World History Bingo

World History Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: What did the assignation of Franz Ferdinand lead to?, Napoleon rose to prominence during what?, Who in Central America did Cortes conquer?, What type of government did the Ancient Greeks have?, Before landing in Plymouth, where did the pilgrims stop first?, Alexander the Great created one of the largest Empires for what Kingdom?, What famous philosopher was a student of Plato?, What war was known as "The war to end all wars?, Who was the Mongols leader?, The Ottoman Empire followed what religious belief?, Charlemagne was the 1st emperor to rule after the fall of what Empire?, Isaac Newton formulated the laws of what?, Simon Bolivar lead 5 South American countries to Independence from?, The Bolshevik Revolution lead to the creation of what party in Russia?, Who was the British King during the American Revolution?, The Silk Road linked the Han Dynasty is what country to the West?, Feudalism was the dominant social system during what Era in Europe?, Shogun was the title of what?, The Black Death is also called what?, The Renaissance followed what dark period in Europe?, Thomas Hobbes developed what contract?, Imperialism relates to a country doing what?, Treaty of Varsailles ended what war? and What 3 countries were the Axis Powers?.

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