H. Draw a diagram thatrepresents thissituation:The amount of paperthat the copy shopused this monthdecreased by 20%compared to what theyused last month.F. A store sellsstrawberries for$1.38 per pound.One strawberry ordercosts $8.97. Howmany pounds did theperson order?V. If Jane has $70 out ofwhich she spent $30 onstationery items,$20 on buying chocolatesand the rest in donation forfloodvictims. Find thepercentage of money givenby Jane for donation?L. The number of fishin a lake decreasedby 15% between lastyear and this year.This year, there are51 fish in the lake.What was thepopulation last year?D. Arturo earns$33.00 for babysittingfor 4 hours. At thisrate, how much willhe earn if hebabysits for 7 hours?Explain your thinking.O. Mrs. Rogerssold 49 out of 78crafts at the fair.What percent ofher crafts didshe sell?M. Next week, the price oforanges at the farmer’smarket willdecrease by 20%. Write anequations that representthe relationship betweenthe price oforanges this week, x, andthe price of oranges nextweek, y.N. Next week, the priceof oranges at thefarmer’s market willdecrease by 20%. Theprice of oranges thisweek is $4.50. Whatwill the price be nextweek?J. A sneaker storeraised its prices 15%compared to lastyear. A pair ofdesigner sneakerswas $120 last year.What is the price thisyear?C. This year, therewere 25% fewer sunnydays than last year.The number of sunnydays this year is__________% of thenumber of sunny dayslast year.B. This year, therewas 40% moresnow than last year.The amount ofsnow this year is_______% of theamount last year.A. On a blueprint, the livingroom is 2.1 inches wide.The blueprint has a scaleof 1 inchto 10 feet. How wide wouldthe living room be on ablueprint that has a scale of1 inchto 15 feet?  X. Chris bought aguitar for $77.00and sold itfor $126.28. Whatpercent profit didChrismake on the guitar?E. A store sellsstrawberries for$1.38 per pound.Write an equationrelating the cost, c,and the pounds ofstrawberries, p.K. A car is traveling on ahighway at a constantspeed. The equation thatrepresents the distancetraveled in miles, d, for thours is d = 65t. Whatdoes the value 65represent in thissituation?I. A new video game costs$60 on the day it getsreleased. The price of anew gamegenerally drops by about12% within a few weeks.What will the price of thisnewgame be a few weeks afterrelease? Show or explainyour thinking.Q. A dog weighs 20%more than it did threemonths ago. Itweighs 36 poundsnow. How muchdid the dog weighthree months ago?R. Marie was playing adart game and sheattempted 50 timesandwas able to hit 40% ofthe attempts. Find thenumber of attemptswhere she missed hertarget?P. A bakery used25% less butter thismonth than lastmonth. The bakeryused 240 kilogramsof butter this month.How much did it uselast month?G. Draw a diagramthat represents thissituation:The number ofpeople in a town hasincreased by 50% inthe past decade.S. Due to leakage,30% of the water waslost from a water tank.Ifonly 340 liters of wateris left in the tank now,find the totalcapacity of the watertank?W. Sahana’s total cost atthe salon is $59. She wantsto pay using her creditcard. The salon charges a3% fee for using a creditcard. What is the totalamount that will be chargedto Sahana’s card?T. Michael reduced theprice of an itemby 15%. What percentdoes Michael need toincrease the reducedprice by to get back tothe originalprice? Round to thenearest percent.U. Does theequation,y = 3.2x + 5represent aproportionalrelationship? Explainhow you know.H. Draw a diagram thatrepresents thissituation:The amount of paperthat the copy shopused this monthdecreased by 20%compared to what theyused last month.F. A store sellsstrawberries for$1.38 per pound.One strawberry ordercosts $8.97. Howmany pounds did theperson order?V. If Jane has $70 out ofwhich she spent $30 onstationery items,$20 on buying chocolatesand the rest in donation forfloodvictims. Find thepercentage of money givenby Jane for donation?L. The number of fishin a lake decreasedby 15% between lastyear and this year.This year, there are51 fish in the lake.What was thepopulation last year?D. Arturo earns$33.00 for babysittingfor 4 hours. At thisrate, how much willhe earn if hebabysits for 7 hours?Explain your thinking.O. Mrs. Rogerssold 49 out of 78crafts at the fair.What percent ofher crafts didshe sell?M. Next week, the price oforanges at the farmer’smarket willdecrease by 20%. Write anequations that representthe relationship betweenthe price oforanges this week, x, andthe price of oranges nextweek, y.N. Next week, the priceof oranges at thefarmer’s market willdecrease by 20%. Theprice of oranges thisweek is $4.50. Whatwill the price be nextweek?J. A sneaker storeraised its prices 15%compared to lastyear. A pair ofdesigner sneakerswas $120 last year.What is the price thisyear?C. This year, therewere 25% fewer sunnydays than last year.The number of sunnydays this year is__________% of thenumber of sunny dayslast year.B. This year, therewas 40% moresnow than last year.The amount ofsnow this year is_______% of theamount last year.A. On a blueprint, the livingroom is 2.1 inches wide.The blueprint has a scaleof 1 inchto 10 feet. How wide wouldthe living room be on ablueprint that has a scale of1 inchto 15 feet?  X. Chris bought aguitar for $77.00and sold itfor $126.28. Whatpercent profit didChrismake on the guitar?E. A store sellsstrawberries for$1.38 per pound.Write an equationrelating the cost, c,and the pounds ofstrawberries, p.K. A car is traveling on ahighway at a constantspeed. The equation thatrepresents the distancetraveled in miles, d, for thours is d = 65t. Whatdoes the value 65represent in thissituation?I. A new video game costs$60 on the day it getsreleased. The price of anew gamegenerally drops by about12% within a few weeks.What will the price of thisnewgame be a few weeks afterrelease? Show or explainyour thinking.Q. A dog weighs 20%more than it did threemonths ago. Itweighs 36 poundsnow. How muchdid the dog weighthree months ago?R. Marie was playing adart game and sheattempted 50 timesandwas able to hit 40% ofthe attempts. Find thenumber of attemptswhere she missed hertarget?P. A bakery used25% less butter thismonth than lastmonth. The bakeryused 240 kilogramsof butter this month.How much did it uselast month?G. Draw a diagramthat represents thissituation:The number ofpeople in a town hasincreased by 50% inthe past decade.S. Due to leakage,30% of the water waslost from a water tank.Ifonly 340 liters of wateris left in the tank now,find the totalcapacity of the watertank?W. Sahana’s total cost atthe salon is $59. She wantsto pay using her creditcard. The salon charges a3% fee for using a creditcard. What is the totalamount that will be chargedto Sahana’s card?T. Michael reduced theprice of an itemby 15%. What percentdoes Michael need toincrease the reducedprice by to get back tothe originalprice? Round to thenearest percent.U. Does theequation,y = 3.2x + 5represent aproportionalrelationship? Explainhow you know.

Percents Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. H. Draw a diagram that represents this situation: The amount of paper that the copy shop used this month decreased by 20% compared to what they used last month.
  2. F. A store sells strawberries for $1.38 per pound. One strawberry order costs $8.97. How many pounds did the person order?
  3. V. If Jane has $70 out of which she spent $30 on stationery items, $20 on buying chocolates and the rest in donation for flood victims. Find the percentage of money given by Jane for donation?
  4. L. The number of fish in a lake decreased by 15% between last year and this year. This year, there are 51 fish in the lake. What was the population last year?
  5. D. Arturo earns $33.00 for babysitting for 4 hours. At this rate, how much will he earn if he babysits for 7 hours? Explain your thinking.
  6. O. Mrs. Rogers sold 49 out of 78 crafts at the fair. What percent of her crafts did she sell?
  7. M. Next week, the price of oranges at the farmer’s market will decrease by 20%. Write an equations that represent the relationship between the price of oranges this week, x, and the price of oranges next week, y.
  8. N. Next week, the price of oranges at the farmer’s market will decrease by 20%. The price of oranges this week is $4.50. What will the price be next week?
  9. J. A sneaker store raised its prices 15% compared to last year. A pair of designer sneakers was $120 last year. What is the price this year?
  10. C. This year, there were 25% fewer sunny days than last year. The number of sunny days this year is __________% of the number of sunny days last year.
  11. B. This year, there was 40% more snow than last year. The amount of snow this year is _______% of the amount last year.
  12. A. On a blueprint, the living room is 2.1 inches wide. The blueprint has a scale of 1 inch to 10 feet. How wide would the living room be on a blueprint that has a scale of 1 inch to 15 feet?
  13. X. Chris bought a guitar for $77.00 and sold it for $126.28. What percent profit did Chris make on the guitar?
  14. E. A store sells strawberries for $1.38 per pound. Write an equation relating the cost, c, and the pounds of strawberries, p.
  15. K. A car is traveling on a highway at a constant speed. The equation that represents the distance traveled in miles, d, for t hours is d = 65t. What does the value 65 represent in this situation?
  16. I. A new video game costs $60 on the day it gets released. The price of a new game generally drops by about 12% within a few weeks. What will the price of this new game be a few weeks after release? Show or explain your thinking.
  17. Q. A dog weighs 20% more than it did three months ago. It weighs 36 pounds now. How much did the dog weigh three months ago?
  18. R. Marie was playing a dart game and she attempted 50 times and was able to hit 40% of the attempts. Find the number of attempts where she missed her target?
  19. P. A bakery used 25% less butter this month than last month. The bakery used 240 kilograms of butter this month. How much did it use last month?
  20. G. Draw a diagram that represents this situation: The number of people in a town has increased by 50% in the past decade.
  21. S. Due to leakage, 30% of the water was lost from a water tank. If only 340 liters of water is left in the tank now, find the total capacity of the water tank?
  22. W. Sahana’s total cost at the salon is $59. She wants to pay using her credit card. The salon charges a 3% fee for using a credit card. What is the total amount that will be charged to Sahana’s card?
  23. T. Michael reduced the price of an item by 15%. What percent does Michael need to increase the reduced price by to get back to the original price? Round to the nearest percent.
  24. U. Does the equation, y = 3.2x + 5 represent a proportional relationship? Explain how you know.