I am a foster momfor rescueddoggies, and lovefinding the perfect"forever home" foreach one!I was in theFencingJuniorOlympics inhigh school.I was inMarching Bandfor 8 years(Color GuardSection)I used tohomebrew beerand got to brew afull batch of one ofmy recipes atAnacortesBrewery.I metMeredithfrom TheOffice?I was onceJeffGoldblum'sassistant.I’m the sameheight as the4th JonasBrother.I'm a formerprofessionalcan-candancerI becamean uncleat age 7I love MontyPython andThe HolyGrail.I'm 1/4Japanese!I've neverbeen toVegasIn my freetime I paintabstractacrylicpaintings.never flewover anoceanAfter meetingsomeone onCraigslist Imoved toMexico for sixmonths.Hasperformedat CarnegieHall.I used toplay theharp.Have twoEnglishBulldogsI worked at anaxe throwingrange for a yearand can kick anaxe into atarget.I like pizzaandbowling, butseparately.I am a 4thdegreeBlack Belt inTaeKwonDoi played inmy highschoolkazoo corpsHad a closeencounterwith a grizzlybear onceI am paranoidaboutswimming inthe oceanI have aminor inAstrophysicsMy favorite filmis Ridley Scott’sALIEN whichhad its WorldPremiere atSIFF in 1979I used towork onan organicfarmWhen I eat anapple, I eat themiddle first all theway around, thenthe bottom, thenthe top.I'm a dualcitizen withSwitzerlandand the USI've lived atthe GrandCanyon whereI hiked rim-to-rimI was onceforced to walkfor over 2hours by thePope.Is totallyobsessed withArt Nouveauand Art DecoI have an ex-boyfriend who wentto prison for stabbinga woman to deathand dumping herbody behind a fastfood restaurant.I lovelemonyogurtI was amultiple grandchampion inpoultry fit andshow.I’m amember of adragon boatracing team.I watched Fellini’sRoma in an outdoorcinema in the warmRome evening with theflood lighted Coliseumas backdrop to thescreen. An amazingcinema experience ... in1973.The word"factoid" givesme theheebeejeebeesI spent anumber ofyears as aCan CanDancerWhen I was 9-years old, I livedin Texas and had a ponynamed Baby. I used to walkBaby through the Burger Kingdrive-thru to order french friesand milkshakes with my bestfriend, Summer Rushing, whowas riding her horse alongsideme. Her horse'sI'm atwin !My parents weretechnically relatedbefore they weremarried. My father'sbrother was marriedto my Mother's aunt!I can sleepanywhere:plane, trainandautomobileI showed adog atWestminster.I was namedafter AmeliaEarhart, myGrandmother'schildhood idol.I ampresident ofHarry PotterClub at UWI lived inCopenhagenfor 3months.I was aVeterinary ERTriageTechnician foralmost adecadeI broke my pinkyin six gradeplaying kickballand my pinky isstill decentlylumpy to this day.I restoredmy classiccarI'm aprofessionalgardener witharachnophobiaI have setfoot in 31countriesI turned DuffMckaganaway from amusic event.Julia Childscalled me abeautifulbabyI have aForrestGumptattooI attended anICP concertwith KaitMckinnonCo-creator ofOpsicornMy firstconcertwas TheMonkeesI LOVEwrestling.Monday nightRAW on aTuesday 4 lyfe!My cousinsare also mystep-brothers..yesim from IdahoI have acat I walkoutside ona harness.My entry into thenonprofit world was bybecoming a radio DJ.My first gig was at anonline-only, community-based radio stationcalled UtahFM.I still sleepwith mybabyblanketI once wentcliff-diving intheCarpathians.I was atraveling salesrep for Dr.Groovy'sCopper HeadMassager.As a kid I recorded thevoice you hear whenyou press one of theinformational buttons atthe Pacific ScienceCenter's animatronicdinosaur exhibit.On one festival trip lastyear, I was escorted tomy hotel room by a policeofficer who pulled out hisgun in the elevator — justin a friendly showing-off-your-gun way, but also ina freaky loaded-gun-in-an-elevator way…I've beenhere 30years.By the time Iwas in eighthgrade, I hadattended eightschools.My athletichistory runsfrom IceHockey tobeginnercontortionI lovesnowmobilingI havestudied in4countriesI lovedownhillskiingMy full name isPatrick EdwardBurke V (the 5th),my great-grandfather (the2nd), forgedBellevue in 1882.My favoriteTeenage MutantNinja Turtle isRaphael (becausehe is the bestfighter)I spent amonth sailingin the Gulf ofMexico lastyearI grew up ina medievalre-enactmentgroupI own the Oregonstate record forwatermelon seed.34 feet seveninches set at theOregon State Fairin Salem.At 18 lefthome with$200.0Major LeagueBaseball player andsteroid user RafaelPalmeiro stepped onmy foot when I was 10and I still hold agrudge against him.Recentlygot a screwput into mywristI once gotfour tattoosat thesame time.I was acommercialfisherperson andknow how tomend and hangcork/lead line on agillnet boat.I won 2nd place inmy agecategory/11 yoplaying accordionat a nationalcontest.I worked fora Bostonterrier rescuefor 7 years!I once was escorted bytwo officers onhorseback, while Iescorted a reach forkcarrying a massivegenerator, through a fullcampground, at a Phishconcert.I collect old SLRlenses from aroundthe world, but I neverbrandish them ascreepily as JimmyStewart in RearWindow.During the press day forJohn Waters’ A DIRTYSHAME (2004) pressday, I kind of angrilyaccused JohnnyKnoxville of abandoningJACKASS.I went to theCanadiansubarctic toobserve polarbearsA nurse at thehospitalmisspelled the firstname on my birthcertificate, and it'sbeen that like eversince.I am a foster momfor rescueddoggies, and lovefinding the perfect"forever home" foreach one!I was in theFencingJuniorOlympics inhigh school.I was inMarching Bandfor 8 years(Color GuardSection)I used tohomebrew beerand got to brew afull batch of one ofmy recipes atAnacortesBrewery.I metMeredithfrom TheOffice?I was onceJeffGoldblum'sassistant.I’m the sameheight as the4th JonasBrother.I'm a formerprofessionalcan-candancerI becamean uncleat age 7I love MontyPython andThe HolyGrail.I'm 1/4Japanese!I've neverbeen toVegasIn my freetime I paintabstractacrylicpaintings.never flewover anoceanAfter meetingsomeone onCraigslist Imoved toMexico for sixmonths.Hasperformedat CarnegieHall.I used toplay theharp.Have twoEnglishBulldogsI worked at anaxe throwingrange for a yearand can kick anaxe into atarget.I like pizzaandbowling, butseparately.I am a 4thdegreeBlack Belt inTaeKwonDoi played inmy highschoolkazoo corpsHad a closeencounterwith a grizzlybear onceI am paranoidaboutswimming inthe oceanI have aminor inAstrophysicsMy favorite filmis Ridley Scott’sALIEN whichhad its WorldPremiere atSIFF in 1979I used towork onan organicfarmWhen I eat anapple, I eat themiddle first all theway around, thenthe bottom, thenthe top.I'm a dualcitizen withSwitzerlandand the USI've lived atthe GrandCanyon whereI hiked rim-to-rimI was onceforced to walkfor over 2hours by thePope.Is totallyobsessed withArt Nouveauand Art DecoI have an ex-boyfriend who wentto prison for stabbinga woman to deathand dumping herbody behind a fastfood restaurant.I lovelemonyogurtI was amultiple grandchampion inpoultry fit andshow.I’m amember of adragon boatracing team.I watched Fellini’sRoma in an outdoorcinema in the warmRome evening with theflood lighted Coliseumas backdrop to thescreen. An amazingcinema experience ... in1973.The word"factoid" givesme theheebeejeebeesI spent anumber ofyears as aCan CanDancerWhen I was 9-years old, I livedin Texas and had a ponynamed Baby. I used to walkBaby through the Burger Kingdrive-thru to order french friesand milkshakes with my bestfriend, Summer Rushing, whowas riding her horse alongsideme. Her horse'sI'm atwin !My parents weretechnically relatedbefore they weremarried. My father'sbrother was marriedto my Mother's aunt!I can sleepanywhere:plane, trainandautomobileI showed adog atWestminster.I was namedafter AmeliaEarhart, myGrandmother'schildhood idol.I ampresident ofHarry PotterClub at UWI lived inCopenhagenfor 3months.I was aVeterinary ERTriageTechnician foralmost adecadeI broke my pinkyin six gradeplaying kickballand my pinky isstill decentlylumpy to this day.I restoredmy classiccarI'm aprofessionalgardener witharachnophobiaI have setfoot in 31countriesI turned DuffMckaganaway from amusic event.Julia Childscalled me abeautifulbabyI have aForrestGumptattooI attended anICP concertwith KaitMckinnonCo-creator ofOpsicornMy firstconcertwas TheMonkeesI LOVEwrestling.Monday nightRAW on aTuesday 4 lyfe!My cousinsare also mystep-brothers..yesim from IdahoI have acat I walkoutside ona harness.My entry into thenonprofit world was bybecoming a radio DJ.My first gig was at anonline-only, community-based radio stationcalled UtahFM.I still sleepwith mybabyblanketI once wentcliff-diving intheCarpathians.I was atraveling salesrep for Dr.Groovy'sCopper HeadMassager.As a kid I recorded thevoice you hear whenyou press one of theinformational buttons atthe Pacific ScienceCenter's animatronicdinosaur exhibit.On one festival trip lastyear, I was escorted tomy hotel room by a policeofficer who pulled out hisgun in the elevator — justin a friendly showing-off-your-gun way, but also ina freaky loaded-gun-in-an-elevator way…I've beenhere 30years.By the time Iwas in eighthgrade, I hadattended eightschools.My athletichistory runsfrom IceHockey tobeginnercontortionI lovesnowmobilingI havestudied in4countriesI lovedownhillskiingMy full name isPatrick EdwardBurke V (the 5th),my great-grandfather (the2nd), forgedBellevue in 1882.My favoriteTeenage MutantNinja Turtle isRaphael (becausehe is the bestfighter)I spent amonth sailingin the Gulf ofMexico lastyearI grew up ina medievalre-enactmentgroupI own the Oregonstate record forwatermelon seed.34 feet seveninches set at theOregon State Fairin Salem.At 18 lefthome with$200.0Major LeagueBaseball player andsteroid user RafaelPalmeiro stepped onmy foot when I was 10and I still hold agrudge against him.Recentlygot a screwput into mywristI once gotfour tattoosat thesame time.I was acommercialfisherperson andknow how tomend and hangcork/lead line on agillnet boat.I won 2nd place inmy agecategory/11 yoplaying accordionat a nationalcontest.I worked fora Bostonterrier rescuefor 7 years!I once was escorted bytwo officers onhorseback, while Iescorted a reach forkcarrying a massivegenerator, through a fullcampground, at a Phishconcert.I collect old SLRlenses from aroundthe world, but I neverbrandish them ascreepily as JimmyStewart in RearWindow.During the press day forJohn Waters’ A DIRTYSHAME (2004) pressday, I kind of angrilyaccused JohnnyKnoxville of abandoningJACKASS.I went to theCanadiansubarctic toobserve polarbearsA nurse at thehospitalmisspelled the firstname on my birthcertificate, and it'sbeen that like eversince.

SIFFRAFF 2019 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I am a foster mom for rescued doggies, and love finding the perfect "forever home" for each one!
  2. I was in the Fencing Junior Olympics in high school.
  3. I was in Marching Band for 8 years (Color Guard Section)
  4. I used to homebrew beer and got to brew a full batch of one of my recipes at Anacortes Brewery.
  5. I met Meredith from The Office?
  6. I was once Jeff Goldblum's assistant.
  7. I’m the same height as the 4th Jonas Brother.
  8. I'm a former professional can-can dancer
  9. I became an uncle at age 7
  10. I love Monty Python and The Holy Grail.
  11. I'm 1/4 Japanese!
  12. I've never been to Vegas
  13. In my free time I paint abstract acrylic paintings.
  14. never flew over an ocean
  15. After meeting someone on Craigslist I moved to Mexico for six months.
  16. Has performed at Carnegie Hall.
  17. I used to play the harp.
  18. Have two English Bulldogs
  19. I worked at an axe throwing range for a year and can kick an axe into a target.
  20. I like pizza and bowling, but separately.
  21. I am a 4th degree Black Belt in TaeKwonDo
  22. i played in my high school kazoo corps
  23. Had a close encounter with a grizzly bear once
  24. I am paranoid about swimming in the ocean
  25. I have a minor in Astrophysics
  26. My favorite film is Ridley Scott’s ALIEN which had its World Premiere at SIFF in 1979
  27. I used to work on an organic farm
  28. When I eat an apple, I eat the middle first all the way around, then the bottom, then the top.
  29. I'm a dual citizen with Switzerland and the US
  30. I've lived at the Grand Canyon where I hiked rim-to-rim
  31. I was once forced to walk for over 2 hours by the Pope.
  32. Is totally obsessed with Art Nouveau and Art Deco
  33. I have an ex-boyfriend who went to prison for stabbing a woman to death and dumping her body behind a fast food restaurant.
  34. I love lemon yogurt
  35. I was a multiple grand champion in poultry fit and show.
  36. I’m a member of a dragon boat racing team.
  37. I watched Fellini’s Roma in an outdoor cinema in the warm Rome evening with the flood lighted Coliseum as backdrop to the screen. An amazing cinema experience ... in 1973.
  38. The word "factoid" gives me the heebeejeebees
  39. I spent a number of years as a Can Can Dancer
  40. When I was 9-years old, I lived in Texas and had a pony named Baby. I used to walk Baby through the Burger King drive-thru to order french fries and milkshakes with my best friend, Summer Rushing, who was riding her horse alongside me. Her horse's
  41. I'm a twin !
  42. My parents were technically related before they were married. My father's brother was married to my Mother's aunt!
  43. I can sleep anywhere: plane, train and automobile
  44. I showed a dog at Westminster.
  45. I was named after Amelia Earhart, my Grandmother's childhood idol.
  46. I am president of Harry Potter Club at UW
  47. I lived in Copenhagen for 3 months.
  48. I was a Veterinary ER Triage Technician for almost a decade
  49. I broke my pinky in six grade playing kickball and my pinky is still decently lumpy to this day.
  50. I restored my classic car
  51. I'm a professional gardener with arachnophobia
  52. I have set foot in 31 countries
  53. I turned Duff Mckagan away from a music event.
  54. Julia Childs called me a beautiful baby
  55. I have a Forrest Gump tattoo
  56. I attended an ICP concert with Kait Mckinnon
  57. Co-creator of Opsicorn
  58. My first concert was The Monkees
  59. I LOVE wrestling. Monday night RAW on a Tuesday 4 lyfe!
  60. My cousins are also my step-brothers..yes im from Idaho
  61. I have a cat I walk outside on a harness.
  62. My entry into the nonprofit world was by becoming a radio DJ. My first gig was at an online-only, community-based radio station called UtahFM.
  63. I still sleep with my baby blanket
  64. I once went cliff-diving in the Carpathians.
  65. I was a traveling sales rep for Dr. Groovy's Copper Head Massager.
  66. As a kid I recorded the voice you hear when you press one of the informational buttons at the Pacific Science Center's animatronic dinosaur exhibit.
  67. On one festival trip last year, I was escorted to my hotel room by a police officer who pulled out his gun in the elevator — just in a friendly showing-off-your-gun way, but also in a freaky loaded-gun-in-an-elevator way…
  68. I've been here 30 years.
  69. By the time I was in eighth grade, I had attended eight schools.
  70. My athletic history runs from Ice Hockey to beginner contortion
  71. I love snowmobiling
  72. I have studied in 4 countries
  73. I love downhill skiing
  74. My full name is Patrick Edward Burke V (the 5th), my great-grandfather (the 2nd), forged Bellevue in 1882.
  75. My favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is Raphael (because he is the best fighter)
  76. I spent a month sailing in the Gulf of Mexico last year
  77. I grew up in a medieval re-enactment group
  78. I own the Oregon state record for watermelon seed. 34 feet seven inches set at the Oregon State Fair in Salem.
  79. At 18 left home with $200.0
  80. Major League Baseball player and steroid user Rafael Palmeiro stepped on my foot when I was 10 and I still hold a grudge against him.
  81. Recently got a screw put into my wrist
  82. I once got four tattoos at the same time.
  83. I was a commercial fisherperson and know how to mend and hang cork/lead line on a gillnet boat.
  84. I won 2nd place in my age category/11 yo playing accordion at a national contest.
  85. I worked for a Boston terrier rescue for 7 years!
  86. I once was escorted by two officers on horseback, while I escorted a reach fork carrying a massive generator, through a full campground, at a Phish concert.
  87. I collect old SLR lenses from around the world, but I never brandish them as creepily as Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window.
  88. During the press day for John Waters’ A DIRTY SHAME (2004) press day, I kind of angrily accused Johnny Knoxville of abandoning JACKASS.
  89. I went to the Canadian subarctic to observe polar bears
  90. A nurse at the hospital misspelled the first name on my birth certificate, and it's been that like ever since.