo, JapanHiked a6000 yearold glacierin CanadaSurvived a14 hr car tripw/ a 4 yr oldand 9 monoldMet 'TheGeneral'from AnimalPlanets"Tanked"Traveledthrough 7states & 2countries in 2weeks (51 hrson the road)Got to tour achocolatefactory whilein thebahamas!FREEBiked 412miles with afastest speedof 41 MPHFoundmyself hikingand campingin snowFound outsnapping turtlesfed Pirates Bootywill become yourswimming buddiesfor the week!Went deepsea fishingoff the coastof MauiFREEWatched twocardinalshatch andhang out for aweek

Summer News - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. FREE
  2. Will have another grandchild come February!
  3. Visited a hedgehog cafe in Tokyo, Japan
  4. Hiked a 6000 year old glacier in Canada
  5. Survived a 14 hr car trip w/ a 4 yr old and 9 mon old
  6. Met 'The General' from Animal Planets "Tanked"
  7. Traveled through 7 states & 2 countries in 2 weeks (51 hrs on the road)
  8. Got to tour a chocolate factory while in the bahamas!
  9. FREE
  10. Biked 412 miles with a fastest speed of 41 MPH
  11. Found myself hiking and camping in snow
  12. Found out snapping turtles fed Pirates Booty will become your swimming buddies for the week!
  13. Went deep sea fishing off the coast of Maui
  14. FREE
  15. Watched two cardinals hatch and hang out for a week