What famousphilosopherwas astudent ofPlato?What type ofgovernmentdid theAncientGreeks have?Feudalismwas thedominant socialsystem duringwhat Era inEurope?Shogunwas thetitle ofwhat?ThomasHobbesdevelopedwhatcontract?What did theassignationof FranzFerdinandlead to?Imperialismrelates to acountrydoing what?IsaacNewtonformulatedthe laws ofwhat?Treaty ofVarsaillesendedwhat war?The OttomanEmpirefollowed whatreligiousbelief?Alexander theGreat createdone of thelargest Empiresfor whatKingdom?The BolshevikRevolution leadto the creationof what party inRussia?Charlemagnewas the 1stemperor to ruleafter the fall ofwhat Empire?TheRenaissancefollowed whatdark period inEurope?Who wastheMongolsleader?Who inCentralAmerica didCortesconquer?The Silk Roadlinked the HanDynasty iswhat countryto the West?Who was theBritish Kingduring theAmericanRevolution?What 3countrieswere theAxisPowers?Simon Bolivarlead 5 SouthAmericancountries toIndependencefrom?Before landingin Plymouth,where did thepilgrims stopfirst?What warwas knownas "The warto end allwars?The BlackDeath isalso calledwhat?Napoleonrose toprominenceduring what?What famousphilosopherwas astudent ofPlato?What type ofgovernmentdid theAncientGreeks have?Feudalismwas thedominant socialsystem duringwhat Era inEurope?Shogunwas thetitle ofwhat?ThomasHobbesdevelopedwhatcontract?What did theassignationof FranzFerdinandlead to?Imperialismrelates to acountrydoing what?IsaacNewtonformulatedthe laws ofwhat?Treaty ofVarsaillesendedwhat war?The OttomanEmpirefollowed whatreligiousbelief?Alexander theGreat createdone of thelargest Empiresfor whatKingdom?The BolshevikRevolution leadto the creationof what party inRussia?Charlemagnewas the 1stemperor to ruleafter the fall ofwhat Empire?TheRenaissancefollowed whatdark period inEurope?Who wastheMongolsleader?Who inCentralAmerica didCortesconquer?The Silk Roadlinked the HanDynasty iswhat countryto the West?Who was theBritish Kingduring theAmericanRevolution?What 3countrieswere theAxisPowers?Simon Bolivarlead 5 SouthAmericancountries toIndependencefrom?Before landingin Plymouth,where did thepilgrims stopfirst?What warwas knownas "The warto end allwars?The BlackDeath isalso calledwhat?Napoleonrose toprominenceduring what?

World History Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What famous philosopher was a student of Plato?
  2. What type of government did the Ancient Greeks have?
  3. Feudalism was the dominant social system during what Era in Europe?
  4. Shogun was the title of what?
  5. Thomas Hobbes developed what contract?
  6. What did the assignation of Franz Ferdinand lead to?
  7. Imperialism relates to a country doing what?
  8. Isaac Newton formulated the laws of what?
  9. Treaty of Varsailles ended what war?
  10. The Ottoman Empire followed what religious belief?
  11. Alexander the Great created one of the largest Empires for what Kingdom?
  12. The Bolshevik Revolution lead to the creation of what party in Russia?
  13. Charlemagne was the 1st emperor to rule after the fall of what Empire?
  14. The Renaissance followed what dark period in Europe?
  15. Who was the Mongols leader?
  16. Who in Central America did Cortes conquer?
  17. The Silk Road linked the Han Dynasty is what country to the West?
  18. Who was the British King during the American Revolution?
  19. What 3 countries were the Axis Powers?
  20. Simon Bolivar lead 5 South American countries to Independence from?
  21. Before landing in Plymouth, where did the pilgrims stop first?
  22. What war was known as "The war to end all wars?
  23. The Black Death is also called what?
  24. Napoleon rose to prominence during what?