Alters thevisual featuresof the words inthe document.Insert RibbonIllustrations categoryand then click on onlinepictures button. Type inthe desired picture,click on the results, andpress insert.Picture ToolsFormat RibbonAdjust Categoryand then clickcolor or imagesharpeningA graphicorganizer for textand pictures, splitinto rows andcolumns to findinformation moreeasily.Home RibbonParagraph Categoryand click on whereyou edit tabs. Thenwrite in the box andpress set or okay.Home RibbonParagraph categoryand then click on thegroups of lines withthe arrows pointingto the top andbottom.Lets you add apicture fromonline sources,posted on theinternet.Insert a picture, thengo to format ribbonunder picture toolsand go to arrangecategory. Then clickthe button that sayswrap text.Determineswhere the textcursor stopsafter you pressthe tab button.Layout Ribbon PageSetup category, clickon the drop-downcalled 'margins' andput the desired sidelength.Home RibbonParagraph categoryand then click thebox with the arrowinside it. Go to"Tabs" and then goto the alignmentsection.File --> Save As ->Browse ->teachershare ->MMori -> Period 5-> Your Folder ->SaveHome RibbonFont Categoryand choose anyof the symbolsor drop downmenus.What comesbefore the tabstops, suchas dots ordashes.Lets youcustomize howthe picturesaffect the textsurroundingthem.Home RibbonParagraphCategory, click onthe box with thearrow, then click"tabs" to editthem.Home RibbonParagraphCategory, click onthenumbers/pointswith the lines nextto themCreatesmultiple verticalsections in thedocument toorganize ideas.Determines whatalignment the textwill have after youpress tab to reachyour tab stop.What happens whenyou press the "tab"button on yourkeyboard.Determines wherethe tab stops, leader,an text align at thetab.Changes how thepicture appears onthe page.Changes the colorand brightness ofthe image.Lets youcustomize papersby adding thepossibility tochange the textstyles.Insert RibbonTables Category,and then thedesign and layoutribbons undertable tools.Layout RibbonPage SetupCategory click onthe drop-downmenu labeled'columns'.Insert RibbonTextCategoryand clickWordArt.Changes thedistancebetween thelines ofwords.Home RibbonParagraph Category,and then click on thebox with the arrow inthe bottom right corner.Go to the "Tabs" sectionand select your desiredleader.Changes theposition of thewords on thedocument.(Left, Right,Center, etc.)The gray spacesignifying theend of the textbut not thepage.Home ribbonparagraphcategory and clickon the groups oflines on thebottom left of thecategory.Creates anindented listusing varioussymbols.Alters thevisual featuresof the words inthe document.Insert RibbonIllustrations categoryand then click on onlinepictures button. Type inthe desired picture,click on the results, andpress insert.Picture ToolsFormat RibbonAdjust Categoryand then clickcolor or imagesharpeningA graphicorganizer for textand pictures, splitinto rows andcolumns to findinformation moreeasily.Home RibbonParagraph Categoryand click on whereyou edit tabs. Thenwrite in the box andpress set or okay.Home RibbonParagraph categoryand then click on thegroups of lines withthe arrows pointingto the top andbottom.Lets you add apicture fromonline sources,posted on theinternet.Insert a picture, thengo to format ribbonunder picture toolsand go to arrangecategory. Then clickthe button that sayswrap text.Determineswhere the textcursor stopsafter you pressthe tab button.Layout Ribbon PageSetup category, clickon the drop-downcalled 'margins' andput the desired sidelength.Home RibbonParagraph categoryand then click thebox with the arrowinside it. Go to"Tabs" and then goto the alignmentsection.File --> Save As ->Browse ->teachershare ->MMori -> Period 5-> Your Folder ->SaveHome RibbonFont Categoryand choose anyof the symbolsor drop downmenus.What comesbefore the tabstops, suchas dots ordashes.Lets youcustomize howthe picturesaffect the textsurroundingthem.Home RibbonParagraphCategory, click onthe box with thearrow, then click"tabs" to editthem.Home RibbonParagraphCategory, click onthenumbers/pointswith the lines nextto themCreatesmultiple verticalsections in thedocument toorganize ideas.Determines whatalignment the textwill have after youpress tab to reachyour tab stop.What happens whenyou press the "tab"button on yourkeyboard.Determines wherethe tab stops, leader,an text align at thetab.Changes how thepicture appears onthe page.Changes the colorand brightness ofthe image.Lets youcustomize papersby adding thepossibility tochange the textstyles.Insert RibbonTables Category,and then thedesign and layoutribbons undertable tools.Layout RibbonPage SetupCategory click onthe drop-downmenu labeled'columns'.Insert RibbonTextCategoryand clickWordArt.Changes thedistancebetween thelines ofwords.Home RibbonParagraph Category,and then click on thebox with the arrow inthe bottom right corner.Go to the "Tabs" sectionand select your desiredleader.Changes theposition of thewords on thedocument.(Left, Right,Center, etc.)The gray spacesignifying theend of the textbut not thepage.Home ribbonparagraphcategory and clickon the groups oflines on thebottom left of thecategory.Creates anindented listusing varioussymbols.

Word Review - Christian K - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Alters the visual features of the words in the document.
  2. Insert Ribbon Illustrations category and then click on online pictures button. Type in the desired picture, click on the results, and press insert.
  3. Picture Tools Format Ribbon Adjust Category and then click color or image sharpening
  4. A graphic organizer for text and pictures, split into rows and columns to find information more easily.
  5. Home Ribbon Paragraph Category and click on where you edit tabs. Then write in the box and press set or okay.
  6. Home Ribbon Paragraph category and then click on the groups of lines with the arrows pointing to the top and bottom.
  7. Lets you add a picture from online sources, posted on the internet.
  8. Insert a picture, then go to format ribbon under picture tools and go to arrange category. Then click the button that says wrap text.
  9. Determines where the text cursor stops after you press the tab button.
  10. Layout Ribbon Page Setup category, click on the drop-down called 'margins' and put the desired side length.
  11. Home Ribbon Paragraph category and then click the box with the arrow inside it. Go to "Tabs" and then go to the alignment section.
  12. File --> Save As -> Browse -> teachershare -> MMori -> Period 5 -> Your Folder -> Save
  13. Home Ribbon Font Category and choose any of the symbols or drop down menus.
  14. What comes before the tab stops, such as dots or dashes.
  15. Lets you customize how the pictures affect the text surrounding them.
  16. Home Ribbon Paragraph Category, click on the box with the arrow, then click "tabs" to edit them.
  17. Home Ribbon Paragraph Category, click on the numbers/points with the lines next to them
  18. Creates multiple vertical sections in the document to organize ideas.
  19. Determines what alignment the text will have after you press tab to reach your tab stop.
  20. What happens when you press the "tab" button on your keyboard. Determines where the tab stops, leader, an text align at the tab.
  21. Changes how the picture appears on the page. Changes the color and brightness of the image.
  22. Lets you customize papers by adding the possibility to change the text styles.
  23. Insert Ribbon Tables Category, and then the design and layout ribbons under table tools.
  24. Layout Ribbon Page Setup Category click on the drop-down menu labeled 'columns'.
  25. Insert Ribbon Text Category and click WordArt.
  26. Changes the distance between the lines of words.
  27. Home Ribbon Paragraph Category, and then click on the box with the arrow in the bottom right corner. Go to the "Tabs" section and select your desired leader.
  28. Changes the position of the words on the document. (Left, Right, Center, etc.)
  29. The gray space signifying the end of the text but not the page.
  30. Home ribbon paragraph category and click on the groups of lines on the bottom left of the category.
  31. Creates an indented list using various symbols.