Xà Bẻng Chronicles

Xà Bẻng Chronicles Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Unnecessary prep/quiz session, Throwing away students' paper formatives then claiming they didn't turn it in, Doing her math wrong then not admitting it, Formative looks like a summative, Scolds the smartest student in class, Forgot or mistaken people's names, "Good girl/boy", to near-adult students, Class gets lower than 60% on a quizz, Xà Bẻng goes "I'm disappointed"., Plastic bottle environmentalist rantings, Creeping or focusing on specific male students, 10 or less minutes for a quiz with too many questions, "You should study more, this is unacceptable", Scolding after students answer something, then correcting them with the same exact answer., "You did _ wrong" - but it turned out to be right., "I'm good friends with Ms. Jessica, I teach like her", "My daughter, her grades and job, something something someting.", Problematic joke out of nowhere, "I have two degrees in this and that, something something", Not admitting her mistakes after being called out, Irrelevant claims to back herself up (ex. photographic memory), Loudly scolding student(s) for something insignificant, 3 days or less for an incredibly difficult formative, More than half of class couldn't finish the work in time. and "Back at my old school I taught very well...".

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