Intro to Art Bingo

Intro to Art Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Provide positive feedback about art to another student, Keep a blotter under your hand so you don't smear your work, Ask a clarifying question about your assignment, practice value scales on your own, use e-hall pass E-143 G or 142 B on your own, Draw lightly until it's right, Work the entire class period, Use a photo to help you draw, Help clean up something more than your area in the art room, Show your art to someone outside of class, random act of kindness, put your name on your art work, make a poster for a school event or activity, go with an idea other than your first thought, make implied textures using only your pencil, show up to class on time, use the back of drawing paper rather than just putting mistakes in the trash, Make a sketch or plan before starting a work of art, sign up for a WIN time and work on a project from class., mix colors by putting darker value into the lighter one drop at a time, Clean up your work-space and supplies before you leave class., Keep your phone put away with no exceptions., copy another artist to learn something new, include someone new in class., make someone's day better, after directions gather supplies without asking where to get the supplies, participate in a BHS event or activity, be kind and print your name only so that it is easy to read on your art bin.

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