Make a listof 10 thingsthat bringyou joy Pick up thephone and calla friend youhaven’tchecked on in awhile.Do an onlineyoga orrelaxationvideo.Unplug fromtechnologyfor 30minutes threedays in a row.Collect somefunny jokesfrom yourstudents. Eatbreakfastevery day fora week. Recordeverythingyou eat for anentire day. Make threepositivephone callsto parents.Make a donationto your favoritecharity, maybe onNorth Texas GivingDay, September17.Eat a healthysnack atmidmorningandmidafternoon.Go for adrive andsing at thetop of yourlungs!Have ascreen-freeevening. Laughwith acoworker. Spend twohoursunapologeticallydoing somethingyou love doing.Buy yourselfa new waterbottle thatmakes youfeel good! Drink eight 8-oz. glasses ofwater in aday.  Go for awalkoutside.Keep a runningrecord of howmany times youpick up yourphone in a dayRewatch afavorite TVshow or moviethat makes youlaugh.Spend time withan animal (orwatching ananimal in a video ifone is not readilyavailable).Have awork-freeevening. Try a daywith nocaffeine after10 AM. Perform arandom actof kindnessfor someoneelse.Create agood-moodplaylist andcrank it up! Make a listof 10 thingsthat bringyou joy Pick up thephone and calla friend youhaven’tchecked on in awhile.Do an onlineyoga orrelaxationvideo.Unplug fromtechnologyfor 30minutes threedays in a row.Collect somefunny jokesfrom yourstudents. Eatbreakfastevery day fora week. Recordeverythingyou eat for anentire day. Make threepositivephone callsto parents.Make a donationto your favoritecharity, maybe onNorth Texas GivingDay, September17.Eat a healthysnack atmidmorningandmidafternoon.Go for adrive andsing at thetop of yourlungs!Have ascreen-freeevening. Laughwith acoworker. Spend twohoursunapologeticallydoing somethingyou love doing.Buy yourselfa new waterbottle thatmakes youfeel good! Drink eight 8-oz. glasses ofwater in aday.  Go for awalkoutside.Keep a runningrecord of howmany times youpick up yourphone in a dayRewatch afavorite TVshow or moviethat makes youlaugh.Spend time withan animal (orwatching ananimal in a video ifone is not readilyavailable).Have awork-freeevening. Try a daywith nocaffeine after10 AM. Perform arandom actof kindnessfor someoneelse.Create agood-moodplaylist andcrank it up!

Self-Care Bingo Fall Semester Edition - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Make a list of 10 things that bring you joy
  2. Pick up the phone and call a friend you haven’t checked on in a while.
  3. Do an online yoga or relaxation video.
  4. Unplug from technology for 30 minutes three days in a row.
  5. Collect some funny jokes from your students.
  6. Eat breakfast every day for a week.
  7. Record everything you eat for an entire day.
  8. Make three positive phone calls to parents.
  9. Make a donation to your favorite charity, maybe on North Texas Giving Day, September 17.
  10. Eat a healthy snack at midmorning and midafternoon.
  11. Go for a drive and sing at the top of your lungs!
  12. Have a screen-free evening.
  13. Laugh with a coworker.
  14. Spend two hours unapologetically doing something you love doing.
  15. Buy yourself a new water bottle that makes you feel good!
  16. Drink eight 8-oz. glasses of water in a day.
  17. Go for a walk outside.
  18. Keep a running record of how many times you pick up your phone in a day
  19. Rewatch a favorite TV show or movie that makes you laugh.
  20. Spend time with an animal (or watching an animal in a video if one is not readily available).
  21. Have a work-free evening.
  22. Try a day with no caffeine after 10 AM.
  23. Perform a random act of kindness for someone else.
  24. Create a good-mood playlist and crank it up!