Admonishes orgives the side-eyeto someone whentheir kidphotobombs avideo callReassigns staff,esp. lowest paid,to work theyhaven’t beentrained for tojustify keepingthem paidTalks about the joysand “freedoms” of“working from home”instead ofacknowledging thestress for others tryingto “survive apandemic”Assumes everyone hasa dedicated homeworkspace or office.Also assumes peoplehave constant accessto computers (vssharing in a house)Cancels officecleaning withoutinquiring abouthow to supportdisplaced workersDoes notcaption videosor provide anASLinterpreterMakes busywork for staffbecause theyare afraid theirpaid staff needsto be directedTalks on and ona conferencecall becausethey can’t readsocial cues tostop talkingUses the word“equity” to justifydecision makinghappening to peopleof color withoutincludingcommunities indecision makingInsists that everyonebe available by videoall of the time now(Big Brother),especially lowestpaid staffBoasts about howtheir staff canwork remotelynow, but didn’toffer theseaccommodationsbefore COVID19ShowsPowerPointsslides during videocalls but doesn’tnarrate or use thescreen sharingfunctionParentalshaming fornot workingenoughDoesn’t check inabout the feasibilityor relevance ofmeetings set beforethe crisis —Business as UsualIgnores equity andrace relatedquestions duringtown halls,Facebook Liveevents, etc.Wants to seeif you arewearing realpants duringvideo callsWork warrior bragsabout getting boredat home and goingto the office eventhough they wereasked totelecommuteAssumeseveryone hashigh-speedinternet accessand computerat homeGathers staff forin-personmeetings whenwork could behandled throughemail orconference callInsists that apandemic is a greattime to lose weight,take on a newhobby, exercise, orbecome a “betterperson”Asks:“Why areyou sotired?”Suggests to anxiouspeople that all theyneed is some “selfcare” with a $40candle and someGwyneth Paltrowface exfoliationPublishesresourcesand alertsonly inEnglishBegins the meetingswith the usual, “Howare you?” withoutanyacknowledgmentabout what’shappening in theworldAdmonishes orgives the side-eyeto someone whentheir kidphotobombs avideo callReassigns staff,esp. lowest paid,to work theyhaven’t beentrained for tojustify keepingthem paidTalks about the joysand “freedoms” of“working from home”instead ofacknowledging thestress for others tryingto “survive apandemic”Assumes everyone hasa dedicated homeworkspace or office.Also assumes peoplehave constant accessto computers (vssharing in a house)Cancels officecleaning withoutinquiring abouthow to supportdisplaced workersDoes notcaption videosor provide anASLinterpreterMakes busywork for staffbecause theyare afraid theirpaid staff needsto be directedTalks on and ona conferencecall becausethey can’t readsocial cues tostop talkingUses the word“equity” to justifydecision makinghappening to peopleof color withoutincludingcommunities indecision makingInsists that everyonebe available by videoall of the time now(Big Brother),especially lowestpaid staffBoasts about howtheir staff canwork remotelynow, but didn’toffer theseaccommodationsbefore COVID19ShowsPowerPointsslides during videocalls but doesn’tnarrate or use thescreen sharingfunctionParentalshaming fornot workingenoughDoesn’t check inabout the feasibilityor relevance ofmeetings set beforethe crisis —Business as UsualIgnores equity andrace relatedquestions duringtown halls,Facebook Liveevents, etc.Wants to seeif you arewearing realpants duringvideo callsWork warrior bragsabout getting boredat home and goingto the office eventhough they wereasked totelecommuteAssumeseveryone hashigh-speedinternet accessand computerat homeGathers staff forin-personmeetings whenwork could behandled throughemail orconference callInsists that apandemic is a greattime to lose weight,take on a newhobby, exercise, orbecome a “betterperson”Asks:“Why areyou sotired?”Suggests to anxiouspeople that all theyneed is some “selfcare” with a $40candle and someGwyneth Paltrowface exfoliationPublishesresourcesand alertsonly inEnglishBegins the meetingswith the usual, “Howare you?” withoutanyacknowledgmentabout what’shappening in theworld

Fakequity - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Admonishes or gives the side-eye to someone when their kid photobombs a video call
  2. Reassigns staff, esp. lowest paid, to work they haven’t been trained for to justify keeping them paid
  3. Talks about the joys and “freedoms” of “working from home” instead of acknowledging the stress for others trying to “survive a pandemic”
  4. Assumes everyone has a dedicated home workspace or office. Also assumes people have constant access to computers (vs sharing in a house)
  5. Cancels office cleaning without inquiring about how to support displaced workers
  6. Does not caption videos or provide an ASL interpreter
  7. Makes busy work for staff because they are afraid their paid staff needs to be directed
  8. Talks on and on a conference call because they can’t read social cues to stop talking
  9. Uses the word “equity” to justify decision making happening to people of color without including communities in decision making
  10. Insists that everyone be available by video all of the time now (Big Brother), especially lowest paid staff
  11. Boasts about how their staff can work remotely now, but didn’t offer these accommodations before COVID19
  12. Shows PowerPoints slides during video calls but doesn’t narrate or use the screen sharing function
  13. Parental shaming for not working enough
  14. Doesn’t check in about the feasibility or relevance of meetings set before the crisis — Business as Usual
  15. Ignores equity and race related questions during town halls, Facebook Live events, etc.
  16. Wants to see if you are wearing real pants during video calls
  17. Work warrior brags about getting bored at home and going to the office even though they were asked to telecommute
  18. Assumes everyone has high-speed internet access and computer at home
  19. Gathers staff for in-person meetings when work could be handled through email or conference call
  20. Insists that a pandemic is a great time to lose weight, take on a new hobby, exercise, or become a “better person”
  21. Asks: “Why are you so tired?”
  22. Suggests to anxious people that all they need is some “self care” with a $40 candle and some Gwyneth Paltrow face exfoliation
  23. Publishes resources and alerts only in English
  24. Begins the meetings with the usual, “How are you?” without any acknowledgment about what’s happening in the world