Find someonewho joinedGripple thesame year asyou Makesomeoneelse a cup oftea or coffee Sing a verse of'Head,shoulders,knees and toes'(with actions!) Do your bestimpressionof a chicken  Find someonewho has thesame numberof siblings asyouPretend toride aninvisiblehorse withsomeone Challengesomeone to agame of rock,paper, scissors(3 rounds)Pretend to be amarching bandwith someone(complete withinstruments)Pretend torow a boatacross theroom withsomeone Find someonewho lives atthe samehouse numberas you Hope like abunny withsomeone elsein the room Findsomeonewho sharesthe samehobby as you Have an armwrestlingmatch withsomeone   Balance onone leg for 1minute   Make a secrethandshakewith someone Pretendyou're blowingup a hugeimaginaryballoon Correctly guesssomeone else'sfavorite biscuit  High fivethree peoplewearingglasses Complimentsomeone ontheir outfit,shoes, oraccessory  Tell someonea terrible dadjoke and getthem to laugh Tell someonewhy they'reawesome inless than 5seconds Show your bestrunway walkpartnered withsomeone elsein the room Find someonewho was bornin the sameyear as you Findsomeonewith thesame shoesize as you Do your bestevil villainlaugh andhave someonejoin you Juggle any 3objects for10 seconds  Give someonea round ofapplause forno reason atallFind someonewho listens tothe same typeof music asyou Pretend tobe lost inspace and'float' aroundthe room Have astaringcontest withsomeone for10 seconds Challengesomebody toa fakebodybuilder'pose-off'  Challengesomeone toa thumb war  Pretend to bea robot andhave someonecopy yourmovesPretend to be anews reporterand interviewsomeone on2024 Have a 10second fakesword fightwith someone  Find someonewho joinedGripple thesame year asyou Makesomeoneelse a cup oftea or coffee Sing a verse of'Head,shoulders,knees and toes'(with actions!) Do your bestimpressionof a chicken  Find someonewho has thesame numberof siblings asyouPretend toride aninvisiblehorse withsomeone Challengesomeone to agame of rock,paper, scissors(3 rounds)Pretend to be amarching bandwith someone(complete withinstruments)Pretend torow a boatacross theroom withsomeone Find someonewho lives atthe samehouse numberas you Hope like abunny withsomeone elsein the room Findsomeonewho sharesthe samehobby as you Have an armwrestlingmatch withsomeone   Balance onone leg for 1minute   Make a secrethandshakewith someone Pretendyou're blowingup a hugeimaginaryballoon Correctly guesssomeone else'sfavorite biscuit  High fivethree peoplewearingglasses Complimentsomeone ontheir outfit,shoes, oraccessory  Tell someonea terrible dadjoke and getthem to laugh Tell someonewhy they'reawesome inless than 5seconds Show your bestrunway walkpartnered withsomeone elsein the room Find someonewho was bornin the sameyear as you Findsomeonewith thesame shoesize as you Do your bestevil villainlaugh andhave someonejoin you Juggle any 3objects for10 seconds  Give someonea round ofapplause forno reason atallFind someonewho listens tothe same typeof music asyou Pretend tobe lost inspace and'float' aroundthe room Have astaringcontest withsomeone for10 seconds Challengesomebody toa fakebodybuilder'pose-off'  Challengesomeone toa thumb war  Pretend to bea robot andhave someonecopy yourmovesPretend to be anews reporterand interviewsomeone on2024 Have a 10second fakesword fightwith someone 

Human Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find someone who joined Gripple the same year as you
  2. Make someone else a cup of tea or coffee
  3. Sing a verse of 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' (with actions!)
  4. Do your best impression of a chicken
  5. Find someone who has the same number of siblings as you
  6. Pretend to ride an invisible horse with someone
  7. Challenge someone to a game of rock, paper, scissors (3 rounds)
  8. Pretend to be a marching band with someone (complete with instruments)
  9. Pretend to row a boat across the room with someone
  10. Find someone who lives at the same house number as you
  11. Hope like a bunny with someone else in the room
  12. Find someone who shares the same hobby as you
  13. Have an arm wrestling match with someone
  14. Balance on one leg for 1 minute
  15. Make a secret handshake with someone
  16. Pretend you're blowing up a huge imaginary balloon
  17. Correctly guess someone else's favorite biscuit
  18. High five three people wearing glasses
  19. Compliment someone on their outfit, shoes, or accessory
  20. Tell someone a terrible dad joke and get them to laugh
  21. Tell someone why they're awesome in less than 5 seconds
  22. Show your best runway walk partnered with someone else in the room
  23. Find someone who was born in the same year as you
  24. Find someone with the same shoe size as you
  25. Do your best evil villain laugh and have someone join you
  26. Juggle any 3 objects for 10 seconds
  27. Give someone a round of applause for no reason at all
  28. Find someone who listens to the same type of music as you
  29. Pretend to be lost in space and 'float' around the room
  30. Have a staring contest with someone for 10 seconds
  31. Challenge somebody to a fake bodybuilder 'pose-off'
  32. Challenge someone to a thumb war
  33. Pretend to be a robot and have someone copy your moves
  34. Pretend to be a news reporter and interview someone on 2024
  35. Have a 10 second fake sword fight with someone