someonementions mymother lyingabout goingto AAsomeoneliterallydiesdad cheatingon my mumwhen she waspregnant withme mentionedouted tograndparentsmy sistergetsviolentwith meuncles getin violentfightmy dog getsscared by thefighting and ithreaten tocall the rspcai try towalkout‘identifyas’ jokethe menleave for thefamilyfunction forthe pubmy sisterbrings upme”failing”my alevels‘your children willnever actually beyour childrenbecause you’regay so they won’tbe biological’unclecheatingon my auntmentionedmy sister bringsup when mydad brought aknife to histhroat in front ofhergrandadsrant endsin anepileptic fit grandad hasamisogynisticrantsomethingburns causingmy mum andaunt to kickoffsomeonestops mefromleaving‘my xmaswish wasfor you todie’someonegetsarrestedaunts havea fight aboutthe toddlers’bedtimei call anuber homeon my dadscredit cardthe disaster ofwhat happenedlast year onchristmas ismentionedmymothergets toodrunksomeonementions mymother lyingabout goingto AAsomeoneliterallydiesdad cheatingon my mumwhen she waspregnant withme mentionedouted tograndparentsmy sistergetsviolentwith meuncles getin violentfightmy dog getsscared by thefighting and ithreaten tocall the rspcai try towalkout‘identifyas’ jokethe menleave for thefamilyfunction forthe pubmy sisterbrings upme”failing”my alevels‘your children willnever actually beyour childrenbecause you’regay so they won’tbe biological’unclecheatingon my auntmentionedmy sister bringsup when mydad brought aknife to histhroat in front ofhergrandadsrant endsin anepileptic fit grandad hasamisogynisticrantsomethingburns causingmy mum andaunt to kickoffsomeonestops mefromleaving‘my xmaswish wasfor you todie’someonegetsarrestedaunts havea fight aboutthe toddlers’bedtimei call anuber homeon my dadscredit cardthe disaster ofwhat happenedlast year onchristmas ismentionedmymothergets toodrunk

xmas bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. someone mentions my mother lying about going to AA
  2. someone literally dies
  3. dad cheating on my mum when she was pregnant with me mentioned
  4. outed to grandparents
  5. my sister gets violent with me
  6. uncles get in violent fight
  7. my dog gets scared by the fighting and i threaten to call the rspca
  8. i try to walk out
  9. ‘identify as’ joke
  10. the men leave for the family function for the pub
  11. my sister brings up me”failing” my alevels
  12. ‘your children will never actually be your children because you’re gay so they won’t be biological’
  13. uncle cheating on my aunt mentioned
  14. my sister brings up when my dad brought a knife to his throat in front of her
  15. grandads rant ends in an epileptic fit
  16. grandad has a misogynistic rant
  17. something burns causing my mum and aunt to kick off
  18. someone stops me from leaving
  19. ‘my xmas wish was for you to die’
  20. someone gets arrested
  21. aunts have a fight about the toddlers’ bedtime
  22. i call an uber home on my dads credit card
  23. the disaster of what happened last year on christmas is mentioned
  24. my mother gets too drunk