I love to juiceand make myown healthshots Name: _______I like playingpickleballName:_______I can solve arubik's cube inunder a minuteand thirty seconds Name: ________Once led thePresidentialInaugural paradefor Pres. BillClinton Name: _________Recently wentnight riding onatv's in theEverglades Name:_______I havebrown/greeneyes Name: ______I love old blackand whitemovies/shows Name:_______In middle school Ihad an art paintingand won ascholastic artcontest Name: ________I love to juiceand make myown healthshots Name: _______I like playingpickleballName:_______I can solve arubik's cube inunder a minuteand thirty seconds Name: ________Once led thePresidentialInaugural paradefor Pres. BillClinton Name: _________Recently wentnight riding onatv's in theEverglades Name:_______I havebrown/greeneyes Name: ______I love old blackand whitemovies/shows Name:_______In middle school Ihad an art paintingand won ascholastic artcontest Name: ________

TRIVIA - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I love to juice and make my own health shots Name: _______
  2. I like playing pickleball Name: _______
  3. I can solve a rubik's cube in under a minute and thirty seconds Name: ________
  4. Once led the Presidential Inaugural parade for Pres. Bill Clinton Name: _________
  5. Recently went night riding on atv's in the Everglades Name:_______
  6. I have brown/green eyes Name: ______
  7. I love old black and white movies/shows Name: _______
  8. In middle school I had an art painting and won a scholastic art contest Name: ________