2nd Annual SBA Bingo

2nd Annual SBA Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 32 words: SCs mess up an acronym, Shannon makes a joke about the acronym "SACs", A non-approved Bluetooth item is ___, SCs aren't sure about something and have to look it up, Test Incident Report mentioned on slide ___, Meeker Testing Resources are found ______, A teacher asks a clarifying question, Teacher shares resources with staff, Student Login Directions begin on slide _____, Shannon references an acronym staff don't know, Student test ticket example is shown on slide ___, Testing irregularity is said, Teacher asks Q about what if a student doesn't have their laptop, How to Start a Test Session is explained on slide ___, Break procedures are mentioned, TIDE is mentioned, Pause Rules are found on slide ____, Teacher shares an idea of how to collect cell phones, TA Script being read verbatim is mentioned, Shannon says "WA-CAP" instead of "WCAP", Seating arrangements are mentioned, Teacher asks Q about what instructional materials need to be removed, SCs emphasize difference between SSID and TPS ID#, Snacks are mentioned, SCs emphasize new cell phone/laptop policy, Small group testing is mentioned, SCs look to the Lynn's for an answer, SCs explain what students can do after testing, You now verify you're administering a_________ assessment, Admin will check for instructional materials on May ___, On testing days, call _____ to contact SCs. and 2 common testing incidents at MMS __________ __________.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

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