racist postabout howhorrible andproblematicjapaneseculture is"this doesntapply tocopeshippers"in a blog full ofhate towardsthose copes''i'm a minor!"as an excuseto get out ofcalloutspm me yourpast abuse indetail to beremoved fromthe blocklistthis characterhas a minortrait my abuserhad so thatmeans nobodycan like themignoringsurvivorswho defendfreedom ofshippingIM A NEWANTI CAN IGET APROMO *@severyone*how dare youpersonallyattack me, acompletestranger, byshipping thisthis is racistbecause thepoccharacterbottomsincestshippingregardless ofage is alwaysdefending csais a furry whohates kink butnever questionsthe kink side offurry fandomif youre shipping itbut not writingparagraphs ofdiscourse thenyou'reromanticizing ithates problematicm/m shipping butonly watchesshows aboutproblematic menstay out ofour antitags!!*tagshate forships*saying a shipis abusivebecausethere's conflictsurvivorspolicingothersurvivorsmormon cishetpolicing queerpeople'sshippingpreferencessays they'reanti transphobiabut use dragrace gifs on thedailyttypein glikkee th is???,,, whencalled outwhy don't youship het? doyou hatewomen huh?(towards queerppl)characteragainstships urlaroaces subtlyshaming pplfor enjoyingsexual contentwhy dont yallship my boringhetshipinstead? ormake an oc?thinking mostshippers evenknow themovementexistsracist postabout howhorrible andproblematicjapaneseculture is"this doesntapply tocopeshippers"in a blog full ofhate towardsthose copes''i'm a minor!"as an excuseto get out ofcalloutspm me yourpast abuse indetail to beremoved fromthe blocklistthis characterhas a minortrait my abuserhad so thatmeans nobodycan like themignoringsurvivorswho defendfreedom ofshippingIM A NEWANTI CAN IGET APROMO *@severyone*how dare youpersonallyattack me, acompletestranger, byshipping thisthis is racistbecause thepoccharacterbottomsincestshippingregardless ofage is alwaysdefending csais a furry whohates kink butnever questionsthe kink side offurry fandomif youre shipping itbut not writingparagraphs ofdiscourse thenyou'reromanticizing ithates problematicm/m shipping butonly watchesshows aboutproblematic menstay out ofour antitags!!*tagshate forships*saying a shipis abusivebecausethere's conflictsurvivorspolicingothersurvivorsmormon cishetpolicing queerpeople'sshippingpreferencessays they'reanti transphobiabut use dragrace gifs on thedailyttypein glikkee th is???,,, whencalled outwhy don't youship het? doyou hatewomen huh?(towards queerppl)characteragainstships urlaroaces subtlyshaming pplfor enjoyingsexual contentwhy dont yallship my boringhetshipinstead? ormake an oc?thinking mostshippers evenknow themovementexists

Anti-Shipper Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. racist post about how horrible and problematic japanese culture is
  2. "this doesnt apply to copeshippers" in a blog full of hate towards those copes
  3. ''i'm a minor!" as an excuse to get out of callouts
  4. pm me your past abuse in detail to be removed from the blocklist
  5. this character has a minor trait my abuser had so that means nobody can like them
  6. ignoring survivors who defend freedom of shipping
  7. IM A NEW ANTI CAN I GET A PROMO *@s everyone*
  8. how dare you personally attack me, a complete stranger, by shipping this
  9. this is racist because the poc character bottoms
  10. incest shipping regardless of age is always defending csa
  11. is a furry who hates kink but never questions the kink side of furry fandom
  12. if youre shipping it but not writing paragraphs of discourse then you're romanticizing it
  13. hates problematic m/m shipping but only watches shows about problematic men
  14. stay out of our anti tags!!*tags hate for ships*
  15. saying a ship is abusive because there's conflict
  16. survivors policing other survivors
  17. mormon cishet policing queer people's shipping preferences
  18. says they're anti transphobia but use drag race gifs on the daily
  19. ttypein g likkee th i s???,,, when called out
  20. why don't you ship het? do you hate women huh? (towards queer ppl)
  21. character against ships url
  22. aroaces subtly shaming ppl for enjoying sexual content
  23. why dont yall ship my boring hetship instead? or make an oc?
  24. thinking most shippers even know the movement exists