Find andexplorethe DPSreports tileFind anassessmentyou will begiving thisyearUse the FILTERfeature in VIEWASSESSMENTSto help find anassessmentCHALLENGE:Create a TILE for theBLUEPRINTS foundon the DPSCOMMONS page(hint: supplementalassessment)Work with apartner tocomplete one ofthese BINGOsquaresFind "visit itembank" and setup an itembank accountBookmarkIlluminate!Find the"HOME" iconthat returns youto the Illuminatehome screenFind the"viewfavorites"tileFind the"createassessmentview" linkFind yourdashboard(hint:settings)FindIlluminate'shelp deskphonenumberFind the"Pre-builtassessment"tile inIlluminateCHALLENGE: Findan assessment youwill give and findwhere theREPORTS areattached to thatassessmentSharesomethingawesome youlearned how todo with yourpartner!Find anassessmentyou will begiving this yearand FAVORITEitCreate atile inIlluminate!Add the CommonCore StateStandards as a tileon your IlluminatehomepageGive a POST IT toLaura with 1 thingyou feel confidentwith in Illuminate,and 1 thing you'd likemore support withFind theIlluminateHELP DESK(hint: controlpanel)CHALLENGE:Create anassessment in the"ITEM BANK" (usethe board game tohelp!)Figure outhow tomove yourtiles aroundCHALLENGE:Create an"assessment view"for at LEAST 2assessments youwill be giving thisyearFind theCONTROLPANELFind andexplorethe DPSreports tileFind anassessmentyou will begiving thisyearUse the FILTERfeature in VIEWASSESSMENTSto help find anassessmentCHALLENGE:Create a TILE for theBLUEPRINTS foundon the DPSCOMMONS page(hint: supplementalassessment)Work with apartner tocomplete one ofthese BINGOsquaresFind "visit itembank" and setup an itembank accountBookmarkIlluminate!Find the"HOME" iconthat returns youto the Illuminatehome screenFind the"viewfavorites"tileFind the"createassessmentview" linkFind yourdashboard(hint:settings)FindIlluminate'shelp deskphonenumberFind the"Pre-builtassessment"tile inIlluminateCHALLENGE: Findan assessment youwill give and findwhere theREPORTS areattached to thatassessmentSharesomethingawesome youlearned how todo with yourpartner!Find anassessmentyou will begiving this yearand FAVORITEitCreate atile inIlluminate!Add the CommonCore StateStandards as a tileon your IlluminatehomepageGive a POST IT toLaura with 1 thingyou feel confidentwith in Illuminate,and 1 thing you'd likemore support withFind theIlluminateHELP DESK(hint: controlpanel)CHALLENGE:Create anassessment in the"ITEM BANK" (usethe board game tohelp!)Figure outhow tomove yourtiles aroundCHALLENGE:Create an"assessment view"for at LEAST 2assessments youwill be giving thisyearFind theCONTROLPANEL

Illuminate 101 Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find and explore the DPS reports tile
  2. Find an assessment you will be giving this year
  3. Use the FILTER feature in VIEW ASSESSMENTS to help find an assessment
  4. CHALLENGE: Create a TILE for the BLUEPRINTS found on the DPS COMMONS page (hint: supplemental assessment)
  5. Work with a partner to complete one of these BINGO squares
  6. Find "visit item bank" and set up an item bank account
  7. Bookmark Illuminate!
  8. Find the "HOME" icon that returns you to the Illuminate home screen
  9. Find the "view favorites" tile
  10. Find the "create assessment view" link
  11. Find your dashboard (hint: settings)
  12. Find Illuminate's help desk phone number
  13. Find the "Pre-built assessment" tile in Illuminate
  14. CHALLENGE: Find an assessment you will give and find where the REPORTS are attached to that assessment
  15. Share something awesome you learned how to do with your partner!
  16. Find an assessment you will be giving this year and FAVORITE it
  17. Create a tile in Illuminate!
  18. Add the Common Core State Standards as a tile on your Illuminate homepage
  19. Give a POST IT to Laura with 1 thing you feel confident with in Illuminate, and 1 thing you'd like more support with
  20. Find the Illuminate HELP DESK (hint: control panel)
  21. CHALLENGE: Create an assessment in the "ITEM BANK" (use the board game to help!)
  22. Figure out how to move your tiles around
  23. CHALLENGE: Create an "assessment view" for at LEAST 2 assessments you will be giving this year
  24. Find the CONTROL PANEL