Compose an 8measure piecein andshare yourcomposition withMrs. S.Learn a songby ear and thenmake a video ofyourselfperforming it!Complete & Turn Inthis week's PianoQuiz. Instructionson GoogleClassroomClasswork page.Complete andturn in Flat.ioExperimentalAssignment#1Find a new smartmusic solo piece towork on, share alink or a picture ofthe piece for yourevidence please!Learn OdeTo Joy byear in 3rdPositionPlay two 2-octavescales foryour familyLearn To Playone of yourorchestrasongs on thePianoCompose an 8measure piecein andshare yourcomposition withMrs. S.Play yourinstrumentoutside on asunny dayCompose a shortpiece of musicwith afriend/friends and sharewith Mrs. S.Record avideo of youplaying 4lines ofMinuet No. 2Find a new smartmusic solo piece towork on, share alink or a picture ofthe piece for yourevidence please!Learn & PlayTwinkle TwinkleLittle Star usingOnly OneString!Memorize2 lines ofMinuetNo. 2Attend a livesessionlesson withMrs.SosnoskiRecord avideo of youplaying 2lines ofMinuet No. 2Spend 20minutesworking onMinuet No. 2Play Along to aprofessionalrecording ofBeyond TheThunder foryour family.Violinists & Violists:Practice Low 2 & High 2Trills for 20 minutes.Cellists: Practice 2-1 & 3-1Trills.Bassists: Practice 2-1 & 4-1 Trills.Everyone: Try all 4 stringsand even differentpositions!Attend a livesessionlesson withMrs.SosnoskiSpend 30minuteslearning newpieces in yourmethod bookMake a shortvideo and tellwhy you choseyour specificinstrument tolearn to play!PracticeMinuet No.2 Solo for20 minutesPractice yourVibrato for 20minutes on allfour fingers onall 4 strings in3rd Position!Compose an 8measure piecein andshare yourcomposition withMrs. S.Learn a songby ear and thenmake a video ofyourselfperforming it!Complete & Turn Inthis week's PianoQuiz. Instructionson GoogleClassroomClasswork page.Complete andturn in Flat.ioExperimentalAssignment#1Find a new smartmusic solo piece towork on, share alink or a picture ofthe piece for yourevidence please!Learn OdeTo Joy byear in 3rdPositionPlay two 2-octavescales foryour familyLearn To Playone of yourorchestrasongs on thePianoCompose an 8measure piecein andshare yourcomposition withMrs. S.Play yourinstrumentoutside on asunny dayCompose a shortpiece of musicwith afriend/friends and sharewith Mrs. S.Record avideo of youplaying 4lines ofMinuet No. 2Find a new smartmusic solo piece towork on, share alink or a picture ofthe piece for yourevidence please!Learn & PlayTwinkle TwinkleLittle Star usingOnly OneString!Memorize2 lines ofMinuetNo. 2Attend a livesessionlesson withMrs.SosnoskiRecord avideo of youplaying 2lines ofMinuet No. 2Spend 20minutesworking onMinuet No. 2Play Along to aprofessionalrecording ofBeyond TheThunder foryour family.Violinists & Violists:Practice Low 2 & High 2Trills for 20 minutes.Cellists: Practice 2-1 & 3-1Trills.Bassists: Practice 2-1 & 4-1 Trills.Everyone: Try all 4 stringsand even differentpositions!Attend a livesessionlesson withMrs.SosnoskiSpend 30minuteslearning newpieces in yourmethod bookMake a shortvideo and tellwhy you choseyour specificinstrument tolearn to play!PracticeMinuet No.2 Solo for20 minutesPractice yourVibrato for 20minutes on allfour fingers onall 4 strings in3rd Position!

6th Grade STRINGO May 11-15 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Compose an 8 measure piece in and share your composition with Mrs. S.
  2. Learn a song by ear and then make a video of yourself performing it!
  3. Complete & Turn In this week's Piano Quiz. Instructions on Google Classroom Classwork page.
  4. Complete and turn in Experimental Assignment #1
  5. Find a new smart music solo piece to work on, share a link or a picture of the piece for your evidence please!
  6. Learn Ode To Joy by ear in 3rd Position
  7. Play two 2-octave scales for your family
  8. Learn To Play one of your orchestra songs on the Piano
  9. Compose an 8 measure piece in and share your composition with Mrs. S.
  10. Play your instrument outside on a sunny day
  11. Compose a short piece of music with a friend/friends on and share with Mrs. S.
  12. Record a video of you playing 4 lines of Minuet No. 2
  13. Find a new smart music solo piece to work on, share a link or a picture of the piece for your evidence please!
  14. Learn & Play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star using Only One String!
  15. Memorize 2 lines of Minuet No. 2
  16. Attend a live session lesson with Mrs.Sosnoski
  17. Record a video of you playing 2 lines of Minuet No. 2
  18. Spend 20 minutes working on Minuet No. 2
  19. Play Along to a professional recording of Beyond The Thunder for your family.
  20. Violinists & Violists: Practice Low 2 & High 2 Trills for 20 minutes. Cellists: Practice 2-1 & 3-1 Trills. Bassists: Practice 2-1 & 4-1 Trills. Everyone: Try all 4 strings and even different positions!
  21. Attend a live session lesson with Mrs.Sosnoski
  22. Spend 30 minutes learning new pieces in your method book
  23. Make a short video and tell why you chose your specific instrument to learn to play!
  24. Practice Minuet No. 2 Solo for 20 minutes
  25. Practice your Vibrato for 20 minutes on all four fingers on all 4 strings in 3rd Position!