If I could win anOlympic medalfor any sport, realor fake, would itbe rewatchingCriminal Minds. Myhometownis Hallsville,Tx.My firstjob was aSoccerreferee.I have onedog, namedTazz, he is aGreatPyrenees mix.I can quote TheLord of the RingsTrilogy from startto finish. All threeof them. Theextended editions.If I could liveanywhere itwould beVenezuela andthe DominicanRepublic.The best gift Ihave everreceived is aSecond Chanceat this thingcalled LIFE.A movie Ican quotestart to finishis LegallyBlonde.The best complimentI've received was thatI have a“Peacemaker” soul,able to talk to anyoneand deescalateconflicts.Something no onewould guess aboutme is thatI can claim myBraziliancitizenship at anytime.My favoritefood is darkchocolate,especially the100% cacaokind.If I could bringback anyfashion trendit would beTOP HATS!!!If I could have onesong play everytime I enter a roomit would be theImperial March, butonly if it was playedentirely on a kazoo.My superpowerwould be flying,so I don’t haveto sit in traffic.The mostbeautiful placeI've ever seenis Petit JeanMountain inArkansas.If I could haveany superpower itwould be superspeed; I could domy school workfaster.If you could liveanywhere,where would itbe? Thecountryside inJapan.SurprisinglyI have 12siblings andI love it.I am thefirstgraduate inmy family.The bestcompliment Iever receivedwas: "You looklike you havefire music taste."I amproudest ofgetting intoRN school.If I could be anyperson for just oneday, I’d want to beCynthia Erivo justto know what it’slike to be able tosing like she can.No one wouldever guess thatwhen I was akid I trained tobe in Rodeos.If I could have anysuperpower itwould be thepower to wake upimmediately whenmy alarm goes off.If I could win anOlympic medalfor any sport, realor fake, would itbe rewatchingCriminal Minds. Myhometownis Hallsville,Tx.My firstjob was aSoccerreferee.I have onedog, namedTazz, he is aGreatPyrenees mix.I can quote TheLord of the RingsTrilogy from startto finish. All threeof them. Theextended editions.If I could liveanywhere itwould beVenezuela andthe DominicanRepublic.The best gift Ihave everreceived is aSecond Chanceat this thingcalled LIFE.A movie Ican quotestart to finishis LegallyBlonde.The best complimentI've received was thatI have a“Peacemaker” soul,able to talk to anyoneand deescalateconflicts.Something no onewould guess aboutme is thatI can claim myBraziliancitizenship at anytime.My favoritefood is darkchocolate,especially the100% cacaokind.If I could bringback anyfashion trendit would beTOP HATS!!!If I could have onesong play everytime I enter a roomit would be theImperial March, butonly if it was playedentirely on a kazoo.My superpowerwould be flying,so I don’t haveto sit in traffic.The mostbeautiful placeI've ever seenis Petit JeanMountain inArkansas.If I could haveany superpower itwould be superspeed; I could domy school workfaster.If you could liveanywhere,where would itbe? Thecountryside inJapan.SurprisinglyI have 12siblings andI love it.I am thefirstgraduate inmy family.The bestcompliment Iever receivedwas: "You looklike you havefire music taste."I amproudest ofgetting intoRN school.If I could be anyperson for just oneday, I’d want to beCynthia Erivo justto know what it’slike to be able tosing like she can.No one wouldever guess thatwhen I was akid I trained tobe in Rodeos.If I could have anysuperpower itwould be thepower to wake upimmediately whenmy alarm goes off.

Employee Campaign: Get to Know You - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.