11. A video gamestore ordered 15boxes of new videogames. Each boxcontained 40 games.How many totalgames did they order?19. A season pass ata waterpark costs$100. A total of 125people paid for aseason pass. Whatwas the total cost ofthese seasonpasses?18. Mrs. Smith is packingup all of the books in herclassroom. She has 57textbooks to be packedinto boxes that hold 6books each. She will putthe leftover books into abag. How many bookswill be in the bag?23. Two adults and 13children are going on acamping trip. They needto buy one sleeping bagfor each person. Eachsleeping bag costs $30.What is total cost of thesleeping bags?12. The school debateteam had a carwash toraise money for a fieldtrip. They washed 36cars. If they washed 6cars per hour, howmany hours did theywash cars?21. Jim baked sugarcookies and peanutbutter cookies. Hebaked 8 sugar cookiesand 3 times as manypeanut butter cookies.What is the totalnumber of cookies thatJim baked?6. Rene is saving hismoney to buy a new iPodtouch. The iPod touch hewants costs $250. He hassaved $98 already. If hesaves $8 each week, howmany weeks will it takehim to save enoughmoney to buy the iPod?5. Aubre has 18baskets of apples.Christina has 4 times asmany baskets. If thereare 15 apples in eachbasket, how manyapples does Christinahave?17. Amy has 567beads to makenecklaces. If eachnecklace will use 8beads, how manynecklaces can shemake?15. A case of applejuice contains 16bottles. If there are48 cases of juice,about how manybottles are there?22. The list below shows thenumber of picture framesShelly sold on each day of anart sale.● She sold 16 picture frameson Thursday.● She sold 22 picture frameson Friday.● She sold 25 picture frameson Saturday.The cost of each picture f9. Mike used 324blocks to createtowers. He used 9blocks for eachtower. How manytowers did hecreate?13. Ms. Carter’s 4thgrade class is goingto a play. Each ticketcosts $12. If theyneed to buy 26tickets, how muchmoney will theyspend?8. Jonathan practicedhis multiplication factsfor 5 minutes every dayfor three weeks. Howmany minutes did hepractice them duringthe three weeks?16. Mr. Walker isputting 98 books onbookshelves in hisclassroom. If he has6 shelves, how manybooks will be oneach shelf?1. A high school bandpurchased 560 black and goldballoons to release at thehomecoming football game.Each balloon costs $1.50.They would like to have thesame number of balloonsreleased from each of the 8sections in the stadium. Howman24. Eugene has 672rocks in a jar. Hewants to sort all ofthe rocks into 9smaller boxes. Howmany rocks will fiteach small box?14. A cafeteria managercan buy bananas in 12-pound boxes.If themanager purchases100 boxes of bananasin a year, how manypounds of bananaswould she purchase?20. Nathan washes 26cars each day he worksat a car wash. Heworked 34 days duringthe summer. About howmany cars did Nathanwash during these 34days?10. Marvin is bringingpopsicles to school forhis birthday. There are78 students in 4thgrade. If each boxcontains 12 popsicles,how many boxes will heneed to bring?2. Mr. McGoughdrives is police car309 miles everyweek. If he does thisfor 10 weeks, howmany miles does hedrive?3. Yusi wants to make ascrapbook of herfavorite baseball team.She wants to put sevenpictures and two titleson each page. If shehas 126 photos, howmany pages will sheneed?7. Leslie bought 4boxes of markers toshare with 3 friends.Each box contained16 markers. Howmany markers didLeslie buy?4. A farm delivers a totalof 987 pumpkins and294 bales of hay toseveral local grocerystores. If each storereceives 7 bales, howmany stores receivedthe hay?11. A video gamestore ordered 15boxes of new videogames. Each boxcontained 40 games.How many totalgames did they order?19. A season pass ata waterpark costs$100. A total of 125people paid for aseason pass. Whatwas the total cost ofthese seasonpasses?18. Mrs. Smith is packingup all of the books in herclassroom. She has 57textbooks to be packedinto boxes that hold 6books each. She will putthe leftover books into abag. How many bookswill be in the bag?23. Two adults and 13children are going on acamping trip. They needto buy one sleeping bagfor each person. Eachsleeping bag costs $30.What is total cost of thesleeping bags?12. The school debateteam had a carwash toraise money for a fieldtrip. They washed 36cars. If they washed 6cars per hour, howmany hours did theywash cars?21. Jim baked sugarcookies and peanutbutter cookies. Hebaked 8 sugar cookiesand 3 times as manypeanut butter cookies.What is the totalnumber of cookies thatJim baked?6. Rene is saving hismoney to buy a new iPodtouch. The iPod touch hewants costs $250. He hassaved $98 already. If hesaves $8 each week, howmany weeks will it takehim to save enoughmoney to buy the iPod?5. Aubre has 18baskets of apples.Christina has 4 times asmany baskets. If thereare 15 apples in eachbasket, how manyapples does Christinahave?17. Amy has 567beads to makenecklaces. If eachnecklace will use 8beads, how manynecklaces can shemake?15. A case of applejuice contains 16bottles. If there are48 cases of juice,about how manybottles are there?22. The list below shows thenumber of picture framesShelly sold on each day of anart sale.● She sold 16 picture frameson Thursday.● She sold 22 picture frameson Friday.● She sold 25 picture frameson Saturday.The cost of each picture f9. Mike used 324blocks to createtowers. He used 9blocks for eachtower. How manytowers did hecreate?13. Ms. Carter’s 4thgrade class is goingto a play. Each ticketcosts $12. If theyneed to buy 26tickets, how muchmoney will theyspend?8. Jonathan practicedhis multiplication factsfor 5 minutes every dayfor three weeks. Howmany minutes did hepractice them duringthe three weeks?16. Mr. Walker isputting 98 books onbookshelves in hisclassroom. If he has6 shelves, how manybooks will be oneach shelf?1. A high school bandpurchased 560 black and goldballoons to release at thehomecoming football game.Each balloon costs $1.50.They would like to have thesame number of balloonsreleased from each of the 8sections in the stadium. Howman24. Eugene has 672rocks in a jar. Hewants to sort all ofthe rocks into 9smaller boxes. Howmany rocks will fiteach small box?14. A cafeteria managercan buy bananas in 12-pound boxes.If themanager purchases100 boxes of bananasin a year, how manypounds of bananaswould she purchase?20. Nathan washes 26cars each day he worksat a car wash. Heworked 34 days duringthe summer. About howmany cars did Nathanwash during these 34days?10. Marvin is bringingpopsicles to school forhis birthday. There are78 students in 4thgrade. If each boxcontains 12 popsicles,how many boxes will heneed to bring?2. Mr. McGoughdrives is police car309 miles everyweek. If he does thisfor 10 weeks, howmany miles does hedrive?3. Yusi wants to make ascrapbook of herfavorite baseball team.She wants to put sevenpictures and two titleson each page. If shehas 126 photos, howmany pages will sheneed?7. Leslie bought 4boxes of markers toshare with 3 friends.Each box contained16 markers. Howmany markers didLeslie buy?4. A farm delivers a totalof 987 pumpkins and294 bales of hay toseveral local grocerystores. If each storereceives 7 bales, howmany stores receivedthe hay?

Math Unit 3 and 4 Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 11. A video game store ordered 15 boxes of new video games. Each box contained 40 games. How many total games did they order?
  2. 19. A season pass at a waterpark costs $100. A total of 125 people paid for a season pass. What was the total cost of these season passes?
  3. 18. Mrs. Smith is packing up all of the books in her classroom. She has 57 textbooks to be packed into boxes that hold 6 books each. She will put the leftover books into a bag. How many books will be in the bag?
  4. 23. Two adults and 13 children are going on a camping trip. They need to buy one sleeping bag for each person. Each sleeping bag costs $30. What is total cost of the sleeping bags?
  5. 12. The school debate team had a carwash to raise money for a field trip. They washed 36 cars. If they washed 6 cars per hour, how many hours did they wash cars?
  6. 21. Jim baked sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies. He baked 8 sugar cookies and 3 times as many peanut butter cookies. What is the total number of cookies that Jim baked?
  7. 6. Rene is saving his money to buy a new iPod touch. The iPod touch he wants costs $250. He has saved $98 already. If he saves $8 each week, how many weeks will it take him to save enough money to buy the iPod?
  8. 5. Aubre has 18 baskets of apples. Christina has 4 times as many baskets. If there are 15 apples in each basket, how many apples does Christina have?
  9. 17. Amy has 567 beads to make necklaces. If each necklace will use 8 beads, how many necklaces can she make?
  10. 15. A case of apple juice contains 16 bottles. If there are 48 cases of juice, about how many bottles are there?
  11. 22. The list below shows the number of picture frames Shelly sold on each day of an art sale. ● She sold 16 picture frames on Thursday. ● She sold 22 picture frames on Friday. ● She sold 25 picture frames on Saturday. The cost of each picture f
  12. 9. Mike used 324 blocks to create towers. He used 9 blocks for each tower. How many towers did he create?
  13. 13. Ms. Carter’s 4th grade class is going to a play. Each ticket costs $12. If they need to buy 26 tickets, how much money will they spend?
  14. 8. Jonathan practiced his multiplication facts for 5 minutes every day for three weeks. How many minutes did he practice them during the three weeks?
  15. 16. Mr. Walker is putting 98 books on bookshelves in his classroom. If he has 6 shelves, how many books will be on each shelf?
  16. 1. A high school band purchased 560 black and gold balloons to release at the homecoming football game. Each balloon costs $1.50. They would like to have the same number of balloons released from each of the 8 sections in the stadium. How man
  17. 24. Eugene has 672 rocks in a jar. He wants to sort all of the rocks into 9 smaller boxes. How many rocks will fit each small box?
  18. 14. A cafeteria manager can buy bananas in 12-pound boxes.If the manager purchases 100 boxes of bananas in a year, how many pounds of bananas would she purchase?
  19. 20. Nathan washes 26 cars each day he works at a car wash. He worked 34 days during the summer. About how many cars did Nathan wash during these 34 days?
  20. 10. Marvin is bringing popsicles to school for his birthday. There are 78 students in 4th grade. If each box contains 12 popsicles, how many boxes will he need to bring?
  21. 2. Mr. McGough drives is police car 309 miles every week. If he does this for 10 weeks, how many miles does he drive?
  22. 3. Yusi wants to make a scrapbook of her favorite baseball team. She wants to put seven pictures and two titles on each page. If she has 126 photos, how many pages will she need?
  23. 7. Leslie bought 4 boxes of markers to share with 3 friends. Each box contained 16 markers. How many markers did Leslie buy?
  24. 4. A farm delivers a total of 987 pumpkins and 294 bales of hay to several local grocery stores. If each store receives 7 bales, how many stores received the hay?