• Creates an environmentof collaboration andtransparency; insuring theright stakeholders areinvolved to make informeddecisions and set direction   • Models andcoaches behaviorsthat support a“culture of recruiting”with hiring managers,generalist and peers • Initiates,participates, and/orleads GTA initiativesto shareperspective andinfluence endproduct • Utilizes storytellingand the appropriateform ofcommunication todrive alignment, build& grow relationships,and demonstrateexpertise • Leads talentacquisitionconversations,drives prioritization,and providesstrategic direction • Leadstemporaryresources asappropriate • Coachespeers andprovidesfeedback topartners acrossGTA • Influences thebusiness to createbrand worthyexperiences forcandidates througheach step of theprocess includinginterview loops, finaldecisions, etc. • Sets goals, holds self& hiring managersaccountable, improveseffectiveness, anddrives strategic planthrough leveragingGTA performancemetrics • Coaches and leadshiring managers toown their recruitmentprocess (informationalinterviews, pipelining,LinkedIn, panel prepetc.)  • Leads talentacquisitionconversations,• Leadstalent acquisitionconversations, drivesprioritization, andprovides strategicdirection• Approacheschallenging situationsand drives toresolution whilemaintaining andenhancingrelationships • Collaborates withbusiness andgeneralist tocreate strategiesto attract &pipeline diversetalent • Leads strategicposition prioritizationand/or forecastingconversations inpartnership withgeneralist • Consults thebusiness to levelset on desiredprofile and skills,and advises ontalent availability inmarket • CompleteMyLearningsessions andtrainings forleading others • Leads theonboarding of newrecruiters andcontributes to thedevelopment ofpartners • Identifies areas ofimprovement andrecommendssolutions, training, oractivities that drivecalibration for hiringteams • Coaches and leadshiring managers toown their recruitmentprocess(informationalinterviews, pipelining,LinkedIn, panel prepetc.) • Successfullysolves problemsand improvesresults withlimited direction • Leverages andanalyzes GTA dataand externalmarketplace data tobuild proactivehiring strategies • Coaches hiringmanagers on howto identify keycompetencies andassess the righttalent • Advocates for theright talent with thebusiness, generalistand compensationto ensure we hirethe best talent • Coach or train ona recruitingcompetency orprogram acrossGTA, for businessand generalist • Creates an environmentof collaboration andtransparency; insuring theright stakeholders areinvolved to make informeddecisions and set direction   • Models andcoaches behaviorsthat support a“culture of recruiting”with hiring managers,generalist and peers • Initiates,participates, and/orleads GTA initiativesto shareperspective andinfluence endproduct • Utilizes storytellingand the appropriateform ofcommunication todrive alignment, build& grow relationships,and demonstrateexpertise • Leads talentacquisitionconversations,drives prioritization,and providesstrategic direction • Leadstemporaryresources asappropriate • Coachespeers andprovidesfeedback topartners acrossGTA • Influences thebusiness to createbrand worthyexperiences forcandidates througheach step of theprocess includinginterview loops, finaldecisions, etc. • Sets goals, holds self& hiring managersaccountable, improveseffectiveness, anddrives strategic planthrough leveragingGTA performancemetrics • Coaches and leadshiring managers toown their recruitmentprocess (informationalinterviews, pipelining,LinkedIn, panel prepetc.)  • Leads talentacquisitionconversations,• Leadstalent acquisitionconversations, drivesprioritization, andprovides strategicdirection• Approacheschallenging situationsand drives toresolution whilemaintaining andenhancingrelationships • Collaborates withbusiness andgeneralist tocreate strategiesto attract &pipeline diversetalent • Leads strategicposition prioritizationand/or forecastingconversations inpartnership withgeneralist • Consults thebusiness to levelset on desiredprofile and skills,and advises ontalent availability inmarket • CompleteMyLearningsessions andtrainings forleading others • Leads theonboarding of newrecruiters andcontributes to thedevelopment ofpartners • Identifies areas ofimprovement andrecommendssolutions, training, oractivities that drivecalibration for hiringteams • Coaches and leadshiring managers toown their recruitmentprocess(informationalinterviews, pipelining,LinkedIn, panel prepetc.) • Successfullysolves problemsand improvesresults withlimited direction • Leverages andanalyzes GTA dataand externalmarketplace data tobuild proactivehiring strategies • Coaches hiringmanagers on howto identify keycompetencies andassess the righttalent • Advocates for theright talent with thebusiness, generalistand compensationto ensure we hirethe best talent • Coach or train ona recruitingcompetency orprogram acrossGTA, for businessand generalist 

TALENT ADVISOR Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. • Creates an environment of collaboration and transparency; insuring the right stakeholders are involved to make informed decisions and set direction
  2. • Models and coaches behaviors that support a “culture of recruiting” with hiring managers, generalist and peers
  3. • Initiates, participates, and/or leads GTA initiatives to share perspective and influence end product
  4. • Utilizes storytelling and the appropriate form of communication to drive alignment, build & grow relationships, and demonstrate expertise
  5. • Leads talent acquisition conversations, drives prioritization, and provides strategic direction
  6. • Leads temporary resources as appropriate
  7. • Coaches peers and provides feedback to partners across GTA
  8. • Influences the business to create brand worthy experiences for candidates through each step of the process including interview loops, final decisions, etc.
  9. • Sets goals, holds self & hiring managers accountable, improves effectiveness, and drives strategic plan through leveraging GTA performance metrics
  10. • Coaches and leads hiring managers to own their recruitment process (informational interviews, pipelining, LinkedIn, panel prep etc.)
  11. • Leads talent acquisition conversations,• Leads talent acquisition conversations, drives prioritization, and provides strategic direction
  12. • Approaches challenging situations and drives to resolution while maintaining and enhancing relationships
  13. • Collaborates with business and generalist to create strategies to attract & pipeline diverse talent
  14. • Leads strategic position prioritization and/or forecasting conversations in partnership with generalist
  15. • Consults the business to level set on desired profile and skills, and advises on talent availability in market
  16. • Complete MyLearning sessions and trainings for leading others
  17. • Leads the onboarding of new recruiters and contributes to the development of partners
  18. • Identifies areas of improvement and recommends solutions, training, or activities that drive calibration for hiring teams
  19. • Coaches and leads hiring managers to own their recruitment process (informational interviews, pipelining, LinkedIn, panel prep etc.)
  20. • Successfully solves problems and improves results with limited direction
  21. • Leverages and analyzes GTA data and external marketplace data to build proactive hiring strategies
  22. • Coaches hiring managers on how to identify key competencies and assess the right talent
  23. • Advocates for the right talent with the business, generalist and compensation to ensure we hire the best talent
  24. • Coach or train on a recruiting competency or program across GTA, for business and generalist