Name 3thingsyour aregrateful forTell us about atime when arandomstranger waskind to youWhat doesBodyAcceptancemean toyou?Name 4body partsand theirfunctionsList 4 differentstates of lifewhen ourbody changesnaturallySay out loud:"My bodydeserves tobe nourished."List 5thingsyour armsdo for youSay out loud: "Idon't need tocompare myselfto other to feelgood aboutmyself."What is yourfavorite DBTSkill & howdo you use it?Name anaccomplishmentyou had in thelast 3 daysWhat is onereasondifferences inpeople areimportantSay areason tocelebratetodaySay out loud:"I have a rightto occupyspace in theworld."What is onepositiveunique traityou have?Say out loud:"A perfectbody is onethat works."How doesED affectyoursleep?What isyourfavoritesmell?It's a rainy dayand you can'tdo yourplanned activity.What can youdo instead?Say out loud: "Ican have agood day evenwhen I'm notcomfortable inmy body."What is one wayyou can helpyourself feel betterwhen your arehaving a hardbody image day?Describehow mediaimages wesee are notrealityGive anexample ofusing OppositeAction whenbody image ishardName a rolemodel in yourlife. List 3traits of theiryou love.List 3 waysour bodyneeds foodWhat is oneway you couldmake theworld a betterplace?List 5things yourhands dofor youList 5thingsyour legsdo for youWhere in yourbody do you feelanxiety? Can youtouch that partand tell if you'resafe?Tell thegroup ajokeName 3thingsyour aregrateful forTell us about atime when arandomstranger waskind to youWhat doesBodyAcceptancemean toyou?Name 4body partsand theirfunctionsList 4 differentstates of lifewhen ourbody changesnaturallySay out loud:"My bodydeserves tobe nourished."List 5thingsyour armsdo for youSay out loud: "Idon't need tocompare myselfto other to feelgood aboutmyself."What is yourfavorite DBTSkill & howdo you use it?Name anaccomplishmentyou had in thelast 3 daysWhat is onereasondifferences inpeople areimportantSay areason tocelebratetodaySay out loud:"I have a rightto occupyspace in theworld."What is onepositiveunique traityou have?Say out loud:"A perfectbody is onethat works."How doesED affectyoursleep?What isyourfavoritesmell?It's a rainy dayand you can'tdo yourplanned activity.What can youdo instead?Say out loud: "Ican have agood day evenwhen I'm notcomfortable inmy body."What is one wayyou can helpyourself feel betterwhen your arehaving a hardbody image day?Describehow mediaimages wesee are notrealityGive anexample ofusing OppositeAction whenbody image ishardName a rolemodel in yourlife. List 3traits of theiryou love.List 3 waysour bodyneeds foodWhat is oneway you couldmake theworld a betterplace?List 5things yourhands dofor youList 5thingsyour legsdo for youWhere in yourbody do you feelanxiety? Can youtouch that partand tell if you'resafe?Tell thegroup ajoke

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Name 3 things your are grateful for
  2. Tell us about a time when a random stranger was kind to you
  3. What does Body Acceptance mean to you?
  4. Name 4 body parts and their functions
  5. List 4 different states of life when our body changes naturally
  6. Say out loud: "My body deserves to be nourished."
  7. List 5 things your arms do for you
  8. Say out loud: "I don't need to compare myself to other to feel good about myself."
  9. What is your favorite DBT Skill & how do you use it?
  10. Name an accomplishment you had in the last 3 days
  11. What is one reason differences in people are important
  12. Say a reason to celebrate today
  13. Say out loud: "I have a right to occupy space in the world."
  14. What is one positive unique trait you have?
  15. Say out loud: "A perfect body is one that works."
  16. How does ED affect your sleep?
  17. What is your favorite smell?
  18. It's a rainy day and you can't do your planned activity. What can you do instead?
  19. Say out loud: "I can have a good day even when I'm not comfortable in my body."
  20. What is one way you can help yourself feel better when your are having a hard body image day?
  21. Describe how media images we see are not reality
  22. Give an example of using Opposite Action when body image is hard
  23. Name a role model in your life. List 3 traits of their you love.
  24. List 3 ways our body needs food
  25. What is one way you could make the world a better place?
  26. List 5 things your hands do for you
  27. List 5 things your legs do for you
  28. Where in your body do you feel anxiety? Can you touch that part and tell if you're safe?
  29. Tell the group a joke