ARC BINGO! Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Sent valid recognition of co-worker on CenterStage, Sent valid recognition of member of leadership on CenterStage, Sent 2 valid CenterStage recognitions, Worked any at least 30 minutes of OT, Worked at least 1 hour of OT, Worked at least 2 hours of OT, Worked at least 3 hours of OT, Meeting AHT at the _____ hourly update, Meeting AHT at the _____ hourly update, Meeting AHT at the _____ hourly update, Less than 45 seconds ACW at _____ hourly update, Less than 45 seconds ACW at _____ hourly update, Less than 45 seconds ACW at _____ hourly update, Did not go over 30 minutes allotted for break, Submitted 1 valid pain point, Came to work in pajamas, Wore slippers to work, You, a child, parent, or grandparent is a veteran, Had a caller tell you something good about your service, No elevated calls or callbacks submitted, Completed weekly assessment by end of day, Took more than 35 calls, Took more than 50 calls and Logged into the resource chat.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Meeting AHT at the _____ hourly update (3), Less than 45 seconds ACW at _____ hourly update (3)

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