65.Buildingleadershipteams92. Theschoolestablishespartnerships54. Strategicresourcemanagement71. The schoolhas highexpectationsfor learningprogress60. Datacollection,analysis andevaluation ofstudent learninggrowth over time61. Globalcitizenship46. SchoolImprovement Teamformed to develop,oversee and evaluatethe effectiveness andimpact of the AnnualImplementation Plan78. Individualsand teams areopen to criticallyevaluating theirpractice in aculture of trust88. Staff haveconsistentunderstandings andregular engagementwith the studentengagement policy.6. At the coreis a culture ofcollaborationand collectiveresponsibility.84. Allteacherscollect rigorousevidence oflearning44. The school has aclear instructionalmodel that is basedon research. Allteachers follow themodel64. Theschool has aculture ofhighexpectations42. Engagingteachers incontemporary highquality professionallearning is the mostsuccessful way toimprove teachereffectiveness.56. Leaders use acollaborativeapproach todevelop a sharedvision for theschool95. The schoolfosters studentmotivation andconfidence forlearning34. The leadershipteam identifiesand providesaccess toappropriateprofessionallearning90. Studentsapplymetacognitivestrategies totheir learning77. They emphasisethat a person’s ability tolearn is not fixed andthat effective learningstrategies can belearned to improveperformance.82. Staffprovidestudents withtargetedfeedback59.Embedding73. School leaderscommunicate thevision and valuesand engage withstakeholders93. Staff use theirdeep understandingof students’ learningto support them asthey navigategreater learningchallenges47.Evaluatingimpact onlearning45. School-basedprofessional learningprogram developed andimplemented thatsupports the school’sidentified improvementstrategies22. Professionallearning isevidence-basedand modelled onrecognised bestpractice72.Partnershipssupport studentconfidence inlearning andachievement17. There is aholisticapproach tocurriculum,pedagogy andassessment35. Theleadershipteam ensuresa safeenvironment18. Effectiveschools setbehaviourexpectations51. Moderationof commonstudentassessmenttasks66. Leadersdelegate authorityto others toundertake specificactivities83. Datacollection,analysis andevaluation ofstudent learninggrowth over time43. The schoolsupportsstudents torealise theirpotential19. There is areflective cycle ofplanning, teachingand assessmentusing evidencedbased strategies15. The schoolinvests in time,tools andtraining to buildall staffs'capabilities75. Documentedcurriculum plan,assessment andsharedpedagogicalapproaches12. A detailedanalysis of studentoutcomes dataenables teachers tosupport andchallenge allstudents to reachtheir potential.27.Buildingpracticeexcellence87. The schooldevelopsparent, carerand familyengagement31. Teachershave highexpectationsof studentlearning16. The schoolensuresproductiveteacherstudentrelationships andengagement forlearning63. The schooltakesopportunities toengage with otherschools andcommunityorganisations13. The school learningenvironment promotesacceptance, harmonyand respect within andbeyond the schoolcommunity32. Schoolleaders leadwhole-schoolimprovement5.Professionallearning iscollaborative50. Long termfinancialplanning isaligned withstrategicdirection.52.Evolving30. Studentvoice,leadership andagency in ownlearning isactivated79. Theschool’s vision,values andculture positionit for studentimprovement3. The school haswellestablishedlinks withcommunityservices forpromoting positivehealth98. Theschool buildsassessmentliteracy48. The schoolconnectsstudentassessmentwith learning28. The schoolhas a culture ofstrategic thinking,planning andresourceallocation36. Teachersevaluate andmodify theirteachingpractice41.Instructionaland sharedleadership81. Professionallearning isinformed by thecollection,analysis andevaluation ofstudent data38. Experiencedteachers’ roleincludesfacilitatingprofessionallearning14. Studentscan track andcelebrate theirown learninggrowth24.Emerging91. New staffin the schoolhave athoroughinduction86. Professionallearning isongoing,supported andfully integratedinto the culture ofthe school74. The schoolworks with specialistservices involvedwith individualchildren who havesignificant health orlearning issues.94. Qualityconversationsare led by theprincipalclass.1. The schoolmonitors andevaluates itspractice55. The schooladdresses thephysical healthneeds ofstudents76. Theschool activelyvalues conflictresolution andpeace33. Staff haveopportunitiesto observeskilledcolleagues10. The schooladdresses thepsychologicaland socialwellbeing ofstudents96. Buildingcommunities7. Effectiveschools arelearningcommunities26. Teachersprovide, seek outand receivefeedback from peersand school leadersto improve teachingpractice58. Staff arefamiliar withthe AnnualImplementationPlan (AIP)80. The school takesa whole-schoolapproach and workswith communityorganisations thatsupport mentalhealth.62. Theschool fostersinclusion andengagement21. Teacherswork in teamsto analyseassessmentdata57. Whole-schoolapproach tohealth, wellbeing,inclusion andengagement9.Empoweringstudents andbuildingschool pride39. Students setmeaningful learninggoals and monitorand assess theirprogress withsupport from theirteachers.23. Intellectualengagementandselfawareness69. Leadersparticipate inprofessionaland communitynetworks andforums68.Partnershipssupportstudent healthand wellbeing4.Excelling29. The schoolsupports andfostersintellectualengagement99. Theschoolpromotesstudent safetyand wellbeing67. The schoolfosterscommunicationand meaningfulpartnerships withparents andcarers85. Staff arefamiliar with theschool’s SchoolStrategic Plan(SSP)53. Explicit useof evidence-based schoolimprovementstrategies49. A whole-schoolprofessionallearning programis developed anddocumented.70. Vision,valuesandculture89. Teachers haveopportunities toreview new strategies,receive feedback andfocused coaching tosupport changes totheir practice25. Staffevaluate andmodify theirpractice20. The schoolhas partnershipsto support studenthealth, wellbeingand achievement40. The schoolstrengthens thesocial andemotionalwellbeing ofstudents8. School-basedprofessional learningprogram developed andimplemented thatsupports the school’sidentified improvementstrategies2. The schoolproactivelyinvolvesstudents indecision-making.97. Staff teamsregularlyobserve andprovidefeedback ontheir work37. Teachers have acollective belief thatstrong learning growthfor all students isenabled by evidence-based pedagogicalpractice11. The schoolfosters a culture thatvalues and supportsongoing professionallearning to evaluateand improve65.Buildingleadershipteams92. Theschoolestablishespartnerships54. Strategicresourcemanagement71. The schoolhas highexpectationsfor learningprogress60. Datacollection,analysis andevaluation ofstudent learninggrowth over time61. Globalcitizenship46. SchoolImprovement Teamformed to develop,oversee and evaluatethe effectiveness andimpact of the AnnualImplementation Plan78. Individualsand teams areopen to criticallyevaluating theirpractice in aculture of trust88. Staff haveconsistentunderstandings andregular engagementwith the studentengagement policy.6. At the coreis a culture ofcollaborationand collectiveresponsibility.84. Allteacherscollect rigorousevidence oflearning44. The school has aclear instructionalmodel that is basedon research. Allteachers follow themodel64. Theschool has aculture ofhighexpectations42. Engagingteachers incontemporary highquality professionallearning is the mostsuccessful way toimprove teachereffectiveness.56. Leaders use acollaborativeapproach todevelop a sharedvision for theschool95. The schoolfosters studentmotivation andconfidence forlearning34. The leadershipteam identifiesand providesaccess toappropriateprofessionallearning90. Studentsapplymetacognitivestrategies totheir learning77. They emphasisethat a person’s ability tolearn is not fixed andthat effective learningstrategies can belearned to improveperformance.82. Staffprovidestudents withtargetedfeedback59.Embedding73. School leaderscommunicate thevision and valuesand engage withstakeholders93. Staff use theirdeep understandingof students’ learningto support them asthey navigategreater learningchallenges47.Evaluatingimpact onlearning45. School-basedprofessional learningprogram developed andimplemented thatsupports the school’sidentified improvementstrategies22. Professionallearning isevidence-basedand modelled onrecognised bestpractice72.Partnershipssupport studentconfidence inlearning andachievement17. There is aholisticapproach tocurriculum,pedagogy andassessment35. Theleadershipteam ensuresa safeenvironment18. Effectiveschools setbehaviourexpectations51. Moderationof commonstudentassessmenttasks66. Leadersdelegate authorityto others toundertake specificactivities83. Datacollection,analysis andevaluation ofstudent learninggrowth over time43. The schoolsupportsstudents torealise theirpotential19. There is areflective cycle ofplanning, teachingand assessmentusing evidencedbased strategies15. The schoolinvests in time,tools andtraining to buildall staffs'capabilities75. Documentedcurriculum plan,assessment andsharedpedagogicalapproaches12. A detailedanalysis of studentoutcomes dataenables teachers tosupport andchallenge allstudents to reachtheir potential.27.Buildingpracticeexcellence87. The schooldevelopsparent, carerand familyengagement31. Teachershave highexpectationsof studentlearning16. The schoolensuresproductiveteacherstudentrelationships andengagement forlearning63. The schooltakesopportunities toengage with otherschools andcommunityorganisations13. The school learningenvironment promotesacceptance, harmonyand respect within andbeyond the schoolcommunity32. Schoolleaders leadwhole-schoolimprovement5.Professionallearning iscollaborative50. Long termfinancialplanning isaligned withstrategicdirection.52.Evolving30. Studentvoice,leadership andagency in ownlearning isactivated79. Theschool’s vision,values andculture positionit for studentimprovement3. The school haswellestablishedlinks withcommunityservices forpromoting positivehealth98. Theschool buildsassessmentliteracy48. The schoolconnectsstudentassessmentwith learning28. The schoolhas a culture ofstrategic thinking,planning andresourceallocation36. Teachersevaluate andmodify theirteachingpractice41.Instructionaland sharedleadership81. Professionallearning isinformed by thecollection,analysis andevaluation ofstudent data38. Experiencedteachers’ roleincludesfacilitatingprofessionallearning14. Studentscan track andcelebrate theirown learninggrowth24.Emerging91. New staffin the schoolhave athoroughinduction86. Professionallearning isongoing,supported andfully integratedinto the culture ofthe school74. The schoolworks with specialistservices involvedwith individualchildren who havesignificant health orlearning issues.94. Qualityconversationsare led by theprincipalclass.1. The schoolmonitors andevaluates itspractice55. The schooladdresses thephysical healthneeds ofstudents76. Theschool activelyvalues conflictresolution andpeace33. Staff haveopportunitiesto observeskilledcolleagues10. The schooladdresses thepsychologicaland socialwellbeing ofstudents96. Buildingcommunities7. Effectiveschools arelearningcommunities26. Teachersprovide, seek outand receivefeedback from peersand school leadersto improve teachingpractice58. Staff arefamiliar withthe AnnualImplementationPlan (AIP)80. The school takesa whole-schoolapproach and workswith communityorganisations thatsupport mentalhealth.62. Theschool fostersinclusion andengagement21. Teacherswork in teamsto analyseassessmentdata57. Whole-schoolapproach tohealth, wellbeing,inclusion andengagement9.Empoweringstudents andbuildingschool pride39. Students setmeaningful learninggoals and monitorand assess theirprogress withsupport from theirteachers.23. Intellectualengagementandselfawareness69. Leadersparticipate inprofessionaland communitynetworks andforums68.Partnershipssupportstudent healthand wellbeing4.Excelling29. The schoolsupports andfostersintellectualengagement99. Theschoolpromotesstudent safetyand wellbeing67. The schoolfosterscommunicationand meaningfulpartnerships withparents andcarers85. Staff arefamiliar with theschool’s SchoolStrategic Plan(SSP)53. Explicit useof evidence-based schoolimprovementstrategies49. A whole-schoolprofessionallearning programis developed anddocumented.70. Vision,valuesandculture89. Teachers haveopportunities toreview new strategies,receive feedback andfocused coaching tosupport changes totheir practice25. Staffevaluate andmodify theirpractice20. The schoolhas partnershipsto support studenthealth, wellbeingand achievement40. The schoolstrengthens thesocial andemotionalwellbeing ofstudents8. School-basedprofessional learningprogram developed andimplemented thatsupports the school’sidentified improvementstrategies2. The schoolproactivelyinvolvesstudents indecision-making.97. Staff teamsregularlyobserve andprovidefeedback ontheir work37. Teachers have acollective belief thatstrong learning growthfor all students isenabled by evidence-based pedagogicalpractice11. The schoolfosters a culture thatvalues and supportsongoing professionallearning to evaluateand improve

FISO Bingo for Oakwood - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 65. Building leadership teams
  2. 92. The school establishes partnerships
  3. 54. Strategic resource management
  4. 71. The school has high expectations for learning progress
  5. 60. Data collection, analysis and evaluation of student learning growth over time
  6. 61. Global citizenship
  7. 46. School Improvement Team formed to develop, oversee and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the Annual Implementation Plan
  8. 78. Individuals and teams are open to critically evaluating their practice in a culture of trust
  9. 88. Staff have consistent understandings and regular engagement with the student engagement policy.
  10. 6. At the core is a culture of collaboration and collective responsibility.
  11. 84. All teachers collect rigorous evidence of learning
  12. 44. The school has a clear instructional model that is based on research. All teachers follow the model
  13. 64. The school has a culture of high expectations
  14. 42. Engaging teachers in contemporary high quality professional learning is the most successful way to improve teacher effectiveness.
  15. 56. Leaders use a collaborative approach to develop a shared vision for the school
  16. 95. The school fosters student motivation and confidence for learning
  17. 34. The leadership team identifies and provides access to appropriate professional learning
  18. 90. Students apply metacognitive strategies to their learning
  19. 77. They emphasise that a person’s ability to learn is not fixed and that effective learning strategies can be learned to improve performance.
  20. 82. Staff provide students with targeted feedback
  21. 59. Embedding
  22. 73. School leaders communicate the vision and values and engage with stakeholders
  23. 93. Staff use their deep understanding of students’ learning to support them as they navigate greater learning challenges
  24. 47. Evaluating impact on learning
  25. 45. School-based professional learning program developed and implemented that supports the school’s identified improvement strategies
  26. 22. Professional learning is evidence-based and modelled on recognised best practice
  27. 72. Partnerships support student confidence in learning and achievement
  28. 17. There is a holistic approach to curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
  29. 35. The leadership team ensures a safe environment
  30. 18. Effective schools set behaviour expectations
  31. 51. Moderation of common student assessment tasks
  32. 66. Leaders delegate authority to others to undertake specific activities
  33. 83. Data collection, analysis and evaluation of student learning growth over time
  34. 43. The school supports students to realise their potential
  35. 19. There is a reflective cycle of planning, teaching and assessment using evidenced based strategies
  36. 15. The school invests in time, tools and training to build all staffs' capabilities
  37. 75. Documented curriculum plan, assessment and shared pedagogical approaches
  38. 12. A detailed analysis of student outcomes data enables teachers to support and challenge all students to reach their potential.
  39. 27. Building practice excellence
  40. 87. The school develops parent, carer and family engagement
  41. 31. Teachers have high expectations of student learning
  42. 16. The school ensures productive teacherstudent relationships and engagement for learning
  43. 63. The school takes opportunities to engage with other schools and community organisations
  44. 13. The school learning environment promotes acceptance, harmony and respect within and beyond the school community
  45. 32. School leaders lead whole-school improvement
  46. 5. Professional learning is collaborative
  47. 50. Long term financial planning is aligned with strategic direction.
  48. 52. Evolving
  49. 30. Student voice, leadership and agency in own learning is activated
  50. 79. The school’s vision, values and culture position it for student improvement
  51. 3. The school has wellestablished links with community services for promoting positive health
  52. 98. The school builds assessment literacy
  53. 48. The school connects student assessment with learning
  54. 28. The school has a culture of strategic thinking, planning and resource allocation
  55. 36. Teachers evaluate and modify their teaching practice
  56. 41. Instructional and shared leadership
  57. 81. Professional learning is informed by the collection, analysis and evaluation of student data
  58. 38. Experienced teachers’ role includes facilitating professional learning
  59. 14. Students can track and celebrate their own learning growth
  60. 24. Emerging
  61. 91. New staff in the school have a thorough induction
  62. 86. Professional learning is ongoing, supported and fully integrated into the culture of the school
  63. 74. The school works with specialist services involved with individual children who have significant health or learning issues.
  64. 94. Quality conversations are led by the principal class.
  65. 1. The school monitors and evaluates its practice
  66. 55. The school addresses the physical health needs of students
  67. 76. The school actively values conflict resolution and peace
  68. 33. Staff have opportunities to observe skilled colleagues
  69. 10. The school addresses the psychological and social wellbeing of students
  70. 96. Building communities
  71. 7. Effective schools are learning communities
  72. 26. Teachers provide, seek out and receive feedback from peers and school leaders to improve teaching practice
  73. 58. Staff are familiar with the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)
  74. 80. The school takes a whole-school approach and works with community organisations that support mental health.
  75. 62. The school fosters inclusion and engagement
  76. 21. Teachers work in teams to analyse assessment data
  77. 57. Whole-school approach to health, wellbeing, inclusion and engagement
  78. 9. Empowering students and building school pride
  79. 39. Students set meaningful learning goals and monitor and assess their progress with support from their teachers.
  80. 23. Intellectual engagement and selfawareness
  81. 69. Leaders participate in professional and community networks and forums
  82. 68. Partnerships support student health and wellbeing
  83. 4. Excelling
  84. 29. The school supports and fosters intellectual engagement
  85. 99. The school promotes student safety and wellbeing
  86. 67. The school fosters communication and meaningful partnerships with parents and carers
  87. 85. Staff are familiar with the school’s School Strategic Plan (SSP)
  88. 53. Explicit use of evidence-based school improvement strategies
  89. 49. A whole-school professional learning program is developed and documented.
  90. 70. Vision, values and culture
  91. 89. Teachers have opportunities to review new strategies, receive feedback and focused coaching to support changes to their practice
  92. 25. Staff evaluate and modify their practice
  93. 20. The school has partnerships to support student health, wellbeing and achievement
  94. 40. The school strengthens the social and emotional wellbeing of students
  95. 8. School-based professional learning program developed and implemented that supports the school’s identified improvement strategies
  96. 2. The school proactively involves students in decision-making.
  97. 97. Staff teams regularly observe and provide feedback on their work
  98. 37. Teachers have a collective belief that strong learning growth for all students is enabled by evidence-based pedagogical practice
  99. 11. The school fosters a culture that values and supports ongoing professional learning to evaluate and improve