
Pharmacology Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 69 words: Generic name, Kidney, Clonidine, Ibuprofen, Metronidazole, FDA, Urine, Epinephrine, Acetaminophen, Nystatin, Schedule 1, First pass effect, Codeine, Acyclovir, Half-life, Adverse reaction, Pilocarpine, Antibiotics, Ester, Agonist, prn, Aspirin, Penicillin, Amides, ADME, .2mg, Dilantin, Nifedipine, Heparin, Small intestine, Benzodiazepine, Hydrochlorothiazide, Propranolol, Clopidogrel, Liver, Stage I anesthesia, Calcium Channel Blockers, Nitroglycerin, warfarin, Ulcers, Enamel erosion, Tagament, Adrenocorticoid Steroid, Theophylline, olol, pril, Type I Diabetes, Lidocaine, Antineoplastic drugs, Naloxone (Narcan), diphenhydramine (benedryl), statins, stat, bid, Onset, Duration, Pharmacokinetics, Tetracycline, premedication, Autonomic nervous system, SLUD, Green, Phenobarbital, Efficacy, Enteral, Parenteral, Macrolide antibiotics, RIPE and Sympathetic (SANS).

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