This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Denied Security, Mis-directed call, Owner lives on the West Coast, Caller calls for withdrawal, Saved an escalation, Call w/ another party in background, Call from a beneficiary, Owner asks to repeat your name, Call from AA, Contract number ends with an odd number, Call requesting reall or annt quote, Caller asks about the weather, Call requesting password reset, RMD Call, Call that last 30 minutes, Compliment Call, Tax/1099 Call, Owner on contract lives in FL, Death Claim Call, Call from Agent, Call regarding a statement, Call from Ronda Lewis, Owner asks where you're located and Call requires an internal transfer.
Maintenance 1-39 | Contact Center Bingo! | 911 Operator Bingo | Life Events Call Bingo | MetLife Variable Bingo
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