Witness a childbegging theirparents to getthemsomething froma gift shopSeesomeonepuke after arollercoasterGo on a ridethat yourefused to goon as a kidFind adultswith full JedigetupwieldinglightsabersReplicatea scenefrom amovieFind an itemat a gift shopthat is worthits priceDrinksomethingwith acurly strawSee acostumedcharacteryou don’trecognizeWitness aclearly/obviouslydrunk adultWitnessa DisneyproposalHugsomeoneyou loveVisit a countryyou’ve neverheard ofbefore atEpcotSee somethingthatlegitimatelyimpressed youGet a smallglimpse ofthebackroomsWitness acostumedcharacter try tomake an upset kidfeel better butactually make itworseEat aweirdlycoloredfoodWitness an adultreassuring kidthat they’re“almost there”(but they’re notactually)Listen to akid sing asong froma movieGo on a ridethat yourememberfrom yourchildhoodSee alemurWitness thelook of sheerunadulteratedjoy on a smallchild’s faceGetlostSee a child getflustered whenthe hug thelegs of an adultwho is clearlynot their parentSee twokidsholdinghandsWitness a childbegging theirparents to getthemsomething froma gift shopSeesomeonepuke after arollercoasterGo on a ridethat yourefused to goon as a kidFind adultswith full JedigetupwieldinglightsabersReplicatea scenefrom amovieFind an itemat a gift shopthat is worthits priceDrinksomethingwith acurly strawSee acostumedcharacteryou don’trecognizeWitness aclearly/obviouslydrunk adultWitnessa DisneyproposalHugsomeoneyou loveVisit a countryyou’ve neverheard ofbefore atEpcotSee somethingthatlegitimatelyimpressed youGet a smallglimpse ofthebackroomsWitness acostumedcharacter try tomake an upset kidfeel better butactually make itworseEat aweirdlycoloredfoodWitness an adultreassuring kidthat they’re“almost there”(but they’re notactually)Listen to akid sing asong froma movieGo on a ridethat yourememberfrom yourchildhoodSee alemurWitness thelook of sheerunadulteratedjoy on a smallchild’s faceGetlostSee a child getflustered whenthe hug thelegs of an adultwho is clearlynot their parentSee twokidsholdinghands

Disney Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Witness a child begging their parents to get them something from a gift shop
  2. See someone puke after a rollercoaster
  3. Go on a ride that you refused to go on as a kid
  4. Find adults with full Jedi getup wielding lightsabers
  5. Replicate a scene from a movie
  6. Find an item at a gift shop that is worth its price
  7. Drink something with a curly straw
  8. See a costumed character you don’t recognize
  9. Witness a clearly/obviously drunk adult
  10. Witness a Disney proposal
  11. Hug someone you love
  12. Visit a country you’ve never heard of before at Epcot
  13. See something that legitimately impressed you
  14. Get a small glimpse of the backrooms
  15. Witness a costumed character try to make an upset kid feel better but actually make it worse
  16. Eat a weirdly colored food
  17. Witness an adult reassuring kid that they’re “almost there” (but they’re not actually)
  18. Listen to a kid sing a song from a movie
  19. Go on a ride that you remember from your childhood
  20. See a lemur
  21. Witness the look of sheer unadulterated joy on a small child’s face
  22. Get lost
  23. See a child get flustered when the hug the legs of an adult who is clearly not their parent
  24. See two kids holding hands