is a twin has a sibling younger than them is taller than you was born in the same month as you is wearing a hat has broken a bone in their body has visited another country is afraid of spiders can play a musical instrument dislikes chocolate does not like pizza is wearing the same color shirt as you has the same favorite color as you plays a sport in school likes spicy foods can speak a foreign language is an only child has fainted in public can drive a car has green eyes likes to go fishing is left- handed has two or more pets who is wearing earrings is a twin has a sibling younger than them is taller than you was born in the same month as you is wearing a hat has broken a bone in their body has visited another country is afraid of spiders can play a musical instrument dislikes chocolate does not like pizza is wearing the same color shirt as you has the same favorite color as you plays a sport in school likes spicy foods can speak a foreign language is an only child has fainted in public can drive a car has green eyes likes to go fishing is left- handed has two or more pets who is wearing earrings
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
is a twin
has a sibling younger than them
is taller than you
was born in the same month as you
is wearing a hat
has broken a bone in their body
has visited another country
is afraid of spiders
can play a musical instrument
dislikes chocolate
does not like pizza
is wearing the same color shirt as you
has the same favorite color as you
plays a sport in school
likes spicy foods
can speak a foreign language
is an only child
has fainted in public
can drive a car
has green eyes
likes to go fishing
is left-handed
has two or more pets
who is wearing earrings