Indus valleypeople usedwhat toconstructtheir homes?Mountainrange thatseparatesChina fromSouth AsiaA strongseasonalwindcharacterizedby floodsThe jati socialsystem in Indiain which groupsare divided byoccupationIn Chinepeople oftensoughtguidancefrom who?Name ofthe majorcities inIndiaIndian socialclass thatincludedmanualworkersIndian socialclass thatincludedwarriorsAryanlanguage wasa part of whichlanguagefamilyBones used toprovide answersfrom the godsand ancestors toanswer theking's questionsRiver inChinacharacterizedby it's yellowsoilWhich one ofthe GRAPEStalks about asocietiesbelief systemNickname theChinese gave theircountry becausethey thought it wasthe center of theworldMajorcivilizationsbegan nearwhatgeographicalfeature?The spreadof culture isknown as...Which one ofthe GRAPEStalks about howsociety uses it'sresourcesPeople notincluded inIndia's socialsystem werecalled what?Four socialclasses ofancient Indiawere knownas what?Clay pots andcups found inthe Huang Heare known aswhat toarchaeologists?Indian socialclass thatincludedpriestsCharactersin ChinesethatrepresentobjectsName oneof the riverslocated inIndiaEgypt'spyramids fitinto whichGRAPEScategoryIndian socialclass thatincludedfarmers andcraftspeopleIndus valleypeople usedwhat toconstructtheir homes?Mountainrange thatseparatesChina fromSouth AsiaA strongseasonalwindcharacterizedby floodsThe jati socialsystem in Indiain which groupsare divided byoccupationIn Chinepeople oftensoughtguidancefrom who?Name ofthe majorcities inIndiaIndian socialclass thatincludedmanualworkersIndian socialclass thatincludedwarriorsAryanlanguage wasa part of whichlanguagefamilyBones used toprovide answersfrom the godsand ancestors toanswer theking's questionsRiver inChinacharacterizedby it's yellowsoilWhich one ofthe GRAPEStalks about asocietiesbelief systemNickname theChinese gave theircountry becausethey thought it wasthe center of theworldMajorcivilizationsbegan nearwhatgeographicalfeature?The spreadof culture isknown as...Which one ofthe GRAPEStalks about howsociety uses it'sresourcesPeople notincluded inIndia's socialsystem werecalled what?Four socialclasses ofancient Indiawere knownas what?Clay pots andcups found inthe Huang Heare known aswhat toarchaeologists?Indian socialclass thatincludedpriestsCharactersin ChinesethatrepresentobjectsName oneof the riverslocated inIndiaEgypt'spyramids fitinto whichGRAPEScategoryIndian socialclass thatincludedfarmers andcraftspeople

7th Grade Social Studies Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Indus valley people used what to construct their homes?
  2. Mountain range that separates China from South Asia
  3. A strong seasonal wind characterized by floods
  4. The jati social system in India in which groups are divided by occupation
  5. In Chine people often sought guidance from who?
  6. Name of the major cities in India
  7. Indian social class that included manual workers
  8. Indian social class that included warriors
  9. Aryan language was a part of which language family
  10. Bones used to provide answers from the gods and ancestors to answer the king's questions
  11. River in China characterized by it's yellow soil
  12. Which one of the GRAPES talks about a societies belief system
  13. Nickname the Chinese gave their country because they thought it was the center of the world
  14. Major civilizations began near what geographical feature?
  15. The spread of culture is known as...
  16. Which one of the GRAPES talks about how society uses it's resources
  17. People not included in India's social system were called what?
  18. Four social classes of ancient India were known as what?
  19. Clay pots and cups found in the Huang He are known as what to archaeologists?
  20. Indian social class that included priests
  21. Characters in Chinese that represent objects
  22. Name one of the rivers located in India
  23. Egypt's pyramids fit into which GRAPES category
  24. Indian social class that included farmers and craftspeople