nosy best friend wedding dress family feud snowball fight main character loves xmas main character has a secret main character is baker ice skating christmas cookies holiday event old crush/love scene decorating/putting up xmas lights main character is from NYC cute town name airplane/airport scene goes to fancy ball "accidental" fall requires help up mistletoe hot chocolate christmas carols interrupted first kiss perfect snow fall big city character in small town ends with a kiss main character is interior decorator car trouble decorate christmas tree build a snowman main character recounts childhood story kid wants single parent to get married relative needs help main character is workaholic characters pretend to be married or dating buying or wrapping gifts handwritten note or letter nosy best friend wedding dress family feud snowball fight main character loves xmas main character has a secret main character is baker ice skating christmas cookies holiday event old crush/love scene decorating/putting up xmas lights main character is from NYC cute town name airplane/airport scene goes to fancy ball "accidental" fall requires help up mistletoe hot chocolate christmas carols interrupted first kiss perfect snow fall big city character in small town ends with a kiss main character is interior decorator car trouble decorate christmas tree build a snowman main character recounts childhood story kid wants single parent to get married relative needs help main character is workaholic characters pretend to be married or dating buying or wrapping gifts handwritten note or letter
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
B-nosy best friend
B-wedding dress
G-family feud
I-snowball fight
N-main character loves xmas
G-main character has a secret
O-main character is baker
B-ice skating
N-christmas cookies
G-holiday event
O-old crush/love
O-scene decorating/putting up xmas lights
G-main character is from NYC
B-cute town name
G-airplane/airport scene
I-goes to fancy ball
N-"accidental" fall requires help up
I-hot chocolate
I-christmas carols
O-interrupted first kiss
O-perfect snow fall
I-big city character in small town
B-ends with a kiss
N-main character is interior decorator
N-car trouble
G-decorate christmas tree
N-build a snowman
O-main character recounts childhood story
I-kid wants single parent to get married
I-relative needs help
B-main character is workaholic
G-characters pretend to be married or dating
B-buying or wrapping gifts
I-handwritten note or letter