A former NFLstar turnedcoach wins theCelebrationBowlJokicsnubbedfrom winningMVPCollege WorldSeries containsat least five SECteams, breaksviewershiprecordsAaronRodgersretires, thenun-retiresAn aginginternationalhouseholdname comesto MLSMarchMadnessCinderella runby a schoolwith a phallicsounding nameMets missthe playoffsin year onewith SotoDeion Sandersno longer atColorado bythe end of theyearAn NHLplayoff gamegoes to fourovertimesAt least fourQBs taken inthe firstround of theNFL DraftAt least 12 SECteams makeMarchMadness; nonereach the FinalFourOvi breaksthe all timeNHL goalsrecordWhite Soxlose at least110 gamesagainExpandedCFPannouncedfor 2026seasonMaple Leafslose inseven in thefirst roundA top recruitsigns an NILdeal worth atleast $20millionBronnygets playoffminutes forthe LakersTaylor Swiftand TravisKelce getengagedMajor bettingscandalinvolving one ofthe best playersin the sportsworldCastellanoshome runafter a highprofile deathChiefs winthe SuperBowl on aquestionablepenalty callCaitlin Clarkleads theFever to theWNBAFinalsA non-SECteam winsthe CFP;Lane Kiffincries about itUrban Meyeris coachingsomewhereby the end ofthe yearA former NFLstar turnedcoach wins theCelebrationBowlJokicsnubbedfrom winningMVPCollege WorldSeries containsat least five SECteams, breaksviewershiprecordsAaronRodgersretires, thenun-retiresAn aginginternationalhouseholdname comesto MLSMarchMadnessCinderella runby a schoolwith a phallicsounding nameMets missthe playoffsin year onewith SotoDeion Sandersno longer atColorado bythe end of theyearAn NHLplayoff gamegoes to fourovertimesAt least fourQBs taken inthe firstround of theNFL DraftAt least 12 SECteams makeMarchMadness; nonereach the FinalFourOvi breaksthe all timeNHL goalsrecordWhite Soxlose at least110 gamesagainExpandedCFPannouncedfor 2026seasonMaple Leafslose inseven in thefirst roundA top recruitsigns an NILdeal worth atleast $20millionBronnygets playoffminutes forthe LakersTaylor Swiftand TravisKelce getengagedMajor bettingscandalinvolving one ofthe best playersin the sportsworldCastellanoshome runafter a highprofile deathChiefs winthe SuperBowl on aquestionablepenalty callCaitlin Clarkleads theFever to theWNBAFinalsA non-SECteam winsthe CFP;Lane Kiffincries about itUrban Meyeris coachingsomewhereby the end ofthe year

2025 North American Sports Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A former NFL star turned coach wins the Celebration Bowl
  2. Jokic snubbed from winning MVP
  3. College World Series contains at least five SEC teams, breaks viewership records
  4. Aaron Rodgers retires, then un-retires
  5. An aging international household name comes to MLS
  6. March Madness Cinderella run by a school with a phallic sounding name
  7. Mets miss the playoffs in year one with Soto
  8. Deion Sanders no longer at Colorado by the end of the year
  9. An NHL playoff game goes to four overtimes
  10. At least four QBs taken in the first round of the NFL Draft
  11. At least 12 SEC teams make March Madness; none reach the Final Four
  12. Ovi breaks the all time NHL goals record
  13. White Sox lose at least 110 games again
  14. Expanded CFP announced for 2026 season
  15. Maple Leafs lose in seven in the first round
  16. A top recruit signs an NIL deal worth at least $20 million
  17. Bronny gets playoff minutes for the Lakers
  18. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce get engaged
  19. Major betting scandal involving one of the best players in the sports world
  20. Castellanos home run after a high profile death
  21. Chiefs win the Super Bowl on a questionable penalty call
  22. Caitlin Clark leads the Fever to the WNBA Finals
  23. A non-SEC team wins the CFP; Lane Kiffin cries about it
  24. Urban Meyer is coaching somewhere by the end of the year