Astatementof values iscalled:.......T/F :cultureis staticDisclosure ofunethical or illegalactivities tosomeone who is inthe position to takeaction to prevent orpunishthe wrongdoingis :Goals to besustainableare :Givethree.diffrencesbetweencomplianceprogrames andvalue basedprogramesCultureintegrationforms are:What iscorporateculture ?List 4 oftheculturalelementsT/F : valuebased cultureis calledintegritybased.Distinguishbetweeneffective andethical leader.Who isthe ethicalleader ?Mentiontwoapproachesto culture .T/F: ethucalleadershipembodiesdeontologicalframe worksonly.Fill the gaps:Whistleblowingcan occure.........and............Goals ofcomplianceprogramesare :What is Oneof the keymanifestationsof ethicalleadership ?Signs of a potentiallydamaging orethically-challengedcorporateculture – referred toas :Which approachReinforce aparticular set ofvalues rather thana particular set ofrules?Fill the gap:A .................. setsthe expectations andnorms that willdetermine whichdecisions get made.Fill the gaps: inbusiness context,)...... ,and........, and....... areminimal goals inorder to besustainableOne of themostdeterminativeelements ofintegration is:What isan ethicalculture ?Which rule isEmphasizeobedience to therules as theprimaryresponsibility ofethics?List wopotentialsto the codeof conduct.Astatementof values iscalled:.......T/F :cultureis staticDisclosure ofunethical or illegalactivities tosomeone who is inthe position to takeaction to prevent orpunishthe wrongdoingis :Goals to besustainableare :Givethree.diffrencesbetweencomplianceprogrames andvalue basedprogramesCultureintegrationforms are:What iscorporateculture ?List 4 oftheculturalelementsT/F : valuebased cultureis calledintegritybased.Distinguishbetweeneffective andethical leader.Who isthe ethicalleader ?Mentiontwoapproachesto culture .T/F: ethucalleadershipembodiesdeontologicalframe worksonly.Fill the gaps:Whistleblowingcan occure.........and............Goals ofcomplianceprogramesare :What is Oneof the keymanifestationsof ethicalleadership ?Signs of a potentiallydamaging orethically-challengedcorporateculture – referred toas :Which approachReinforce aparticular set ofvalues rather thana particular set ofrules?Fill the gap:A .................. setsthe expectations andnorms that willdetermine whichdecisions get made.Fill the gaps: inbusiness context,)...... ,and........, and....... areminimal goals inorder to besustainableOne of themostdeterminativeelements ofintegration is:What isan ethicalculture ?Which rule isEmphasizeobedience to therules as theprimaryresponsibility ofethics?List wopotentialsto the codeof conduct.

Chapter 4 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A statement of values is called:.......
  2. T/F : culture is static
  3. Disclosure of unethical or illegal activities to someone who is in the position to take action to prevent or punish the wrongdoingis :
  4. Goals to be sustainable are :
  5. Give three.diffrences between compliance programes and value based programes
  6. Culture integration forms are:
  7. What is corporate culture ?
  8. List 4 of the cultural elements
  9. T/F : value based culture is called integrity based.
  10. Distinguish between effective and ethical leader .
  11. Who is the ethical leader ?
  12. Mention two approaches to culture .
  13. T/F: ethucal leadership embodies deontological frame works only.
  14. Fill the gaps: Whistleblowing can occure .........and ............
  15. Goals of compliance programes are :
  16. What is One of the key manifestations of ethical leadership ?
  17. Signs of a potentially damaging or ethically-challenged corporate culture – referred to as :
  18. Which approach Reinforce a particular set of values rather than a particular set of rules?
  19. Fill the gap: A .................. sets the expectations and norms that will determine which decisions get made.
  20. Fill the gaps: in business context,).... .. ,and........, and ....... are minimal goals in order to be sustainable
  21. One of the most determinative elements of integration is:
  22. What is an ethical culture ?
  23. Which rule is Emphasize obedience to the rules as the primary responsibility of ethics?
  24. List wo potentials to the code of conduct.