Trumppubliclypraises NorthKorea/KimJong UnElon Musk postsinformationclassified ascontrolledunclassified orhigher on TwitterMattGaetzpardonedTrump tries toshut downDepartment ofHousing andUrbanDevelopmentTrumptries towithdrawfrom NATOElon Muskannouncesstuff like it'spolicy when nopolicy existsElon Musk goes torandomgovernment officesto threaten to firepeople, postsabout it on twitterGovernmentShutdownTrumpfiresElonMusk companies(SpaceX/TeslaMoters/xAI/Twitter/etc)are awarded over $750million in newgovernment contractsPeople who areLGBTQIA+ areblocked from gettingSecurity Clearanceand/or haveClearances revokedfor being LGBTQIA+Trump getsmad at Dept.of Energy &tries to move itunder DefenseTrumpwithdrawsfrom ParisClimateAgreementTrump triesto havesummitwith RussiaDonald Trumppostsinformationclassified asSecret or higheron social mediaElon publicly trasheson a cabinetmember/administrationofficialMelaniastays in NewYork for atleast 6monthsTrumpconsidersexpandingnumber ofjustices onSupreme CourtElon Musk tries touse Trump admin toprevent governmentagencies/officialsfrom usingBluesky/otheralternative socialmedia appsGovernmentAgenciesforced to stoptalking aboutClimateChangeTrump getsmad atEuropeanUnionElon publiclytrashes onrandomgovernmentemployeeElon Musktries to getDonald Trumpto close TruthSocialTrump talkspositivelyaboutEpsteinTrumppubliclypraises NorthKorea/KimJong UnElon Musk postsinformationclassified ascontrolledunclassified orhigher on TwitterMattGaetzpardonedTrump tries toshut downDepartment ofHousing andUrbanDevelopmentTrumptries towithdrawfrom NATOElon Muskannouncesstuff like it'spolicy when nopolicy existsElon Musk goes torandomgovernment officesto threaten to firepeople, postsabout it on twitterGovernmentShutdownTrumpfiresElonMusk companies(SpaceX/TeslaMoters/xAI/Twitter/etc)are awarded over $750million in newgovernment contractsPeople who areLGBTQIA+ areblocked from gettingSecurity Clearanceand/or haveClearances revokedfor being LGBTQIA+Trump getsmad at Dept.of Energy &tries to move itunder DefenseTrumpwithdrawsfrom ParisClimateAgreementTrump triesto havesummitwith RussiaDonald Trumppostsinformationclassified asSecret or higheron social mediaElon publicly trasheson a cabinetmember/administrationofficialMelaniastays in NewYork for atleast 6monthsTrumpconsidersexpandingnumber ofjustices onSupreme CourtElon Musk tries touse Trump admin toprevent governmentagencies/officialsfrom usingBluesky/otheralternative socialmedia appsGovernmentAgenciesforced to stoptalking aboutClimateChangeTrump getsmad atEuropeanUnionElon publiclytrashes onrandomgovernmentemployeeElon Musktries to getDonald Trumpto close TruthSocialTrump talkspositivelyaboutEpstein

2025 Trump Administration Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Trump publicly praises North Korea/Kim Jong Un
  2. Elon Musk posts information classified as controlled unclassified or higher on Twitter
  3. Matt Gaetz pardoned
  4. Trump tries to shut down Department of Housing and Urban Development
  5. Trump tries to withdraw from NATO
  6. Elon Musk announces stuff like it's policy when no policy exists
  7. Elon Musk goes to random government offices to threaten to fire people, posts about it on twitter
  8. Government Shutdown
  9. Trump fires Elon
  10. Musk companies (SpaceX/Tesla Moters/xAI/Twitter/etc) are awarded over $750 million in new government contracts
  11. People who are LGBTQIA+ are blocked from getting Security Clearance and/or have Clearances revoked for being LGBTQIA+
  12. Trump gets mad at Dept. of Energy & tries to move it under Defense
  13. Trump withdraws from Paris Climate Agreement
  14. Trump tries to have summit with Russia
  15. Donald Trump posts information classified as Secret or higher on social media
  16. Elon publicly trashes on a cabinet member/administration official
  17. Melania stays in New York for at least 6 months
  18. Trump considers expanding number of justices on Supreme Court
  19. Elon Musk tries to use Trump admin to prevent government agencies/officials from using Bluesky/other alternative social media apps
  20. Government Agencies forced to stop talking about Climate Change
  21. Trump gets mad at European Union
  22. Elon publicly trashes on random government employee
  23. Elon Musk tries to get Donald Trump to close Truth Social
  24. Trump talks positively about Epstein