favorite female singer 2 Florida cities Erica has stayed Erica's childhood pet Erica's Dad's 1st name favorite Male singer 3 only children present Erica's favorite color Erica's Tuesday exercise class WHAT YEAR WAS ERICA BORN Erica's favorite TV station Erica's niece's name {spelled correctly} 3 people who have been to Hawaii Amusement Park she visited in 2016 OMO stands for _ _ _ Favorite Caribbean Island 3 zoos Erica has visited Erica zip code What city was she born Her brother's full name 3 people who have had braces country she visited starting with a T 1st foreign country Erica visited Last movie she saw 3 people Erica has bowled with favorite female singer 2 Florida cities Erica has stayed Erica's childhood pet Erica's Dad's 1st name favorite Male singer 3 only children present Erica's favorite color Erica's Tuesday exercise class WHAT YEAR WAS ERICA BORN Erica's favorite TV station Erica's niece's name {spelled correctly} 3 people who have been to Hawaii Amusement Park she visited in 2016 OMO stands for _ _ _ Favorite Caribbean Island 3 zoos Erica has visited Erica zip code What city was she born Her brother's full name 3 people who have had braces country she visited starting with a T 1st foreign country Erica visited Last movie she saw 3 people Erica has bowled with
ERICA - Call List
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
favorite female singer
2 Florida cities Erica has stayed
Erica's childhood pet
Erica's Dad's 1st name
favorite Male singer
3 only children present
Erica's favorite color
Erica's Tuesday exercise class
Erica's favorite TV station
Erica's niece's name
{spelled correctly}
3 people who have been to Hawaii
Amusement Park she visited in 2016
OMO stands for
_ _ _
Favorite Caribbean Island
3 zoos Erica has visited
Erica zip code
What city was she born
Her brother's full name
3 people who have had braces
country she visited starting with a T
1st foreign country Erica visited
Last movie she saw
3 people Erica has bowled with