Buck 50 Quarantine BINGO

Buck 50 Quarantine BINGO Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Subconsciously measured my social distance from another person, Avoided our group chat because the number of unread messages was too daunting, Thought about buying new running gear, Sent a meme in our group chat (or were horrified by one of Cameron's memes), Talked to my pet, Did less "working from home" than my employer expects me to do, Played a game online, Neglected to take a shower or get properly dressed, Worried that a relatively mild symptom could mean I have the Coronavirus, Got pissed at either my kids' teachers for assigning so much work or my kids for not doing it, Briefly forgot what day it is, Ate food the school provided for the kids, Gave Strava kudos for workouts I honestly didn't look at OR checked the kudos on one of my workouts, Argued (or imagined arguing) with my wife about an item on my "Honey do" list, Watched a movie or tv show episode I've seen before, Planned part of my weekend around idiots running laps in their backyards for hours on end, Physically went to work, Used "helping local business" as an excuse to eat out, Watched all or part of a Coronavirus press conference, Mentally listed items I haven't been able to find at the store and need to get, Desperately searched for sports news or game replays to fill the sports void in my life, Laughed at someone for their stupidity related to the Coronavirus, Took a nap and Counted the number of seconds I washed my hands.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.