No developershave to askyou for moredetails on anybug in a weekYou writea blogentry onthe QAWikiYou writean articleon the QAWikiYou end 5days in a rowwith 0 ‘Actionon Me’issuesNo QA memberbreaks JIRA byimporting testcases in 2weeksFinish aproject withup to datetest casesYou completean IAT runwith no Majoror Criticalbugs foundVerify asupport andmaintenanceissueLearn a newtool whichbenefits QAQA manages toget a logo forJIRA/ConfluenceYou spend 2hours workingin the officewithoutinterruptionSpend 1 hourassisting anothermember of QA ona project you arenot assigned toyouDefault CAFJIRAworkflowgets updatedGo a wholeweek withoutbeing blockedon testingEverymember ofthe teamrates theweek ≥ 65 projectstandups in arow last lessthan 10minutesNo build onyour project issent withoutrelease notesfor a sprintComplete aproject andsuccessfullymove ontoanotherSpend 1hour on QAresearchunrelated toa projectSomethingfrom the QAbacklog getsresolved5 criticalbugs areraised in aweek (1 aday)You get100 bugsin a weekHave a QAmeetingwithout beinginterruptedQA comes upwith a processfor dealing witha problematicissue which isfollowedNo developershave to askyou for moredetails on anybug in a weekYou writea blogentry onthe QAWikiYou writean articleon the QAWikiYou end 5days in a rowwith 0 ‘Actionon Me’issuesNo QA memberbreaks JIRA byimporting testcases in 2weeksFinish aproject withup to datetest casesYou completean IAT runwith no Majoror Criticalbugs foundVerify asupport andmaintenanceissueLearn a newtool whichbenefits QAQA manages toget a logo forJIRA/ConfluenceYou spend 2hours workingin the officewithoutinterruptionSpend 1 hourassisting anothermember of QA ona project you arenot assigned toyouDefault CAFJIRAworkflowgets updatedGo a wholeweek withoutbeing blockedon testingEverymember ofthe teamrates theweek ≥ 65 projectstandups in arow last lessthan 10minutesNo build onyour project issent withoutrelease notesfor a sprintComplete aproject andsuccessfullymove ontoanotherSpend 1hour on QAresearchunrelated toa projectSomethingfrom the QAbacklog getsresolved5 criticalbugs areraised in aweek (1 aday)You get100 bugsin a weekHave a QAmeetingwithout beinginterruptedQA comes upwith a processfor dealing witha problematicissue which isfollowed

QA Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. No developers have to ask you for more details on any bug in a week
  2. You write a blog entry on the QA Wiki
  3. You write an article on the QA Wiki
  4. You end 5 days in a row with 0 ‘Action on Me’ issues
  5. No QA member breaks JIRA by importing test cases in 2 weeks
  6. Finish a project with up to date test cases
  7. You complete an IAT run with no Major or Critical bugs found
  8. Verify a support and maintenance issue
  9. Learn a new tool which benefits QA
  10. QA manages to get a logo for JIRA/Confluence
  11. You spend 2 hours working in the office without interruption
  12. Spend 1 hour assisting another member of QA on a project you are not assigned to you
  13. Default CAF JIRA workflow gets updated
  14. Go a whole week without being blocked on testing
  15. Every member of the team rates the week ≥ 6
  16. 5 project standups in a row last less than 10 minutes
  17. No build on your project is sent without release notes for a sprint
  18. Complete a project and successfully move onto another
  19. Spend 1 hour on QA research unrelated to a project
  20. Something from the QA backlog gets resolved
  21. 5 critical bugs are raised in a week (1 a day)
  22. You get 100 bugs in a week
  23. Have a QA meeting without being interrupted
  24. QA comes up with a process for dealing with a problematic issue which is followed