Can Namethe FourDomainsof NMTCan rememberwhich section ofthe IPP wefocussed on forthe first month ofschool last yearHas sworn outloud whenthey got anIPP back withfeedback on itHas thankedthe persondoing IPPreviewsprofusely fortheir feedbackloveswritingIPP'sCan name thearea in IRISthat studentshave accesstocan think of auniversalCondition forSuccess forALL students atHULLHas createdIPP's in bothSPEDS andIRISWishes wecould figureout a way toget Counselorsonto IRISHas wonderedhow to reporton studentsuccess inSubject AreasHas had towrite both IPP'sand reportcards in aregular schoolHas usedstudent inputandlanguage inthe IPPCan tell youone of the key'buzz words'for this schoolyearhad studentsworking intheir LearnerPlans lastyearHas waiteduntil the lastminute towork onIPP'sThinks IRISis a flower -neverheard of it!Has writtenover 50 IPP'sin onereportingperiodIs interested inhelping moveIRIS/IPP intothe next phasethis school yearWonders howto integrate allof our differentinitiatives intoIPP'sIs beginningtheir thirdyear ofworking inIRISCan explain thedifference btwnworking in theLearner Profileand working inthe IPPCan tell you 3Headings theyused underPriorityLearning Area'slast yearwould loveto lovewritingIPP'sKnows whetherIRIS is meant forall learners in theCBE or only oneswith exceptionalneedsCan Namethe FourDomainsof NMTCan rememberwhich section ofthe IPP wefocussed on forthe first month ofschool last yearHas sworn outloud whenthey got anIPP back withfeedback on itHas thankedthe persondoing IPPreviewsprofusely fortheir feedbackloveswritingIPP'sCan name thearea in IRISthat studentshave accesstocan think of auniversalCondition forSuccess forALL students atHULLHas createdIPP's in bothSPEDS andIRISWishes wecould figureout a way toget Counselorsonto IRISHas wonderedhow to reporton studentsuccess inSubject AreasHas had towrite both IPP'sand reportcards in aregular schoolHas usedstudent inputandlanguage inthe IPPCan tell youone of the key'buzz words'for this schoolyearhad studentsworking intheir LearnerPlans lastyearHas waiteduntil the lastminute towork onIPP'sThinks IRISis a flower -neverheard of it!Has writtenover 50 IPP'sin onereportingperiodIs interested inhelping moveIRIS/IPP intothe next phasethis school yearWonders howto integrate allof our differentinitiatives intoIPP'sIs beginningtheir thirdyear ofworking inIRISCan explain thedifference btwnworking in theLearner Profileand working inthe IPPCan tell you 3Headings theyused underPriorityLearning Area'slast yearwould loveto lovewritingIPP'sKnows whetherIRIS is meant forall learners in theCBE or only oneswith exceptionalneeds

IRIS and IPP's - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Can Name the Four Domains of NMT
  2. Can remember which section of the IPP we focussed on for the first month of school last year
  3. Has sworn out loud when they got an IPP back with feedback on it
  4. Has thanked the person doing IPP reviews profusely for their feedback
  5. loves writing IPP's
  6. Can name the area in IRIS that students have access to
  7. can think of a universal Condition for Success for ALL students at HULL
  8. Has created IPP's in both SPEDS and IRIS
  9. Wishes we could figure out a way to get Counselors onto IRIS
  10. Has wondered how to report on student success in Subject Areas
  11. Has had to write both IPP's and report cards in a regular school
  12. Has used student input and language in the IPP
  13. Can tell you one of the key 'buzz words' for this school year
  14. had students working in their Learner Plans last year
  15. Has waited until the last minute to work on IPP's
  16. Thinks IRIS is a flower - never heard of it!
  17. Has written over 50 IPP's in one reporting period
  18. Is interested in helping move IRIS/IPP into the next phase this school year
  19. Wonders how to integrate all of our different initiatives into IPP's
  20. Is beginning their third year of working in IRIS
  21. Can explain the difference btwn working in the Learner Profile and working in the IPP
  22. Can tell you 3 Headings they used under Priority Learning Area's last year
  23. would love to love writing IPP's
  24. Knows whether IRIS is meant for all learners in the CBE or only ones with exceptional needs