25: What Ionis present inacidicsolutions?16: Whatis thecharge ofa proton?7: What isthe massnumber ofIron?21: Nametwohalogens22: Whatcolour isneutral onthe pHscale?4: Nametwotransitionmetals8: Nametwoalkalinemetals20: Nametwo noblegases2: Name thefollowingcompound(H2SO4)12: Whatis thecharge ona neutron?10:What isan Ion?19: How manyneutrons doeshydrogenhave?6: If plutonium239 has 94protons howmany electronsdoes it have?24: Name anexample of acompositematerial5: What ionis presentin basicsolutions?14: Name atype of bondingthat involves ametal and anon metal1: What isthe massof anelectron?23: Name aseparationtechnique usedto seperate outink/dyes13: Why doatoms haveno overallcharge?3: Name atype ofbonding thatinvolves twonon metals9: Name atype ofbonding thatinvolves twometals18: Nametwo rareearthmetals17: WhatGroup arethe alkalinemetals in?15: How manyElements arethere on theperiodic table?11: What isthe chemicalsymbol forTin?25: What Ionis present inacidicsolutions?16: Whatis thecharge ofa proton?7: What isthe massnumber ofIron?21: Nametwohalogens22: Whatcolour isneutral onthe pHscale?4: Nametwotransitionmetals8: Nametwoalkalinemetals20: Nametwo noblegases2: Name thefollowingcompound(H2SO4)12: Whatis thecharge ona neutron?10:What isan Ion?19: How manyneutrons doeshydrogenhave?6: If plutonium239 has 94protons howmany electronsdoes it have?24: Name anexample of acompositematerial5: What ionis presentin basicsolutions?14: Name atype of bondingthat involves ametal and anon metal1: What isthe massof anelectron?23: Name aseparationtechnique usedto seperate outink/dyes13: Why doatoms haveno overallcharge?3: Name atype ofbonding thatinvolves twonon metals9: Name atype ofbonding thatinvolves twometals18: Nametwo rareearthmetals17: WhatGroup arethe alkalinemetals in?15: How manyElements arethere on theperiodic table?11: What isthe chemicalsymbol forTin?

Year 9 Term one Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 25: What Ion is present in acidic solutions?
  2. 16: What is the charge of a proton?
  3. 7: What is the mass number of Iron?
  4. 21: Name two halogens
  5. 22: What colour is neutral on the pH scale?
  6. 4: Name two transition metals
  7. 8: Name two alkaline metals
  8. 20: Name two noble gases
  9. 2: Name the following compound (H2SO4)
  10. 12: What is the charge on a neutron?
  11. 10: What is an Ion?
  12. 19: How many neutrons does hydrogenhave?
  13. 6: If plutonium 239 has 94 protons how many electrons does it have?
  14. 24: Name an example of a composite material
  15. 5: What ion is present in basic solutions?
  16. 14: Name a type of bonding that involves a metal and a non metal
  17. 1: What is the mass of an electron?
  18. 23: Name a separation technique used to seperate out ink/dyes
  19. 13: Why do atoms have no overall charge?
  20. 3: Name a type of bonding that involves two non metals
  21. 9: Name a type of bonding that involves two metals
  22. 18: Name two rare earth metals
  23. 17: What Group are the alkaline metals in?
  24. 15: How many Elements are there on the periodic table?
  25. 11: What is the chemical symbol for Tin?