This bingo card has a free space and 44 words: Is an AAC Guru, Presented at the HELIX Conference, Provides training on accessible instructional materials (AIM), Uses eye-tracking technology, Attended the 2024 PDE Conference, Active on social media for AT, Works with Autistic Support Teams, Has experience with switch access, Enjoys cooking, Is part of TaCTICS, Implements alternative AT for physical access, Enjoys hiking in PA, Works in higher education, Knows American Sign Language, Expert in screen reader software, Conducts AT/AAC assessments for students, Collaborates with OTs and PTs regularly, Attended an AT conference in the last year, Collaborates with special education teachers, Implements UDL principles, Knows Braille, Member of AT professional association, Specializes in AT for literacy, Plays a musical instrument, Uses a soldering iron regularly, Provides training on digital accessibility for educators, Collaborates with SLPs regularly, Saw the Solar Eclipse on 4/8/24, Is a member of a DBRT, Collaborates with families on assistive technology solutions, Provides PD on assistive technology integration, Assists teams in consdering tech solutions within MTSS, Supports students with ADHD, Uses a speech-to-text app for writing, Utilizes a graphic organizer software for note-taking, Implements a time management app, Utilizes a color-coded calendar app for scheduling, Uses a handwriting recognition app, Implements a captioning tool for video content, Implements VR for immersive learning experiences, Uses a gesture-based control system for computer interaction, Uses a GPS tracker for safety and navigation, Implements a mind-mapping software for brainstorming and Uses a touch-screen device for interactive learning activities.
AT Consultant Networking Days 2024 | CCCJ- DOE Workshop | Capacity Building Bingo | Cultural BINGO | Cultural BINGO
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