-Mike and Willgo into theupside downand cause thelight in 1x01 toflicker- KarenWheeler isimportant to theplot (bonuspoints if shedies)- Mike and Elbreak up early intothe season (orduring the timeskip between s4and s5)- Mike gets asword (bonuspoints ifConan theBarbarian)- Holly is takenby Vecna (thevanishing ofHolly Wheeler)- Mikeplays hisguitarLucas andMikesearch forWill- Chance isinterested inWill but Willturns himdown- Joyce andMike havea heart-to-heart-JonathanscaresMikeJonathanand Stevebecomefriends- Robin andMike havea heart-to-heart- Holly is in an AliceinWonderland/carnivalworld whenpossessed by Vecna- Steveor Robindies- The party getsbeat up byJason’s mob(bonus points ifit’s for defendingEddie)- Mike and Will getthe s1 Jonathanand Nancytreatment bygrowing closer dueto Holly’sdisappearance- Mike and Willargument aboutthe painting inthe rain (“it’snot my fault youdon’t like El!)- El gets thelife she wantsand gets to beindependentfor once- Cringy namedrop (ex. “we’veseen strangerthings” or“stranger thingshave happened”)- Will’sVecna songis BoysDon’t Cry- The Byersfamily(+Hopper)stay with theWheelers-Mike and Willare in a churchand Will getspossessed.(+tries to hurtMike)- Mike has abunch ofhidden lettersthat he wrotefor Will butnever sentHopperproposesto Joyce(Enzo’s)(tender,emotionalmusicplaying)- Mike/WillleaveHawkins atthe end ofthe season- Nancy andMike have aheart-to-heartHeroesplays- Mike savesWill fromVecnapossessionby singing-Mike and Willgo into theupside downand cause thelight in 1x01 toflicker- KarenWheeler isimportant to theplot (bonuspoints if shedies)- Mike and Elbreak up early intothe season (orduring the timeskip between s4and s5)- Mike gets asword (bonuspoints ifConan theBarbarian)- Holly is takenby Vecna (thevanishing ofHolly Wheeler)- Mikeplays hisguitarLucas andMikesearch forWill- Chance isinterested inWill but Willturns himdown- Joyce andMike havea heart-to-heart-JonathanscaresMikeJonathanand Stevebecomefriends- Robin andMike havea heart-to-heart- Holly is in an AliceinWonderland/carnivalworld whenpossessed by Vecna- Steveor Robindies- The party getsbeat up byJason’s mob(bonus points ifit’s for defendingEddie)- Mike and Will getthe s1 Jonathanand Nancytreatment bygrowing closer dueto Holly’sdisappearance- Mike and Willargument aboutthe painting inthe rain (“it’snot my fault youdon’t like El!)- El gets thelife she wantsand gets to beindependentfor once- Cringy namedrop (ex. “we’veseen strangerthings” or“stranger thingshave happened”)- Will’sVecna songis BoysDon’t Cry- The Byersfamily(+Hopper)stay with theWheelers-Mike and Willare in a churchand Will getspossessed.(+tries to hurtMike)- Mike has abunch ofhidden lettersthat he wrotefor Will butnever sentHopperproposesto Joyce(Enzo’s)(tender,emotionalmusicplaying)- Mike/WillleaveHawkins atthe end ofthe season- Nancy andMike have aheart-to-heartHeroesplays- Mike savesWill fromVecnapossessionby singing

St5 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. -Mike and Will go into the upside down and cause the light in 1x01 to flicker
  2. - Karen Wheeler is important to the plot (bonus points if she dies)
  3. - Mike and El break up early into the season (or during the time skip between s4 and s5)
  4. - Mike gets a sword (bonus points if Conan the Barbarian)
  5. - Holly is taken by Vecna (the vanishing of Holly Wheeler)
  6. - Mike plays his guitar
  7. Lucas and Mike search for Will
  8. - Chance is interested in Will but Will turns him down
  9. - Joyce and Mike have a heart-to-heart
  10. - Jonathan scares Mike
  11. Jonathan and Steve become friends
  12. - Robin and Mike have a heart-to-heart
  13. - Holly is in an Alice in Wonderland/carnival world when possessed by Vecna
  14. - Steve or Robin dies
  15. - The party gets beat up by Jason’s mob (bonus points if it’s for defending Eddie)
  16. - Mike and Will get the s1 Jonathan and Nancy treatment by growing closer due to Holly’s disappearance
  17. - Mike and Will argument about the painting in the rain (“it’s not my fault you don’t like El!)
  18. - El gets the life she wants and gets to be independent for once
  19. - Cringy name drop (ex. “we’ve seen stranger things” or “stranger things have happened”)
  20. - Will’s Vecna song is Boys Don’t Cry
  21. - The Byers family (+Hopper) stay with the Wheelers
  22. -Mike and Will are in a church and Will gets possessed. (+tries to hurt Mike)
  23. - Mike has a bunch of hidden letters that he wrote for Will but never sent
  24. Hopper proposes to Joyce (Enzo’s)
  25. (tender, emotional music playing)
  26. - Mike/Will leave Hawkins at the end of the season
  27. - Nancy and Mike have a heart-to-heart
  28. Heroes plays
  29. - Mike saves Will from Vecna possession by singing