Sundy Bingo

Sundy Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 40 words: Escape room, Condoms and consent, Pumpkin carving, Alcohol awareness program- mocktails, Murder Mystery, Spa night, Career day, Video game night, Friendship bracelets, Cards with cummins, Thunder alley hike, Wacky Things, Banana tree, Nacho cheese bandit, Drive by beyblading, Volleyball in the lounge, Traffic cones, Commie shrek, Nerf war in the hallway, Shower parties, A Kangaroo on the quad???, Paper cones in the ceiling, Mountain Day, Festifall, Tenting, Madrigal, Halloweekend, Oak’s Jokes, Lobsterfest, The CA setting off the fire alarm multiple times, Shower steam, Jeff, Didn’t catch a washer on fire, Isn’t sherwood, Didn't have to wake up to construction at 7am everyday, Windows are still intact, Has working hot water, Residents are very social, Easy to navigate and Best Ra’s.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

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