Get to Know You

Get to Know You Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 123 words: Speaks multiple languages, Has more than one pet, Has blue eyes, Has run a marathon, Has attended a sporting event at OU, Has been to the Oakland Center, Attended at least 2 welcome week events, Is a commuter student, Saw 4+ movies this summer., Enjoys reading, Was born in another country, Birthday is in September, Has worked out in OU Rec Center, Has visited the OU library, Is left handed, Has a younger sibling, Has never been on an airplane, Favorite food is Italian, Birthday is in January, Is an only child, Doesn’t drink coffee, Is wearing an OU t-shirt, Attended Grizz Fest, Lives in the dorm, Speaks multiple languages, Has been to Europe, Was born in another country, Is left handed, Traveled from out-of-state today, Played a sport in college, Has been on TV, Birthday is in September, Is an only child, Has served in the military, Has never been on an airplane, Is wearing a Duke Energy shirt, Favorite sport is football, Knows sign language, Has never been married, Is Prosci certified, Been with the company 25+ years, Owns a horse, Has had a broken a bone, Knows what ADKAR stands for, Owns a vacation home, Has ran a marathon, Has a twin, Birthday is in June, Doesn’t go by their first name, Has more than one pet, Runs their own business, Is a published author, Favorite season is Autumn, Has a son, Has a daughter, Has multiple degrees, Has blue eyes, Is wearing a red shirt, Is wearing animal print, Member of a gym, Is CPR certified, Has been to Canada, Has been to Disney World and Disneyland, Is wearing a watch, Is over 6 foot tall, Has a mustache, Can hula hoop, Sings karaoke, Has been on a cruise, Wears glasses/contacts, Can impersonate an animal, Favorite candy is Twix, Can blow a bubble, Can whistle, Can do a cartwheel, Grew up on a farm, Likes to hunt/fish, Owns a boat, Owns season tickets to football, Has a desktop at home, Has an iPhone, Has a Droid, Enjoys reading, Has/had a family member at the company, Rides the bus/train to work, Has a nephew, Is fluent in military time, Drives a truck, Drives a convertible, Doesn’t drink coffee, Knows what CFL stands for…, Knows what a dip pole is…, Can name two nuclear stations…, Knows what JIC stands for…, Can name the Chief Legal Officer, Can remember when we didn’t have debit cards, Can solve a Rubix Cube, Has been bungee jumping, Has met a celebrity, Can ice skate, Can say ABCs backwards, Can cross their eyes, Knows the Greek alphabet, Can curl their tongue, Is double jointed, Understands the rules of soccer, Has seen a ghost, Has been to a haunted house, Owns a Swiss Army knife, Knows Spiderman’s real name, Owns a record (LP/album), Has been to Italy, Has been to Hawaii, Has been to South America, Has been to China, Keeps a diary or journal, Plays golf, Can play a musical instrument, Can name the planets in order, Can name the colors of the rainbow in order, Can play chess, Can roll their Rs and Can change a tire.

⚠ This card has duplicate items: Speaks multiple languages (2), Has more than one pet (2), Has blue eyes (2), Enjoys reading (2), Was born in another country (2), Birthday is in September (2), Is left handed (2), Has never been on an airplane (2), Is an only child (2), Doesn’t drink coffee (2)

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about 32 items before someone wins. There's a 0.33% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 9 items. Typically, 1 player will win at a time.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.