This bingo card has a free space and 49 words: B1 10 Jumping jacks, I13 10 push ups, N27 8 jump squats, G32 30 second plank, O43 10 sit ups, B7 20 arm circles, I17 20 crunches, N24 30 seconds jog in place, G39 30 second mountain climbers, 049 20 second push up hold, B10 10 Lunges, I19 30 seconds Pike Stretch, G35 20 side to side jumps, O50 10 burpees, B8 30 seconds high knees, I15 15 squats, N22 30 seconds v-sit, G40 10 crunches, O42 30 second squat hold, B9 30 second wall sit, I11 30 seconds shoulder touches, N29 10 V-ups, G31 30 second butterfly, 041 10 seconds deep breaths, B2 10 Air punches, I12 10 second dance, N21 15 toe touches, G33 15 squats, O44 20 second plank, B3 10 toe touches, I14 10 Jumping jacks, N23 10 second v-sit, G34 20 Arm circles, O45 20 second squat hold, B4 15 high knees, I16 6 Broad Jumps, N25 10 ski jumps, G36 15 second arm stretch lt arm, O46 15 Jumping jacks, B5 4 Broad jumps, I18 10 Squat jumps, N26 20 second deep breathing, G37 15 second arm stretch rt arm, O47 20 shoulder touches, B6 5 squat jumps, I20 10 high knees, N28 5 angle push ups, G38 5 burpees and O48 20 second butterfly.
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about 14 items before someone wins. There's a 0.33% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 5 items. Typically, 1 player will win at a time.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.