CristinaRamirez Lead us to the edgeof what analysis cando and then pointbeyond—to whatcan and must bedone by the humanspirit.Changethe goal ofthesystemRileyCavanaughChisagoChange therules of thesystem(incentives,punishments,constraints)Easterbrook,Steve. 2011. ThePower to ChangeSystems. Planet3.0 WebsiteChange themindset orparadigm outof which thesystem arisesChange thesizes ofbuffers andstocks relativeto their flowsPlaces toIntervenein aSystemChange thelength ofdelays, relativeto rate ofsystem changeChanges inconstants,parameters,numbersMulgan, Geoff,and CharlieLeadbeater.“Systemsinnovation.”London: Nesta(2013).PointsofpowerIncrease thestrength ofnegative feedbackloops relative tothe impacts theytry to correctagainstStroh, David Peter.“Leveraginggrantmaking:Understanding thedynamics of complexsocial systems.” TheFoundation Review 1.3(2009): 9. Part 1.Nurture thepower to add,change, evolveor self-organizesystemstructure.Thepower totranscendparadigmsChange thestructure ofinformation flows,to alter who does(or does not) haveaccess toinformation.Change thestructure ofmaterialstocks andflowsReduce thegain aroundpositivefeedbackloopsPlaces in thesystem where asmall changecould lead to alarge shift inbehaviorAnaBoguskyMeadows, DonellaH. 2008. Thinking inSystems A Primer.Chelsea GreenPublishing. Part 3 p.145-185.CaitlinYongCristinaRamirezLead us to the edgeof what analysis cando and then pointbeyond—to whatcan and must bedone by the humanspirit.Changethe goal ofthesystemRileyCavanaughChisagoChange therules of thesystem(incentives,punishments,constraints)Easterbrook,Steve. 2011. ThePower to ChangeSystems. Planet3.0 WebsiteChange themindset orparadigm outof which thesystem arisesChange thesizes ofbuffers andstocks relativeto their flowsPlaces toIntervenein aSystemChange thelength ofdelays, relativeto rate ofsystem changeChanges inconstants,parameters,numbersMulgan, Geoff,and CharlieLeadbeater.“Systemsinnovation.”London: Nesta(2013).PointsofpowerIncrease thestrength ofnegative feedbackloops relative tothe impacts theytry to correctagainstStroh, David Peter.“Leveraginggrantmaking:Understanding thedynamics of complexsocial systems.” TheFoundation Review 1.3(2009): 9. Part 1.Nurture thepower to add,change, evolveor self-organizesystemstructure.Thepower totranscendparadigmsChange thestructure ofinformation flows,to alter who does(or does not) haveaccess toinformation.Change thestructure ofmaterialstocks andflowsReduce thegain aroundpositivefeedbackloopsPlaces in thesystem where asmall changecould lead to alarge shift inbehaviorAnaBoguskyMeadows, DonellaH. 2008. Thinking inSystems A Primer.Chelsea GreenPublishing. Part 3 p.145-185.CaitlinYong

Leveraging Transition and Transformation - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Cristina Ramirez
  2. Lead us to the edge of what analysis can do and then point beyond—to what can and must be done by the human spirit.
  3. Change the goal of the system
  4. Riley Cavanaugh
  5. Chisago
  6. Change the rules of the system (incentives, punishments, constraints)
  7. Easterbrook, Steve. 2011. The Power to Change Systems. Planet 3.0 Website
  8. Change the mindset or paradigm out of which the system arises
  9. Change the sizes of buffers and stocks relative to their flows
  10. Places to Intervene in a System
  11. Change the length of delays, relative to rate of system change
  12. Changes in constants, parameters, numbers
  13. Mulgan, Geoff, and Charlie Leadbeater. “Systems innovation.” London: Nesta (2013).
  14. Points of power
  15. Increase the strength of negative feedback loops relative to the impacts they try to correct against
  16. Stroh, David Peter. “Leveraging grantmaking: Understanding the dynamics of complex social systems.” The Foundation Review 1.3 (2009): 9. Part 1.
  17. Nurture the power to add, change, evolve or self-organize system structure.
  18. The power to transcend paradigms
  19. Change the structure of information flows, to alter who does (or does not) have access to information.
  20. Change the structure of material stocks and flows
  21. Reduce the gain around positive feedback loops
  22. Places in the system where a small change could lead to a large shift in behavior
  23. Ana Bogusky
  24. Meadows, Donella H. 2008. Thinking in Systems A Primer. Chelsea Green Publishing. Part 3 p. 145-185.
  25. Caitlin Yong