This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: How long is the basic teacher day?, When do I have to give my notice of retirement?, Identify Article V, Section 5 - What does it give us?, Explain how you gain professional advancement., How long is child care leave?, Who is the agreement between?, How many days of leave are granted for funeral leave?, How many minutes of unencumbered preparation time for elem/MS/HS on 4 day week?, Can I take more than 3 days of personal leave?, What happens if a grievant does not adhere to timelines in the grievance procedure?, What is the purpose of the contract?, How much do you get paid for supervisory work?, How are days defined for a grievance?, When does the agreement expire?, Is unrequested leave of absence part of the contract?, What is the purpose of teacher evaluation?, Who can be in the unit bargaining unit?, What is the CITS reimbursement?, Are long term substitutes part of the bargaining unit?, Explain inherent managerial rights., How many days of sick leave are ECFE teachers granted each year?, Explain placement on the salary schedule., What is the maximum annual 403(B) match each year? and What schedule pays prom advisor?.
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