This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Presenters are awkward/make a bad joke, Thank you Europe, A costume with feathers, Topless dancers, Metal hard rock song, Saxophone or trumpet, Playing guitar on stage, sungglasses indoors, Pyrotechnics, Sparkly outfit, Photo slideshow, Wink at the camera, Stop voting now!, Covid references, The contest has a tattoo, Projection of the singer in the background, Fog machine, Flags in the audience (X5), A song with a mix of languages, Strobe lights, Grazie Italia, Stairs as prop, Obviously fake instrument and Singer is lifted into the air.
Eurovision | Eurovision 2022 | 5 STAR KARAOKE 50/50 BINGO | EUROVISION BINGO SHEET 1 | Eurovision Bingo!
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