This bingo card has 25 words: Update patient's phone number, Collect copay/payment, Help from Tammy, Work Comp Claim, Get consent from legal guardian/POA, Update patient's emergency contact, Pre-Register patient with patient in booth, Term old insurance, Add new insurance, Run coverage discovery, Scan insurance card, Scan photo ID, Alisha leaves the front desk, Call doctor's for lab/xray orders, Receive guardianship or POA papers, Can't reach a legal guardian or POA, "Everythings the same", Walk in direct admit, Dept asks that their patients be registered first, Give out FA app, "Do I have to wear a mask?", Call security for a weapon, Send an account to Susan, Create/register new patient and Patient doesn't know what kind of test they're having done.
Patient Access Week 2023 Bingo | Registration Bingo | PAS Week Bingo | Happy PAS Access Week! | Patient Access Registration
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