This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Attempted Suicide, Extreme fear of abandonment, Has 50 different emotions a day, Can never keep friendships, “I AM A BAD PERSON”, Dissociation time, Self harm, Binge eating, Texting FP constantly for reassurance, Scared of ending up like your parents, Really weird memories, Crying for hours at a time, Flashbacks at inconvenient times, Can’t sleep without meds, “Everyone hate me”, EXTREME ANGER, I love my fp so much they are everything, “Maybe it’s not BPD, maybe I’m just depressed”, I wanna cut everyone out and start again, Obsessed with things that help you escape the real world, “Everyone leaves me cause I’m a burden”, What if things never get better because life is meaningless?, EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD AND SO CUTE AND AHHHH and Thinking about ways you could kill yourself.
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about 9 items before someone wins. There's a 0.67% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 4 items. Typically, 1 to 3 players will win at the same time.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.