• Take advantageof any opportunityto enhance orincrease your owntechnicalknowledge.VisionOur vision is to bethe globallyrecognized model forassessing quality inconstructionmaterials testing.• Check the standardswhen you havequestions, reviewingand reading standardstogether with labpersonnel wheneverneeded.• Respect people’stime; be flexibleand conscientiousof other people’sschedules.• Make allowancesfor people to behuman. A missedstep may notnecessarily be afinding if thetechnician catches it.• Be respectful, treateverybody you workwith as your equal,don’t patronize, andwatch your nonverbalcommunication (bodylanguage).• If you havenot seen a testmethod in awhile, brush upon it before theassessment.• Recognizethat auditingis anexercise insampling.• Ensure that worksheetsand report are detailedenough that somebodywho was not present forthe assessment knowswhat deviations from thestandards occurred orwere observed. Includepictures or videos ifneeded.• Be honest when youdon’t know the answer.It’s better to askquestions if you are notsure rather than makingassumptions—try tofigure out the “why”behind the requirementsin the standards.• Communicateyour expectationsfor theassessment to thelab personnelclearly during theopening meeting.• Follow the audittrail- know whento dig deeper intoan issue, but alsoknow when tomove on.• Reach out toother membersof the LAPteam if you areunsure aboutsomething.• Keep an open line ofcommunication –don’t wait until thefinal report tocommunicate findingsduring an assessment(no surprises).• Suggestimprovements to theworksheets or otheraspects of the programback to AASHTOre:source so that wecan continually improvethe services weprovide.Value:IntegrityDo theright thing.Value: AwarenessUnderstand ourimpact on ourcolleagues,customers, andthe public.• Be honestand don’tsugarcoat ordownplay anyfindings.• Be patient, letthe lab technicianstake their time toperform testing,within reason.• Set the right tone forthe assessment. Befriendly andapproachable to easetensions, but alsoremain professional.This is a businessrelationship, so avoidbeing too casual.MissionOur mission is toconductassessments thatpromote continualimprovementthrough teamworkand education.• Work around thelab’s schedule butremember that it isyour job as theassessor to controlthe pace of theassessment.• Encouragelaboratories to gothrough the root-causeanalysis process forsystematic problemsinstead of allowingthem to “resolve duringthe assessment.”• Strive to understandeach laboratory thatyou visit and how theyare uniquely organized,as well as how they areimplementing theirquality managementsystem.• It’s ok topolitely turndown lunch withthe lab and doyour own thing.• Let the lab know ifsomething majorchanges before thefinal report is issued,especially if findingsare added.• Don‘t work forseveral hours inthe hotel after youleave the lab forthe day- take amental break.• Be proactive aboutlearning. Once out oftraining, it’s part of thejob of the assessor tokeep learning anddecide what theyneed to learn moreabout.Value: RespectBe polite andprofessional whilemaintaining integrity,awareness, balance,and objectivity.• Be fair and consistentwith each lab you visitand with otherassessors. Be aware ofany potential conflicts ofinterest that may existduring an assessmentand avoid beinginfluenced by them.• If the testing scheduleis tight, work out a planwith the laboratoryduring the pre-assessment phone call,or as soon as you canduring the openingmeeting, to keepeverybody on track.• Always be on time, orpreferably, a fewminutes early for yourassessment. Ifsomething unexpectedhappens and you arerunning late, call the labto keep them apprisedof your new arrival time.• Respond to customerspromptly, even if it’s justto let them know you gottheir communication andyou are working ongetting back to them. Ifpossible, use the sameform of communication tocontact the customersthey used to contact you.• Share things youhave learned atother labs with thelab you are at (tipsand tricks, forexample), to addextra value to theassessment.• Give a status report at theend of every day of theassessment. Try to includelaboratory management thathave not been involved intesting whenever possible sothat they are kept apprised ofhow the assessment isproceeding.Value:ObjectivityFact-baseddecision-making.• Our goal is to helpthe labs improve andget better at whatthey do- work withthem as if you are onthe same team, notagainst them.• When you have timeto fill, be productive bychecking equipmentor paperwork,cleaning upworksheets, writingthe report, etc.• Be thorough- ourgoal is to alwayswatch as much ofthe complete testprocedures aspossible.• Schedule yourassessmentsappropriatelyand realistically.• Make sure that allfindings written arebased on objectiveevidence anddocument theevidence in yourworksheets.Value: BalanceMaintain work/lifebalance and findsatisfaction in thework that we do.• Take advantageof any opportunityto enhance orincrease your owntechnicalknowledge.VisionOur vision is to bethe globallyrecognized model forassessing quality inconstructionmaterials testing.• Check the standardswhen you havequestions, reviewingand reading standardstogether with labpersonnel wheneverneeded.• Respect people’stime; be flexibleand conscientiousof other people’sschedules.• Make allowancesfor people to behuman. A missedstep may notnecessarily be afinding if thetechnician catches it.• Be respectful, treateverybody you workwith as your equal,don’t patronize, andwatch your nonverbalcommunication (bodylanguage).• If you havenot seen a testmethod in awhile, brush upon it before theassessment.• Recognizethat auditingis anexercise insampling.• Ensure that worksheetsand report are detailedenough that somebodywho was not present forthe assessment knowswhat deviations from thestandards occurred orwere observed. Includepictures or videos ifneeded.• Be honest when youdon’t know the answer.It’s better to askquestions if you are notsure rather than makingassumptions—try tofigure out the “why”behind the requirementsin the standards.• Communicateyour expectationsfor theassessment to thelab personnelclearly during theopening meeting.• Follow the audittrail- know whento dig deeper intoan issue, but alsoknow when tomove on.• Reach out toother membersof the LAPteam if you areunsure aboutsomething.• Keep an open line ofcommunication –don’t wait until thefinal report tocommunicate findingsduring an assessment(no surprises).• Suggestimprovements to theworksheets or otheraspects of the programback to AASHTOre:source so that wecan continually improvethe services weprovide.Value:IntegrityDo theright thing.Value: AwarenessUnderstand ourimpact on ourcolleagues,customers, andthe public.• Be honestand don’tsugarcoat ordownplay anyfindings.• Be patient, letthe lab technicianstake their time toperform testing,within reason.• Set the right tone forthe assessment. Befriendly andapproachable to easetensions, but alsoremain professional.This is a businessrelationship, so avoidbeing too casual.MissionOur mission is toconductassessments thatpromote continualimprovementthrough teamworkand education.• Work around thelab’s schedule butremember that it isyour job as theassessor to controlthe pace of theassessment.• Encouragelaboratories to gothrough the root-causeanalysis process forsystematic problemsinstead of allowingthem to “resolve duringthe assessment.”• Strive to understandeach laboratory thatyou visit and how theyare uniquely organized,as well as how they areimplementing theirquality managementsystem.• It’s ok topolitely turndown lunch withthe lab and doyour own thing.• Let the lab know ifsomething majorchanges before thefinal report is issued,especially if findingsare added.• Don‘t work forseveral hours inthe hotel after youleave the lab forthe day- take amental break.• Be proactive aboutlearning. Once out oftraining, it’s part of thejob of the assessor tokeep learning anddecide what theyneed to learn moreabout.Value: RespectBe polite andprofessional whilemaintaining integrity,awareness, balance,and objectivity.• Be fair and consistentwith each lab you visitand with otherassessors. Be aware ofany potential conflicts ofinterest that may existduring an assessmentand avoid beinginfluenced by them.• If the testing scheduleis tight, work out a planwith the laboratoryduring the pre-assessment phone call,or as soon as you canduring the openingmeeting, to keepeverybody on track.• Always be on time, orpreferably, a fewminutes early for yourassessment. Ifsomething unexpectedhappens and you arerunning late, call the labto keep them apprisedof your new arrival time.• Respond to customerspromptly, even if it’s justto let them know you gottheir communication andyou are working ongetting back to them. Ifpossible, use the sameform of communication tocontact the customersthey used to contact you.• Share things youhave learned atother labs with thelab you are at (tipsand tricks, forexample), to addextra value to theassessment.• Give a status report at theend of every day of theassessment. Try to includelaboratory management thathave not been involved intesting whenever possible sothat they are kept apprised ofhow the assessment isproceeding.Value:ObjectivityFact-baseddecision-making.• Our goal is to helpthe labs improve andget better at whatthey do- work withthem as if you are onthe same team, notagainst them.• When you have timeto fill, be productive bychecking equipmentor paperwork,cleaning upworksheets, writingthe report, etc.• Be thorough- ourgoal is to alwayswatch as much ofthe complete testprocedures aspossible.• Schedule yourassessmentsappropriatelyand realistically.• Make sure that allfindings written arebased on objectiveevidence anddocument theevidence in yourworksheets.Value: BalanceMaintain work/lifebalance and findsatisfaction in thework that we do.

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. • Take advantage of any opportunity to enhance or increase your own technical knowledge.
  2. Vision Our vision is to be the globally recognized model for assessing quality in construction materials testing.
  3. • Check the standards when you have questions, reviewing and reading standards together with lab personnel whenever needed.
  4. • Respect people’s time; be flexible and conscientious of other people’s schedules.
  5. • Make allowances for people to be human. A missed step may not necessarily be a finding if the technician catches it.
  6. • Be respectful, treat everybody you work with as your equal, don’t patronize, and watch your nonverbal communication (body language).
  7. • If you have not seen a test method in a while, brush up on it before the assessment.
  8. • Recognize that auditing is an exercise in sampling.
  9. • Ensure that worksheets and report are detailed enough that somebody who was not present for the assessment knows what deviations from the standards occurred or were observed. Include pictures or videos if needed.
  10. • Be honest when you don’t know the answer. It’s better to ask questions if you are not sure rather than making assumptions—try to figure out the “why” behind the requirements in the standards.
  11. • Communicate your expectations for the assessment to the lab personnel clearly during the opening meeting.
  12. • Follow the audit trail- know when to dig deeper into an issue, but also know when to move on.
  13. • Reach out to other members of the LAP team if you are unsure about something.
  14. • Keep an open line of communication – don’t wait until the final report to communicate findings during an assessment (no surprises).
  15. • Suggest improvements to the worksheets or other aspects of the program back to AASHTO re:source so that we can continually improve the services we provide.
  16. Value: Integrity Do the right thing.
  17. Value: Awareness Understand our impact on our colleagues, customers, and the public.
  18. • Be honest and don’t sugarcoat or downplay any findings.
  19. • Be patient, let the lab technicians take their time to perform testing, within reason.
  20. • Set the right tone for the assessment. Be friendly and approachable to ease tensions, but also remain professional. This is a business relationship, so avoid being too casual.
  21. Mission Our mission is to conduct assessments that promote continual improvement through teamwork and education.
  22. • Work around the lab’s schedule but remember that it is your job as the assessor to control the pace of the assessment.
  23. • Encourage laboratories to go through the root-cause analysis process for systematic problems instead of allowing them to “resolve during the assessment.”
  24. • Strive to understand each laboratory that you visit and how they are uniquely organized, as well as how they are implementing their quality management system.
  25. • It’s ok to politely turn down lunch with the lab and do your own thing.
  26. • Let the lab know if something major changes before the final report is issued, especially if findings are added.
  27. • Don‘t work for several hours in the hotel after you leave the lab for the day- take a mental break.
  28. • Be proactive about learning. Once out of training, it’s part of the job of the assessor to keep learning and decide what they need to learn more about.
  29. Value: Respect Be polite and professional while maintaining integrity, awareness, balance, and objectivity.
  30. • Be fair and consistent with each lab you visit and with other assessors. Be aware of any potential conflicts of interest that may exist during an assessment and avoid being influenced by them.
  31. • If the testing schedule is tight, work out a plan with the laboratory during the pre-assessment phone call, or as soon as you can during the opening meeting, to keep everybody on track.
  32. • Always be on time, or preferably, a few minutes early for your assessment. If something unexpected happens and you are running late, call the lab to keep them apprised of your new arrival time.
  33. • Respond to customers promptly, even if it’s just to let them know you got their communication and you are working on getting back to them. If possible, use the same form of communication to contact the customers they used to contact you.
  34. • Share things you have learned at other labs with the lab you are at (tips and tricks, for example), to add extra value to the assessment.
  35. • Give a status report at the end of every day of the assessment. Try to include laboratory management that have not been involved in testing whenever possible so that they are kept apprised of how the assessment is proceeding.
  36. Value: Objectivity Fact-based decision-making.
  37. • Our goal is to help the labs improve and get better at what they do- work with them as if you are on the same team, not against them.
  38. • When you have time to fill, be productive by checking equipment or paperwork, cleaning up worksheets, writing the report, etc.
  39. • Be thorough- our goal is to always watch as much of the complete test procedures as possible.
  40. • Schedule your assessments appropriately and realistically.
  41. • Make sure that all findings written are based on objective evidence and document the evidence in your worksheets.
  42. Value: Balance Maintain work/life balance and find satisfaction in the work that we do.