FocusWhat Ishould doin class?SafeThis is whatyou need tobe in labALWAYS.After class,at lunch, orafterschoolThis is whenI can talk toMrs. T aboutmy grade.1weekHow long do Ihave to makeup a test/QuizI was absentfor?If I am notwearinggogglesWhen will Iget sent outof lab andget a zero?AbsentWorkWhat shouldI check whenI return afterbeingabsent?Name,Date,Period,and TitleThis is whatmust be oneveryassignment.StayonTaskThis is what Ishould doduring lab orindividualwork time!Turnin BinThis iswhere Iturn stuffin.If my cellphone isout/earbudsThis iswhen I geta TechReferral.pen/pencilperiodictableWhat Ishould havewith meeveryday?Re-readinstructions,ask a friend,give my besteffortWhat Ishould dobefore Iask Mrs. TCheck my areafor belongings& trash thenthrow anyawayWhat Ishould dobefore Ileave class?1This is the #of weeks youhave to turnin anassignment.Raise myhand andwait to becalled onWhat Ishould do toask/answera question?ParticipateWhat I amexpectedto do inclass?RespectfulWhat Ishould beto others?Sittingquietly in myseat doingBell workWhat I needto be doingto NOT belate?ONLYwhen Ms.T gives mepermissionWhen canI use myphone inclass?PassI have to askand use thisto go to therestroom.GoggleClassroomWhere can Ifind absentwork/missedinformation?ResponsibleWhat I canbe to besuccessful?WaterWhat Ican drinkin class?ChargedThe state mychromebookshould be inwhen I arrivein class?FocusWhat Ishould doin class?SafeThis is whatyou need tobe in labALWAYS.After class,at lunch, orafterschoolThis is whenI can talk toMrs. T aboutmy grade.1weekHow long do Ihave to makeup a test/QuizI was absentfor?If I am notwearinggogglesWhen will Iget sent outof lab andget a zero?AbsentWorkWhat shouldI check whenI return afterbeingabsent?Name,Date,Period,and TitleThis is whatmust be oneveryassignment.StayonTaskThis is what Ishould doduring lab orindividualwork time!Turnin BinThis iswhere Iturn stuffin.If my cellphone isout/earbudsThis iswhen I geta TechReferral.pen/pencilperiodictableWhat Ishould havewith meeveryday?Re-readinstructions,ask a friend,give my besteffortWhat Ishould dobefore Iask Mrs. TCheck my areafor belongings& trash thenthrow anyawayWhat Ishould dobefore Ileave class?1This is the #of weeks youhave to turnin anassignment.Raise myhand andwait to becalled onWhat Ishould do toask/answera question?ParticipateWhat I amexpectedto do inclass?RespectfulWhat Ishould beto others?Sittingquietly in myseat doingBell workWhat I needto be doingto NOT belate?ONLYwhen Ms.T gives mepermissionWhen canI use myphone inclass?PassI have to askand use thisto go to therestroom.GoggleClassroomWhere can Ifind absentwork/missedinformation?ResponsibleWhat I canbe to besuccessful?WaterWhat Ican drinkin class?ChargedThe state mychromebookshould be inwhen I arrivein class?

Classroom Rules, Expectations, & Procedures - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What I should do in class?
  2. This is what you need to be in lab ALWAYS.
  3. This is when I can talk to Mrs. T about my grade.
    After class, at lunch, or after school
  4. How long do I have to make up a test/Quiz I was absent for?
    1 week
  5. When will I get sent out of lab and get a zero?
    If I am not wearing goggles
  6. What should I check when I return after being absent?
    Absent Work
  7. This is what must be on every assignment.
    Name, Date, Period, and Title
  8. This is what I should do during lab or individual work time!
    Stay on Task
  9. This is where I turn stuff in.
    Turn in Bin
  10. This is when I get a Tech Referral.
    If my cell phone is out/ear buds
  11. What I should have with me everyday?
    pen/pencil periodic table
  12. What I should do before I ask Mrs. T
    Re-read instructions, ask a friend, give my best effort
  13. What I should do before I leave class?
    Check my area for belongings & trash then throw any away
  14. This is the # of weeks you have to turn in an assignment.
  15. What I should do to ask/answer a question?
    Raise my hand and wait to be called on
  16. What I am expected to do in class?
  17. What I should be to others?
  18. What I need to be doing to NOT be late?
    Sitting quietly in my seat doing Bell work
  19. When can I use my phone in class?
    ONLY when Ms. T gives me permission
  20. I have to ask and use this to go to the restroom.
  21. Where can I find absent work/missed information?
    Goggle Classroom
  22. What I can be to be successful?
  23. What I can drink in class?
  24. The state my chromebook should be in when I arrive in class?